
How do foreign rich people save taxes? The first trick, register the company, register the company in what Cayman Islands, the Vier Army Islands these tax havens, do not need to pay taxes every year, just pay one

author:Pulse Island tea

How do foreign rich people save taxes? The first trick, register the company, register the company in what Cayman Islands, the Vil Army Islands these tax havens, do not need to pay taxes every year, just pay a little management fee, such as Apple, Coca-Cola, Facebook in the United States.

The second trick, pay salary, the real big guy pays a very uniform salary of 1 yuan, why not pay taxes? The big guys are not salaried people, that is the people who take stock dividends, because how high the tax is on salaries, and whether stocks can be tax-free in the secondary market, so when you marry the big guy, you have to see how much he pays, his company only pays one dollar, and at that time the divorce can't get a dime.

The third trick is to do public welfare. Many of the world's rich people are super love to do public welfare and charity, Bill Gates donated all his assets, Buffett put 99% of his assets into charity, why? Because the inheritance tax abroad is very high, he donates to charities without paying inheritance tax, and he can open this charity himself. Every year he just put. 5% of which is used for charity can operate normally, which is in line with the rules, and his children, his descendants, can they come to work in this charity he opens, and can also open salaries? That's the truth, got it?

How do foreign rich people save taxes? The first trick, register the company, register the company in what Cayman Islands, the Vier Army Islands these tax havens, do not need to pay taxes every year, just pay one
How do foreign rich people save taxes? The first trick, register the company, register the company in what Cayman Islands, the Vier Army Islands these tax havens, do not need to pay taxes every year, just pay one
How do foreign rich people save taxes? The first trick, register the company, register the company in what Cayman Islands, the Vier Army Islands these tax havens, do not need to pay taxes every year, just pay one
How do foreign rich people save taxes? The first trick, register the company, register the company in what Cayman Islands, the Vier Army Islands these tax havens, do not need to pay taxes every year, just pay one
How do foreign rich people save taxes? The first trick, register the company, register the company in what Cayman Islands, the Vier Army Islands these tax havens, do not need to pay taxes every year, just pay one

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