
Keep your mouth shut and watch out for these drinks stealing your hair! It hurts more than wine!


Hair loss is a very annoying thing for men, women and children. But people have not found a good solution, which is mainly caused by too many causes of hair loss.

Keep your mouth shut and watch out for these drinks stealing your hair! It hurts more than wine!

Now a variety of drinks, loved by young people, because the drink is more flavorful than boiled water, more exciting than tea, especially when shopping, traveling, drinking a cup to quench thirst is very enjoyable!

Because of this, many people ignore the unhealthy factors in drinks, but they do not know that these drinks harm our health and may also cause hair loss!

Keep your mouth shut and watch out for these drinks stealing your hair! It hurts more than wine!

/Why do I lose my hair when I drink sugary drinks/

Because milk tea, desserts and other foods contain a lot of sugar, sugar into our body will be converted into fat, especially for people with oily skin, the scalp will secrete more oil, which in turn affects the normal function of hair follicles, serious hair follicle blockage, necrosis, manifested as hair thinning and softening, hair loss. Therefore, consuming too much sugar can indirectly cause hair loss.

Keep your mouth shut and watch out for these drinks stealing your hair! It hurts more than wine!

While you can't change factors like age and genetics, diet is one thing you can control.

/ What else takes away your hair besides the drink /

1. High-sugar diet: A high-sugar diet increases insulin secretion, resulting in elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone and inducing hair loss. At the same time, the acids produced during the catabolism of sugar in the body will disrupt the growth and development of hair, making the hair yellow and dull.

Keep your mouth shut and watch out for these drinks stealing your hair! It hurts more than wine!

2. High-fat diet: Studies have shown that obesity and high-fat diet are predisposing factors for hair loss, and excessive intake of greasy food will accelerate the secretion of sebaceous glands, resulting in excessive proliferation of Malassezia, poor capillary circulation, and nutritional deficiency of hair follicles, resulting in itching, dandruff, hair loss and other problems.

Keep your mouth shut and watch out for these drinks stealing your hair! It hurts more than wine!

3. Spicy food: The scalp, like the face, becomes sensitive due to excessive intake of irritating foods; The capsaicin in chili peppers stimulates oil secretion, and too much oil can cause clogging of hair follicles and cause hair loss.

Keep your mouth shut and watch out for these drinks stealing your hair! It hurts more than wine!

It is not that everyone is not allowed to enjoy the pleasure of enjoying food, and moderate indulgence will not affect the scalp and hair. But friends who already have the above bad habits should pay attention, change habits in a small step, restore hair volume a big step.