
#What is a word to comfort yourself at the lowest point in your life#[Hereby note] At the invitation of today's headlines, participate in this discussion. [I solve the problem] 1. The question is "low". 2. Question

author:Xu Minhao, a great poet

#What is a word to comfort yourself at the lowest point in your life# [It is hereby explained] At the invitation of today's headlines, participate in this discussion.

[I solve the problem] 1. The question is "low". 2. The stem is "E". 3. The title is "encouragement". 4. The inscription is "line". 5. The result of the inscription is "Tao".

【I am on the link】Turning the tide and saving the life of the people,

【I am in the next link】Resurrection from the dead, revival and revival can be sustained.

[I criticize] Today's global human society confesses its fate.

【My note】

1. The "life" here is not the self, the individual and the individual, but the system, whole and holography of today's global human society.

2. Today's global human society is repeating the mistakes of lemmings and dinosaurs, and is on the verge of the glacial age, and the historical facts are indisputable.

3. As Mr. Mao Runzhi, the mentor of the great China and the global communist movement, said: The big family of all nationalities of the Chinese nation can only be revived and rejuvenated once again if it effectively turns the tide and saves the survival and survives. The same is true of the global human society. Warming the past and learning the new, hearing the foot, following the heavens and responding to the people, the alarm bell has been ringing for a long time, and there is still a long way to go.

4. Only "comfort" is not enough. "Comfort" itself will not change in the slightest way from the harsh reality.

5. Only by fighting hard and combining the five elements and six elements can we be sustainable.

6. Please refer to my headline research and creation space.

#What is a word to comfort yourself at the lowest point in your life#[Hereby note] At the invitation of today's headlines, participate in this discussion. [I solve the problem] 1. The question is "low". 2. Question
#What is a word to comfort yourself at the lowest point in your life#[Hereby note] At the invitation of today's headlines, participate in this discussion. [I solve the problem] 1. The question is "low". 2. Question
#What is a word to comfort yourself at the lowest point in your life#[Hereby note] At the invitation of today's headlines, participate in this discussion. [I solve the problem] 1. The question is "low". 2. Question
#What is a word to comfort yourself at the lowest point in your life#[Hereby note] At the invitation of today's headlines, participate in this discussion. [I solve the problem] 1. The question is "low". 2. Question
#What is a word to comfort yourself at the lowest point in your life#[Hereby note] At the invitation of today's headlines, participate in this discussion. [I solve the problem] 1. The question is "low". 2. Question
#What is a word to comfort yourself at the lowest point in your life#[Hereby note] At the invitation of today's headlines, participate in this discussion. [I solve the problem] 1. The question is "low". 2. Question

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