
Li Shuangjiang: Moutai fine wine luminous cup, son released from prison orchestra blowing

author:Recreational fish water

Li Tianyi, a former gang rapist, was released from prison.

Li Shuangjiang and his wife celebrated in advance:

Moutai wine glass after glass

The saxophone played by the master blew and blew

The spring breeze is proudly beautiful

Seeing the joyful and happy appearance of these celebrities, I suddenly understood a question that had plagued me for many years:

Why is Li Tianyi, who grew up in song, so violent?

Li Shuangjiang: Moutai fine wine luminous cup, son released from prison orchestra blowing

This question has been bothering me for years.

In 2011, 15-year-old Li Tianyi was hospitalized for injuries to a middle-aged man who drove a luxury car without a license because of a small trip on the road, chasing and beating a middle-aged couple.

Young and angry!

In 2013, 17-year-old Li Tianyi gang-raped a bar girl with four accomplices.

Brocade clothes and jade food, clothed beasts!

"Li Shuangjiang is elegant and elegant, dream pigeons are sweet as dreams, they are all music everyone, Li Tianyi grew up under their care in every way, it can be said that Li Tianyi grew up in song, how can he have a beast-like anger?"

Li Shuangjiang: Moutai fine wine luminous cup, son released from prison orchestra blowing

This is a question I couldn't figure out back then.

Because, many children raised by ordinary people do not have the same growth environment as Li Tianyi, such as Li Meng and his wife, who are celebrities with elegant manners and a halo.

For example, listen to songs, if we want to listen to Li Shuangjiang's songs, we can only listen to them on TV.

When I was a child, I occasionally listened to "Shining Red Star", and I would be moved by Li Shuangjiang's high-pitched and bright voice and the momentum of the rushing river, and I would develop a mood of swinging and sunshine.

Li Shuangjiang: Moutai fine wine luminous cup, son released from prison orchestra blowing

And those of us who are far away in the end of the world can feel the power of sunlight from Li Shuangjiang's singing, so why is Li Tianyi's psychology so gloomy?

The answer lies in the glass of this Moutai wine in front of you:

Li Meng and his wife are very popular and purple people, and the Li family is a family of great wealth and nobility.


When the children of ordinary people were taught from an early age that the sea has no end and there is a road in the mountain of books, Li Meng and his wife have made a bonsai on the road of life and put it in front of Li Tianyi.

Li Shuangjiang: Moutai fine wine luminous cup, son released from prison orchestra blowing

How does this call him unconsciously superior?

And when the children of ordinary people have to consider buying a bicycle, he can drive luxury cars without a license.

So, in the face of the "awkwardness" of an ordinary man who drives an ordinary car, how can he not fight with arrogance?

And after he beat someone, Li Meng and his wife used their magical aura to quickly help him smooth out the bumps in his life.

Then, how can Li Tianyi, who is bloody and square, not become more and more arrogant? What if they gang rape a lowly barmaid?

Li Shuangjiang: Moutai fine wine luminous cup, son released from prison orchestra blowing

In the end, he and his parents understood that this world has always been outside the heavens:

Even if Li Meng and his wife are red through half the sky, they will never be higher than this day——

The law of the republic!

The laws of the republic established by more than 20 million people who shed their blood and sacrificed!

Lao Li and Xiao Li used 10 years in prison to understand the truth that there is a sky outside the sky.

At last:

I sincerely wish Teacher Li Shuangjiang good health, because I was really touched by his singing.

Li Shuangjiang: Moutai fine wine luminous cup, son released from prison orchestra blowing

As for Li Tianyi, although he has been punished by the law and he can be a person again, I don't want to say a word of blessing to him.

Because, 10 years ago, the desperate cry of that bar girl was an eternal pain in people's hearts.

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