
Only this oriental color! The Digital Immersion Exhibition takes you into the world of "red, yellow, blue, white and green"

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Li Qiyao Pan Zhiwang

The exhibition is full of craftsmanship, and technology empowerment can make cultural relics "live". On January 23, the "Only This Oriental Color" digital immersion exhibition was officially launched at the Beijing Museum of Arts and Crafts. In the scene created by 8K ultra-high-definition audio and video technology, more than 200 precious collections lead the audience into the world of traditional Chinese colors "red, yellow, blue, white and green".

Only this oriental color! The Digital Immersion Exhibition takes you into the world of "red, yellow, blue, white and green"

Audiences experience the digital immersion scene of "Ship of Friendship".

Walking into the exhibition hall, the audience feels like they are in a five-color treasure pavilion. Each color theme area has a corresponding collection. Among them, the representative of "red" is the carved lacquer "Hollow Flower Basket Plate" created by the mainland arts and crafts master Du Bingchen, the superb openwork carving technique, the hundred flowers are gathered in one basket, and the red lacquer carved disc is full of flowers, which means wealth and happiness and long life. The cloisonné ornament "Ship of Friendship" is a representative of "gold", this artwork is based on the treasure ship led by Zheng He, who sailed to the West seven times and opened up the Maritime Silk Road, and the hull of the ship is decorated with the unique patterns of Persia, the hub of the Silk Road, supplemented by traditional Chinese auspicious ornaments such as phoenix birds and auspicious clouds, which symbolizes the continuous and long-lasting friendship between the Chinese people and the peoples of the world; The whirlpool-shaped "Hui" pattern symbolizes the Maritime Silk Road and represents the pioneering spirit. This collection has twice been presented to foreign heads of state as a state gift, hence the name "double state gift".

Only this oriental color! The Digital Immersion Exhibition takes you into the world of "red, yellow, blue, white and green"

Audiences experience digital immersion scenes from "Old Beijing" and "New Beijing".

With color as the medium and digital technology as the mediator, the story of the cultural relics can be clearly displayed. A pair of ivory carvings representing "white", "Old Beijing" and "New Beijing", show the shops and market life of old Beijing around 1949, as well as the ten major buildings of New China and the street changes of Beijing City. In the high-definition images shown in the exhibition hall, the lively scenes of life in the old and new Beijing cities make people feel like they are in the scene.

Only this oriental color! The Digital Immersion Exhibition takes you into the world of "red, yellow, blue, white and green"

Visitors visit the "Only This Oriental Color" digital immersion exhibition hall.

"The collections in the showcases come to life through new applications, which enhance the sense of interaction." Yang Yanbo, director of the Beijing Museum of Arts and Crafts, introduced that in the exhibition, the technical team used close-up, macro and other lens languages, combined with large-format ultra-high-definition screens, to present the exquisite craftsmanship of top artworks, bringing a visual feast to the audience.

The exhibition also created an interactive experience of "clearance game", allowing the audience to enter five rooms in turn under the leadership of the teacher and apprentice who appeared in the prologue, immerse themselves in the five-color craft exhibits, participate in interactive tasks, and comprehend the spirit of craftsmen through experiencing craft skills to complete the "growth journey" of craftsmen. After visiting the exhibition, visitors can also catch a "cultural fair" to personally experience intangible cultural heritage items such as purple sand, paper cutting, ivory carving, jade carving, and cloisonné production.

The exhibition will be on display until April 18, and visitors can purchase tickets online and offline.

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