
What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

author:Dr. Feng's popular science

Introduction: I believe everyone has heard of "an apple a day, the doctor stays away from me", as a common fruit, the market price is deeply concerned, from the perspective of food nutrition, vitamin substances, flavonoids and pectin substances in apples are considered to promote human immunity of the active ingredients.

Apples, men, women and children love it, some people with bad teeth usually choose the cooking method to ripen apples to meet their needs, compared to ordinary apples, what are the benefits of cooked apples for the human body? Let's find out through this article.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

1. Stabilize blood sugar

The special ingredients contained in apples can promote the basic metabolic cycle after passing through the human body, thereby stabilizing the glycemic index, many people think that apples contain polysaccharides, which is not conducive to the consumption of hyperglycemic patients, this statement is unscientific, because it contains vitamins, dietary fiber and sugar, more easily metabolized and absorbed by the human body, due to the absorption of digestion and peristalsis ability, sugar content is low, after ingestion, will not affect the glycemic index, but also supplement nutrition.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

2. Regulate the stomach and intestines and promote absorption

It has a certain regulatory effect on the stomach, apples contain a lot of dietary fiber, eating apples can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, play a laxative role, you can eat a cooked apple every day to promote the absorption of food by the stomach, and cooked apples will not stimulate the stomach, even if they are very sensitive, which is more beneficial to people with a bad stomach.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

3. Improve immunity

We often talk about the strength of immunity, if there is a disease or virus, people with strong immunity may not be infected, but people with weak immunity will be infected every time, therefore, the level of immunity has a great impact on our health, apples contain a lot of nutrients that are beneficial to the body, can supplement enough nutrients for the body, activate immune cells, and improve immunity.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

4. Relieves constipation

Apple pulp is rich in dietary fiber, if you eat apples directly, the coolness of apples may stimulate gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms, for patients with constipation, the effect of eating cooked apples is very obvious, because cooked apples can reduce cholesterol, effectively promote intestinal peristalsis, maintain the balance of beneficial bacteria, and maintain gastrointestinal health.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

5. Protect blood vessels

Now that the standard of living has improved, many people will be in a state of overnutrition and obesity, showing a sub-healthy state, causing many chronic diseases to the body, both of which will lead to elevated cholesterol and excessive accumulation of fat, slow and viscous blood flow, so many people pay attention to protecting blood vessels, because vascular problems can lead to many major diseases, therefore, if you want to keep blood vessels, you can eat a cooked apple every day, cooked apples help the body remove toxins from the blood and keep the blood pure and healthy.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

6. Moisturize the lungs and relieve cough

Some people think that apples taste a little sweet, which is not good for throat health, however, medical research data shows that the sugars in cooked apples can be broken down without bringing a sticky taste, and the new elements and iron have a certain lung moisturizing and cough effect.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

Doctor: Two types of people can eat more

1. Children

Apple and vitamin C can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, thereby gradually reducing constipation, especially in children in the growth and development stage, their intestinal peristalsis ability is relatively weak, excessive food intake is easy to cause indigestion, severe food accumulation or bloating diarrhea.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

After the apple is cooked, the water-soluble vitamins dissipate, but other ingredients remain, which will not affect the absorption and transformation of human digestion and other substances, and children are always in the period of changing teeth. Eating some foods that are too hard will affect the growth of teeth, affect digestion, and indirectly damage their health, after boiling apples, on the one hand, you can satisfy the taste, on the other hand, you can also supplement the nutrients needed by the human body.

2. People with low immunity

Some people have low resistance and are often easily invaded by bacteria and viruses, causing colds and diseases, such people will be weaker than ordinary people, if they do not pay attention, they will have physical diseases, gastrointestinal function is relatively low, if they do not pay attention to diet, they will have abdominal pain and diarrhea.

What are the benefits of eating a cooked apple every day?

Many people know that apple is a relatively slow fruit to digest, so people with low immunity dare not eat more, but friends with poor immunity can eat cooled cooked apples, which will not stimulate the stomach and intestines, nor will it transfer nutrients, it can also improve the state of anemia, malnourished people can eat cooked apples appropriately, eating a cooked apple every day can enhance immunity, improve anemia, gradually strengthen the body, effectively improve physical condition.

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