
Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

author:A four movie recommended

16: Brave heart

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

When William Wallace was a child, his father, Scottish national hero Marce Wallace, was killed in a struggle with the British army, and he began to learn Scottish culture and martial arts under the guidance of his father's friends. The young Wallace (Mel Gibson) returns to his hometown after completing his studies and proposes to the beautiful young girl Melen, not wanting Meren to be snatched up and killed by the British army. In the voice of the villagers "after the hero", Wallace led the rebellion and formed an alliance with the Scottish nobleman Rob, but soon he discovered that the Scottish nobleman was only thinking about his own interests.

  In order to ease the situation, the King sent Isabella (Sophie Marceau) to negotiate with Wallace, but because the King only wanted to buy Wallace and did not care about the freedom and equality of the Scottish people, the negotiations failed, but all this was not known to Isabella. After Isabella returned to China, she found out the truth of the matter, and knew that the king was plotting a conspiracy to send a letter to Wallace, and the love between the two was quietly breeding in war and conspiracy.

17: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

<h1>Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings reappears</h1>

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

Bilbo Baggins is a 100-year-old Hobbit, living in his hometown of Charles, adventurous by nature, during an adventure in his youth, he received the Supreme Lord's Ring from the monster Gollum, this ring is the Supreme Lord of the Ring created by the Dark Demon Lord Sauron, with the evil power to enslave the world, able to dominate several other Rings of Strength, in the battle between the Human Alliance and the half-orc army 3000 years ago, the Alliance won the victory and got the Supreme Ring, after thousands of years of turning, the Ring fell into gollum's hands, Was obtained by Bilbo by chance.

  Bilbo's heart is also affected by his time with the Lord of the Rings, and at his 111th birthday party, he decides to leave everything to his nephew Frodo (Elijah Wood) to continue his adventures.

  Bilbo's good friend, the grey-robed wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen), knows the secret of the Ring of the Lord, while the Dark Lord Sauron already knows that his ring has fallen into the hands of the Hobbit. Sauron is rebuilding the fortress of Barado, gathering countless half-orcs to capture the Rings and conquer the world.

  Gandalf convinces Frodo to escort the Rings to the elven kingdom of Raven Hill, where Frodo is in the hands of his best friends Sam, Pippin, and May.

<h1>Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers</h1>

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

While continuing the style of the first part, the second part presents a multi-line development pattern, and the plot has a higher ornamentality.

  At the end of the first part, after Boromir is killed by the strong orcs, two Habi people, Pippin and Mellie, are also kidnapped by the strong orcs, and Aragon, the elf Legolas (Orlando Bloom), and the dwarf Kinley track down the strong orcs, rescue Pippin and Mellie, and meet the "resurrected" white-robed wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen). At this time, the white-robed wizard Saruman, who surrendered to Sauron, took control of the king of the human Kingdom of Lohan and sent a large army of strong orcs to prepare to destroy the humans. Aragon, Legolas, and Kinley, led by Gandalf, helped the Kingdom of Lohan fight against the invasion of evil forces.

  Lucky Pippin and Mellie are rescued by the talking tree spirits, and meet the "resurrected" Gandalf, who, at Gandalf's behest, protects the safety of the two and takes them to the Tree Spirit Assembly, where the tree spirits discuss their attitude towards the Middle-earth War: should they continue to be neutral, resign themselves, or rise up against them?

  Burdened, Frodo (Elijah Wood) and Sam continue to advance towards the Doomsday Mountains, followed by Gollum along the way, and Frodo relies on...

<h1>Lord of the Rings 3: The King is invincible</h1>

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

The Magic War gradually entered its climax. Hobbit Vladeau (Ilya Wood Elijah Wood) carries the Lord of the Rings and travels to Doomsday Mountain with his companion Sam (Sean Astin) and the cunning and shady Gollum, along the way, and the Demon King Sauron tries his best to prevent the Ring from being destroyed. On the other hand, the white-robed wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen) leads the Middle-earth warriors to defend the capital of Gondor, the white city of Minastris. The army of demons is oppressing the realm, and the decisive battle between darkness and light is coming...

  The film is the finale of the "Lord of the Rings Trilogy", based on the British writer J.R.R. Tolkien. Tolkien) is an adaptation of the magic masterpiece of the same name, The Lord of the Rings, and won 11 awards at the 76th Academy Awards in 2004 for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Art Direction, Best Costume Design, Best Makeup, Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Effects, Best Soundtrack and Best Song.

18: The Passion of jesus

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

It was a distant and unforgettable time, when a sage engraved his name, his spirit, on the monument of history forever. Jesus (James Patrick Caviezel), the beloved Son of God, brings hope and joy to people living in poverty and tribulation, while his presence sets in the interests of the Holy See and the rulers. He refuses to be tempted by the devil, and his disciple Judas (Luca Leonero Luca Lionello) cannot resist the charm of money, so he betrays Jesus, and his ugliness remains forever on the "Last Supper". After this, Jesus was arrested, and the authorities put on a crown made of thorns, ordered him to carry a heavy cross on his back, and beat the skin of the saint with a whip with iron thorns. Jesus groaned in pain and endured everything in the present moment with determination. "Father of mercy, they know nothing."

  As a saint, as a savior, this is a path of trial that must be walked through with blood...

19:300 Warriors: Rise of the Empire

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

During the famous Battle of Marathon, the Greek hero Termistocles (Sullivan Stapleton) shoots and kills the Persian king Darius, thus laying the foundation for the comeback of Xerxes I (Rodrigo Rodrigo Santoro). Instigated by the Persian naval commander Artemisia (Eva Green), Xerxes leads a large army to fight with Sparta's leader Leonidas (Gerald Butler Gerard Butler) and his three hundred warriors in the hot springs. On the other side, the powerful maritime forces of the commander of Artemisia approached Athens on the other side of the Aegean Sea. At the moment of prestige, Termistocles once again stepped forward and fought the Greek warriors against the black goddess who flowed with the blood of vengeance flowing from her body in order to defend her freedom.

  Clouds and fog, vicious waves, the most brutal killings in distant times...

20: The end of Pompeii

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

The story takes place in the distant Roman era, mount Vesuvius in Pompeii is on the verge of erupting, and it will not be long before the entire pompeii is reduced to ruins in an instant, permanently buried in the annals of history. Milo (Kit Harington) loses his parents and family at an early age, is sold into a wealthy family and becomes a slave fighter, and a noble lady named Cassia (Emily Browning) appears in his life, and despite the disparity in status, Milo is hopelessly in love with her.

  Unfortunately, Cassia already has a marriage contract, and she is about to be forced to marry the corrupt and faint Senator Kofoss (Kiefer Sutherland) kiefer Sutherland). The volcano erupts, and the surviving Milo decides to return to the city of fire for one reason only, and that is to rescue his sweetheart.

21: Mercenary Saga

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

Set in seventeenth-century Spain, Alatrist (Viggo Mortensen) is a nationally acclaimed army captain and guardian of Balboa (Unaxas Ucaud Unax Ugalde). Alatrist wanted to train Balboa to be a true man as strong as he was, but Balboa fell in love with a dangerous woman named Angelica (Elena Anaya), much to Alatrist's concern, as Angelica's father, Luis (Jesús Castejón), had a feud with him.

  Entrusted by the inquisition chief Frey (Blanca Portillo), Atlarisd and Louis undergo a very dangerous assassination mission. However, while on his mission, Alatrist was impressed by the noble spirit of the target, and let the two go, causing himself trouble.

22: The Hun the Great

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

Set against the backdrop of the Roman Empire, the play reveals an important military force that shook the rule of the Roman Empire. In 400 AD, the Roman Empire was still the most powerful country in the world, although weakening. During this period, a Hun army from the east, led by Attila, swept across Eurasia and began to challenge the hegemony of the Roman Empire.

  Attila, the leader of the Huns, was fierce and warlike in his youth, but also cruel by nature, and the decisive rise of the Huns' power was after Attila ascended the throne as king of the Hun Empire. In 433 AD, at the age of 27, Attila, along with his brother Breda, inherited the throne of the empire from their uncle Roas. In 436, Attila ruthlessly murdered his brother, came to the empire alone, and soon unified the entire tribal confederation. Compared to his predecessors, Attila was more ambitious, more aggressive, and extremely intelligent. He humiliated the Romans, frightened the Germans, and had such power to frustrate and helpless the Westerners that he and his Hun iron horsemen were called the "Whip of God."

23: A Thousand Warriors in Iron Blood

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

The film tells the story of the Kazakh people in the eighteenth century, united as one, and fought a decisive battle against the Dzungar invading army in the Aung Erla Sea to defend their homeland.

  In this decisive battle, Saltei, who had been orphaned by the aggression and atrocities of the Dzungars, gathered many orphans with the same fate as him, and led them to respond to the call of the motherland and throw themselves into battle. Sartai led his army, known as the "One Thousand Warriors" by his descendants, to launch a decisive charge against an enemy army that far exceeded his own number, and finally changed the outcome of the entire battle and saved the fate of the Kazakhs.

24: The First Samurai

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

 The Round Table warrior Lancelot once accidentally rescued King Arthur's fiancée Guinevere in the forest, and although the two fell in love at first sight, Guinevere was already King Arthur's fiancée, so he had no choice but to refuse him. Later, King Arthur exposed their love affair, and in his heartache, King Arthur decided to try them, but at this time, King Arthur was invaded by the enemy, and the people of the whole country were helpless, and Lancelot immediately drew his sword to help and save King Arthur from danger.

25: Julius Caesar

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

His glory shone brightly, his love was high and deep, and Caesar, who had a strong black and white personality, also made countless enemies for himself. This Julius Caesar, adapted from a truly epic story, is once again a great historical figure who comes to life before the audience's eyes. When he was young, Caesar, not afraid of power, conquered countless stations, and finally successfully conquered Rome and dominated the emperor. Although remembering his deceased wife, Caesar met another important woman in his life in Egypt, Cleopatra, and the two began a vigorous love entanglement. But another conspiracy is also spreading in Rome, where the Romans regard Caesar as a bloody tyrant, and the plot of rebellion against the emperor unfolds...

26: Heart of the King

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

In the Middle Ages, the Roman Empire was destroyed, and the various forces were divided and occupied england, and the King of Ireland took the opportunity to gather forces and look at the tiger. The majestic King Mark (Rufus Sewell) hopes to achieve reunification with the help of legendary knight Tristan (James Franco). After losing his parents Tristan, he was carefully raised by King Mark and fell in love with his father and son. In order to divide the tribes of England, the King of Ireland decided to hold the All England Knights Competition with his daughter as a prize. Tristan wins a princess for King Mark, but he is struck by lightning when he sees the princess as she really is. It turns out that he was seriously wounded in the battle against Ireland and was cared for by the mysterious Irish woman Isolde (Sofia Myles). The two fell in love as a result, but had to be separated for the sake of reunification. Whether for the peace of the country or for nurturing love, Tristan and Isolde could not continue their relationship.

  How will they suppress this enthusiasm? And did the plot of the King of Ireland bring obstacles to King Mark's great cause of unification?

27: City Square

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

In the 4th century, as the Roman Empire declined, in Alexandria, the polytheistic sage Hypatia (Rachel Weisz) taught her disciples. Oristis (Oscar Isaac) frequently shows affection for her, even making bold confessions in the theater; slave Darius (Max Minghella) also has a crush on her, but is unable to speak because of her humble status. At the same time, the freedom preached by the Christians began to shake Daus's faith, which caused him to be flogged, and it was Hypatia who healed his wounds and soothed his soul. The situation was turbulent, and at the instigation of polytheism, riots broke out, and Christianity turned to the advantage, and the two sides confronted each other at the Library of Alexandria. Later, receiving orders from the Roman rulers to withdraw the polytheists from the library and allow Christians to enter, a brutal catastrophe began...

28: Pharaoh and the gods

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

Moses (Christian Bale) and Pharaoh Ramses II (Joel Edgerton) are good brothers and sisters who have a very good relationship with each other. Moses, determined to save thousands of Jewish people from the depths of life, received God's will, and he asked Ramses for help, but the friend rejected him very firmly. Not only that, but Ramses also carried out a brutal massacre of Jews.

  In order to punish Ramses for his atrocities, God sent down "ten plagues" in Egypt, and for a time, Egypt fell into the shadow of chaos and death, however, Ramses did not wake up from this, and eventually, he and Moses became old enemies. Moses knew what his mission was, and he led four hundred thousand Hebrews on a long journey to find a homeland that belonged to them.

29: Revelation

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

At the end of the Maya civilization, the atmosphere of extravagance and obscenity spread, and in order to pay tribute to the newly completed pyramids and dispel the wrath of the gods, the Mayan kingdom sent a powerful army to invade the weak tribes deep in the jungle and kill prisoners of war as sacrifices to the heavens.

  The young warrior Tiger Claw (Rudy Youngblood) and his people live a peaceful life, he has a lovely son and a beautiful wife, and will soon usher in a new life. But the Mayan army broke all this, his tribe was attacked, and tiger claws hid their wives and children in the pit in time, but they themselves were accidentally captured.

  After a rough ride, he and the other prisoners of war came to maya. Countless heads were cut off by shameful executioners, but even at this moment, tiger claws could not forget their wives and children deep in the jungle. As long as there is a breath, he will return to his wife and children no matter what...

30: Sedek Bale

<h1>Sedek Bale (Part 1): Sun Flag</h1>

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

This film is based on the historical facts of the Wushe Incident.

  In 1895, after the Treaty of Maguan ceded Taiwan, Japan immediately took over Taiwan by force, and various parts of the treasure island were breached. However, due to the lack of roads in the mountains of Taiwan, the lives of the indigenous people have not yet been affected, and among the Saidek people in the Wushe area, the young generation of Mahepo's Mona Rudao (You Daqing) is heroic, leading the ethnic group to fight with the Ganzhuo people endlessly. The Japanese coveted the rich resources of the Kirisame region, tried to encroach on them, but were strongly resisted by the Sideks, suffering heavy casualties, but finally invaded the Kirisame by means of mutual hatred between the indigenous groups. Mona Rudao had to endure humiliation and surrender, but the flame in his heart was never extinguished. The time was pushed to 1930, Japan's "civilization transformation" of the kirisame aborigines went through many years, the so-called civilizations such as Japanese did not give the indigenous people an equal life, the Japanese oppression and heavy labor eroded the tradition and dignity of the Sidek people, and the accumulation of anger for many years finally erupted in this year!

<h1>Sedek Bale (part 2): Rainbow Bridge</h1>

Recommended: 45 Classic Epic Blockbusters (Middle) The Lord of the Rings 1: The Lord of the Rings Reappears the Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers Of the Rings 3: The Invincible Sedek Barai (Part 1): Sun Flag Sedek Barai (Part 2): Rainbow Bridge

Mona Rudao (Lin Qingtai) leads his clan to kill the ancestral spirits of the alien blood sacrifice in the public school, and he has the qualification to pass the Rainbow Bridge, and the rest is to die calmly after a heroic battle. On the Japanese side, the news of the Kirisame Society quickly spread everywhere, and Major General Yahiko Kamada led a joint force of army and police to quickly launch a crusade. Mahpo and others acted separately, using terrain advantages and flexible tactics to inflict heavy casualties on the vanguard of the Japanese army. Yamajima Kojima (Masanobu Ando) uses his personal prestige and tribal conflicts to successfully persuade Temuvaris (Ma Zhixiang) to join the Japanese army along with his tribe to help besiege Mona Rudao. At the beginning of the war, the women and children who moved with the tribe to the dense forest committed suicide in order not to drag the warriors, and Ichiro, who was in pain in the contradiction, also chose to cut his abdomen. Yahiko Kamada was furious at the slow advance of his troops, and did not hesitate to use erosive bombs against the Sideks. In the midst of the fire, Mona Rudao ushered in the moment of the final decisive battle...

I hope you will provide more materials, thank you!