
After Deputy Director Dai! Another beautiful woman Lin Lihan cheated on her married boss, and the plot is not inferior to Vice Mayor Wei

author:Fried rice in the entertainment industry

Lin Shuhan revealed that he cheated on his married boss

In January, Deputy Director Dai's cheating on his direct boss Wei was still vividly remembered, and after being exposed by Deputy Director Dai's current husband, both had accidents.

Unexpectedly, the plot of Deputy Director Dai has not yet ended, and the well-known financial woman Lin Lihan revealed on her social media that she cheated on her boss, which is really unbelievable.

According to the self-exposed photos of Lin Lihan, this young woman named Lin Lihan is not inferior to a first-line actress in appearance, with a beautiful figure and fair skin, and is a rare beauty.

It seems that their story must also be wonderful.

After Deputy Director Dai! Another beautiful woman Lin Lihan cheated on her married boss, and the plot is not inferior to Vice Mayor Wei

Lin Lihan revealed the derailment process

It is not difficult to see from Lin Lihan's circle of friends that Lin Lihan claims to be the channel manager of a fund, and she has been in love with her current fiancé for 3 years and plans to get married.

Both of them have already met their parents, and all the business that should be done is done, just a marriage letter and a grand wedding.

However, what is surprising is that less than a month after accepting her boyfriend's marriage proposal, Lin Shuhan went on a business trip with her direct boss to open a house and had her first relationship.

Lin Shuhan said in social media that the boss came to the woman's room in the middle of the night under the pretext of talking about business, and then the topic changed to the relationship between men and women, and the woman was very happy to agree to the boss's request.

In this way, a pair of Pan Jinlian and Ximen Qing were born, and Lin Shuhan's fiancée naturally became Wu Dalang.

After Deputy Director Dai! Another beautiful woman Lin Lihan cheated on her married boss, and the plot is not inferior to Vice Mayor Wei

Later, "Wu Dalang", who discovered that his fiancée was cheating, was naturally unwilling to let go of this opportunity to hurt the other party, so he used Lin Lihan's social media to expose all the details of this incident, which was quite shocking.

Indeed, the exposure of the Lin Lihan incident is similar to the exposure of the Deputy Director Dai incident, and it is basically the same routine and plot.

After Deputy Director Dai! Another beautiful woman Lin Lihan cheated on her married boss, and the plot is not inferior to Vice Mayor Wei

But the difference is that Deputy Director Dai is already married, and her husband Li may be excusable for excusating his wife to expose him, but Lin Lihan is not married, and the two do not have a marriage relationship, so it is a little inappropriate to expose his fiancée's behavior.

I have to say that Lin Lihan's fiancé is also a ruthless person, and after exposing his fiancée, he also added a smile to the back of the article.

After Deputy Director Dai! Another beautiful woman Lin Lihan cheated on her married boss, and the plot is not inferior to Vice Mayor Wei

Lin Lihan will be tested

After the incident was exposed, Lin Lihan and his boss believed that they would be put to the greatest test, and perhaps their careers would be directly affected.

The most important thing is that the male boss who cheated with Lin Shuhan is married and has a daughter, and the cheating in marriage has been exposed, which is very similar to the situation of Vice Mayor Wei.

The only difference is that Vice Mayor Wei is within the system, and the heroes and heroines of the Lin Lihan incident are all social people.

After Deputy Director Dai! Another beautiful woman Lin Lihan cheated on her married boss, and the plot is not inferior to Vice Mayor Wei

I have to say that although Lin Shuhan and the others are social people, the plot of their incident is not much worse than Vice Mayor Wei.

The Lin Lihan incident did not have a bloody marriage room, nor did it have bloody utility bills, and some were direct hotels and luxury cars, which were quite in line with the characteristics of many young people.

After Deputy Director Dai! Another beautiful woman Lin Lihan cheated on her married boss, and the plot is not inferior to Vice Mayor Wei

History is always strikingly similar, happy people have different reasons for happiness, and sad people are surprisingly sad for reasons so similar, it is simply providential.

The most intriguing thing is that the price that Lin Lihan negotiated with his boss turned out to be 300,000 more year-end bonuses, which is not too cheap.

After Deputy Director Dai! Another beautiful woman Lin Lihan cheated on her married boss, and the plot is not inferior to Vice Mayor Wei

In this way, what Lin Lihan does is not a pure equivalent exchange, but while enjoying life and experiencing life, he earns a little benefit by the way.

Of course, the news spread on the Internet still has to eat melons rationally, because it is the exposure issued by the fiancé, it is inevitable that some moisture will appear.

What do you think about Lin Lihan's situation?

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