
Why can't most people succeed? Many people are too utilitarian and have giant baby thinking to be 100% responsible for their choices and life. They always want others to cover their back, for

author:Liu Yusi Angela

Why can't most people succeed?

Many people are too utilitarian and have giant baby thinking to be 100% responsible for their choices and life. They always want others to take responsibility for their lives.

Before they start doing something, they always want a reassurance from someone or a god. They wanted someone to tell him that if you just did this, you would be 100% successful. Then, they are willing to do it.

They can't afford the slightest risk. If you tell him that you do this, you can't guarantee 100% success, but doing it is definitely better than not doing it. Then they will begin to entangle, internal friction, and it is likely that because of that little risk, they will choose not to do it and give up completely.

Because they simply don't believe they can do it. If you don't do it, you can also deceive yourself: I am capable, I just didn't do it.

If they do it and they don't succeed, then they have to face this terrible truth: I really can't do it, I really can't do anything.

And this truth is a fatal blow to them. After all, before, they all lived by false narcissism. Once narcissism is punctured, what motivation is there to live?

However, such people ignore the truth: the first step in human growth is to learn to bravely face themselves and face themselves, rather than deceiving themselves and running away.

What if you admit that you are not capable enough at this stage? Ability can be continuously improved, and masters are honed little by little. Could it be that whoever is born is omnipotent?

Just because you can't do it now doesn't mean you can't do it later. Slowly hone your skills and accumulate steadily. Give yourself enough patience to improve little by little. Do not compare with others, only with yourself.

This is the law of doing things according to the way of heaven.

The utilitarian heart is too strong, it really can't be done. Helplessly, many people are like this, they only like instant feedback like melon seeds.

If you tell them that this is a skill that you need to hone over months, years, three years, five years, ten years, or even a lifetime, they almost collapse: Oh my God, that's that long? Then forget it, I don't do it. Or, can you tell me a shortcut?

Hahaha, I really don't know what they call "shortcuts". But I think I'm taking shortcuts.

It took me more than 20 years to accumulate to get to what I have today. In my opinion, this is the best shortcut. Slow is fast, I am convinced.

The world is beautiful, and the world is worth it. I would like to return the little merit I have gained from my practice to all things in heaven and earth, to all living beings. May all things in heaven and earth, all living beings be auspicious!

- Liu Yusi Angela

Why can't most people succeed? Many people are too utilitarian and have giant baby thinking to be 100% responsible for their choices and life. They always want others to cover their back, for
Why can't most people succeed? Many people are too utilitarian and have giant baby thinking to be 100% responsible for their choices and life. They always want others to cover their back, for
Why can't most people succeed? Many people are too utilitarian and have giant baby thinking to be 100% responsible for their choices and life. They always want others to cover their back, for

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