
23 years of dreams from 0 Day 3

author:Little Kim Dreamy

Day 3


Today is the last day to go to work, so happy, right away from the holiday

Today I first completed Yangyang, the toad hit without difficulty, haha, that is, the tomb can only recruit mobs, pull hatred, can't shoot, hit damage,

23 years of dreams from 0 Day 3
23 years of dreams from 0 Day 3

Then it's time to make a newbie copy

23 years of dreams from 0 Day 3

Then it's level 48, I heard that level 50 can also be a novice tribute, and the experience of catching ghosts is similar, and I will upgrade decisively

23 years of dreams from 0 Day 3

This is before the upgrade

I have to make preparations before returning to Dashandong [croaking]