
Addicted to abuse and having to get from? Stockholm Syndrome: The more he hurt me, the more I loved him

author:More and more psychological study clubs

Today, let's talk about "Stockholm Syndrome".

Many people have heard of it, but they don't quite understand, what kind of psychological phenomenon is it?

Stockholm Syndrome (effect), also known as Stockholm syndrome or hostage complex or hostage syndrome.

It refers to a complex in which the victim has feelings for the perpetrator and even helps the offender in turn.

This emotion causes the abuser to feel good, dependent, and even assist the abuser.

How does this sound a little similar to masochistic tendencies?

Let's look down.

1. After being kidnapped, they become associates of kidnappers

On October 6, 2002, Sean, an 11-year-old Missouri resident, rode a bicycle to his friend's house and was deliberately knocked down by Michael's car.

Michael got out of the car, loaded Sean into the car and drove away.

After the accident, local police, firefighters and volunteers searched everywhere for the scene of the accident, but found nothing.

It wasn't until January 2007 that he and another boy who had been missing for 4 days were rescued by police from Michael's residence.

After being rescued, Sean told law enforcement:

He had access to the phone and the internet when he was detained, and could even have a girlfriend, but could not reach his parents.

During this time, he continued to be sexually abused by Michael.

When asked why he didn't try to escape, Sean revealed:

Devlin often instilled in him a strong sense of fear and threats of violence.

This caused him a psychological disorder and caused him to be imprisoned for a long time by Devlin.

Michael was charged with 80 counts of sexual assault, kidnapping and attempted murder and sentenced to 72 years in prison.

Addicted to abuse and having to get from? Stockholm Syndrome: The more he hurt me, the more I loved him

The 19-year-old Hearst is the granddaughter of william Randolph Hearst, a famous American publisher.

On the morning of February 4, 1974, a group of armed terrorists broke into Hearst's apartment in Berkeley, California.

Hearst's fiancé was severely beaten and Hirst was taken away by terrorists.

The FBI soon learned that the terrorists who kidnapped Hearst were a group of people who called themselves the Cybernis Liberation Army and were trying to go to war with the United States.

The organization has extensive records of massacres. This time they kidnapped Hearst to use the female successor as a bargaining chip in economic and political negotiations.

News of Hearst's abduction quickly dominated all the headlines.

However, the polar reversal just happened.

In April 1974, Hearst joined the group that kidnapped her and announced her desire to become a revolutionary.

She even assisted in a bank robbery and engaged in a gunfight with police officers arriving in Los Angeles.

The leader of SLA died in a shootout.

Hearst escaped and remained at large until his arrest in San Francisco on September 18, 1975.

Hirst was sentenced to 7 years in prison for robbery.

Hearst defended herself, saying she was brainwashed by the group and was pardoned and released after spending two years in prison.

Addicted to abuse and having to get from? Stockholm Syndrome: The more he hurt me, the more I loved him

2. What is the psychology of stockholm patients?

These two real-life examples illustrate well what "Stockholm Syndrome" is.

Psychologists describe Stockholm Syndrome as an extreme coping or survival mechanism that arises in a state of hostility.

A man imprisoned for several years, the outside world is a symbol of danger and obscurity to him, and a sealed door means safety.

The fear of death or being hurt forces them to pander to each other;

The submission and worship of power in human nature is the reason why they have changed from being abused to being violent.

Addicted to abuse and having to get from? Stockholm Syndrome: The more he hurt me, the more I loved him

The evolution of Stockholm Syndrome is not complicated, in fact it is the simplest psychological mechanism - to live if you surrender, and die vice versa.

The evolutionary environment is also much simpler than other psychological phenomena, as long as it is isolated and controlled.

There is no chance of escape, and you can be killed at any time.

This is a near-ideal and very reproducible environment.

Reproducible conditions for evolutionary selection of environments.

Simply put, the threshold for crime is not high.

3. The key to cracking Stockholm is to reconstruct self-perception

In most cases, Stockholm Syndrome is common in kidnapping cases and is rarely seen in life.

However, Xiao Yu saw the experience of a netizen on Douban some time ago:

He works as a store manager in a clothing store, with superior ability, recognized by colleagues, and can be independent.

But only in the face of his girlfriend, he can only obey his words and dare not have two words.

The idea that his girlfriend had always instilled in him was "everything I said was right, you can't have an opinion".

If you don't listen to her, things will go in a "bad direction".

In the long run, he gradually became afraid of making decisions about himself, and even hesitated for a small matter.

After getting used to this fear, whenever he encounters something that needs to be decided, he always subconsciously thinks "how will his girlfriend choose".

However, he does not think that his girlfriend is at fault, and even defends her outside.

It wasn't until he learned about Stockholm Syndrome that he realized that he had suffered from it.

He was miserable, but powerless to change.

Addicted to abuse and having to get from? Stockholm Syndrome: The more he hurt me, the more I loved him

Eason Chan's "Stockholm Lover" has these lyrics:

Don't cry out for injustice, don't cry foul, don't complain.

In this tragic case, it is thanks to me that I endured it so that you can enjoy it.

I am complicit, absolutely complicit.

The key to breaking the game is to reconstruct self-perception.

Selective reception of received information, rather than reciprocation.

This is not a simple process, and it is difficult for Xiao Yu to explain it in a few words.

If you find yourself similar to the protagonists in the several examples above, be vigilant.

It is best to choose a professional psychological institution (such as finding a small healer) to develop a solution for you.

That's it for today, see you tomorrow.

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