
On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

author:Lulu Life mMLR

There are still a few days to celebrate the New Year, busy all year, finally waiting for the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve this day with the family to eat tuan tuan dinner, pouring a lot of wine together, I hope everyone can be as I wish, peace, happiness and well-being, this day will prepare a variety of good dishes, meaning a smooth new year, meaning health and peace, meaning a year of good luck. Chinese New Year's Eve night these dishes must be eaten, auspicious, prosperous, let's take a look.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together
  1. Booming

Recommended recipe: 【Braised pork ribs】

Ingredients: pork ribs, rock sugar, star anise, ginger and shallot

Production steps:

Cut the ribs into strips, chop them into long strips, chop them and put them on a plate, add clean water, clean them, and fish them out with controlled water.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Cut the ginger into thin slices, put it on a plate, prepare a green onion and set aside for later, prepare star anise, cinnamon, dried chili pepper for later use.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Add water to the pot, put the ribs under cold water, skim the foam after boiling, cook for another 5 minutes, hold the ribs with chopsticks, brush a few times in the pot, no need to wash the ribs.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

The pot does not need to be heated, add cooking oil, then add a handful of rock sugar, turn on low heat and fry non-stop, stir-fry the rock sugar, stir for 30 seconds to fry the sugar color until it is jujube red, and then put in the ribs, keep stir-frying evenly, stir-fry until colored.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Pour star anise, dried sea pepper, continue to stir-fry, stir-fry until fragrant, pour in minced water over the ribs, season after boiling, add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, then add green onion, ginger, cooking wine to remove fishy, buckle the lid, turn to low heat and simmer for half an hour.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

When the time is time for the ribs to simmer until soft, pick out the spices inside, add salt, chicken essence, sugar, stir well, add a bowl of garlic, and turn on high heat to dry the soup.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

The soup is thick and the ribs are flavorful, turn off the heat and take it out of the pan, put it on a plate and eat, and sprinkle it with some chopped green onion, and it is delicious, and the braised pork ribs are very appetizing.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together
  1. Four seasons of Changchun

Recommended recipe: 【Fungus fried yam】

Ingredients: fungus, yam, carrot

Production steps:

Put the fungus in a bowl, add half a spoonful of sugar, add a spoonful of flour, pour in 30 degrees warm water, stir well and set aside.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Prepare a yam, clean the yellow mud on the surface, peel off the skin with a peeler, insert a chopstick in the middle, and scrape it all.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Peel off the skin of the carrots, wash them, cut them into small pieces with a diagonal knife, cut them into oblique slices, cut them and put them in a small bowl for later use.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Wash the yam and cut it into oblique segments, then cut it into diamond-shaped slices, cut it and put it in a large bowl, add white vinegar, pour in water, and soak it aside.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Cut the garlic into slices, remove the green onions and cut them into chopped green onions, cut them and put them in a small bowl for later use.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Cut the red pepper in half, remove the seeds, cut into diamond-shaped slices with a diagonal knife, cut the green pepper in half, cut into diamond-shaped slices, cut and put in a bowl for later use.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

The fungus is soaked, washed, placed in a small bowl and torn into small pieces.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

In a small bowl, add light soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, sugar, cornstarch, add half a bowl of water, stir well with a spoon to let the seasoning melt.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Add a spoonful of salt to the boiling water in a pot, pour down the fungus and carrot after the water is boiled, blanch the water, turn it with a colander, fry for two minutes, pour the yam in, boil the water for three minutes, use a colander to control the dry water and take it out, put it in cool water to cool.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Add cooking oil to the pot, add the green onion and garlic to fry until fragrant, then add the green and red peppers, continue to stir-fry, fry the green and red peppers until broken, and pour the fungus in.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Then turn to high heat and stir-fry quickly, stir-fry well and pour in the juice, continue to stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat and take out the pot, the very delicious fungus fried yam is ready, fresh and delicious, rich in nutrition.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together
  1. There are fish every year

Recommended recipe: [Stir-fried squid]

Ingredients: Squid, green and red pepper, green onion and ginger

Production steps:

Add water to the basin to treat the squid, first use scissors to cut the squid belly, take out the internal organs, remove the cartilage in the middle, and then take out the squid teeth, and clean them all with clean water.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Place it on a chopping board, cut off the tail of the squid, cut it in the middle, put a flower knife, cut the squid into small pieces, and put all of them into a plate for later use.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Cut the green pepper into strips, the red pepper into strips, and the onion into strips, and put together with the green and red peppers.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Cut the garlic into slices, slice the ginger and set aside on a plate.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Boil water in a pot, add ginger slices and cooking wine after the water boils, put the cut squid into the pot, blanch for 15 seconds, and fish out with a slotted spoon to control the water.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Add a little cooking oil to another pot, put ginger and garlic in and stir-fry after the oil is hot, stir-fry until fragrant, stir-fry green and red peppers and onions in and stir-fry for one minute.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Then put the squid in, stir-fry a few times, stir-fry well, season and add a spoonful of salt, a little pepper, old soy sauce to color, oyster sauce fresh, turn on high heat and quickly stir-fry evenly, add chili oil.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Stir-fry 5678 again and you can get out of the pan, put it on a plate and enjoy it beautifully, and a very delicious stir-fried squid is ready.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together
  1. Good luck

Recommended recipe: 【Spicy chicken】

Ingredients: chicken, chili, peppercorns

Production steps:

Half a chicken is chopped into large pieces, all chopped into small squares, all chopped and put into a large bowl, poured a bowl of water, scratched and washed the chicken nuggets a few times, and then rinsed with running water several times to squeeze the water in the chicken dry.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Then pour into a large bowl, add salt, chicken essence, pepper, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine to remove fishy, then put some five-spice powder, mix well with your hands, grasp well and put aside to marinate for 15 minutes.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Prepare some ginger and garlic to pat flat, and then cut into minced ginger and garlic, cut it and put it on a plate first, cut the spring onions, green onions and white onion leaves into chopped green onions, cut them and put them on the plate.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Cut the dried peppers into chili rings with scissors, cut them and grab them with your hands, expose the excess pepper seeds, and then pour them into a plate for later use, prepare dried peppercorns, and a small half bowl of peanut rice fried in advance.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

After marinating the chicken, put a spoonful of cornstarch, mix well with your hands, and pour in cooking oil to lock in the moisture.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Put cooking oil in the pot, the oil temperature is five into hot, put the chicken nuggets into the oil pot, shake the chicken apart, do not stir in a hurry, and then use chopsticks to gently scratch it, fry for four minutes on medium heat, fry slightly yellow, and then use a colander to control the oil to fish, the oil temperature is seven into the heat complex once, open medium high heat and fry for one minute, fry the chicken nuggets golden and crispy, control the oil and fish out.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Put a little oil in another pot, add ginger and shallots, stir-fry minced garlic until fragrant, then put in a spoonful of bean paste, stir-fry red oil, then pour in dried chilies and peppercorns, stir-fry for aroma, and then pour diced chicken into it.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Add salt to taste, sugar, white sesame seeds, pour the fried peanut rice, turn on medium heat and stir-fry for ten seconds, and finally drizzle sesame oil, stir-fry a few times to get out of the pan, put it on a plate, dry crispy spicy chicken is ready.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together
  1. Good things come and go

Recommended recipe: 【Peanut rice with onion】

Ingredients: Onion, peanuts, peppers, fungus

Production steps:

Put the fungus in a large bowl, add a spoonful of table salt and steep for 40 minutes.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Prepare two fresh onions, cut in half, cut into four pieces, place in a large bowl, add water and put the onions for two minutes.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Take out the water control and put it on the shore board, take out the onion heart, cut it into small pieces, cut the onion into fine strips, shake the onion after chopping, add water, add a spoonful of edible salt, two spoons of rice vinegar, stir well.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Cut the millet pepper into small rings, a handful of coriander into small pieces, cut all of them and pour them into a bowl for later use, cut the chives into small pieces, cut them and put them in a bowl.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Pour a bowl of red-skinned peanut rice into the pot, pour a small amount of oil, stir-fry the peanut rice over low heat, fry the peanut rice, put it in a large bowl and set aside.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Do not throw out the bottom oil in the pot, then put the onion and green onion into the pot and stir-fry, turn on low heat and stir-fry the aroma, fry the spices until the color is brown, and control the oil to fish out.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

The fungus is also soaked, grab it, grab and wash it, fish it out, put it in a bowl and tear it into small florets, boil the water in the pot, put the fungus into the pot and blanch the water, boil for about a minute, control the water to fish it out, put it in cool water to soak it out, put it in a large bowl for later.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Put the onion and fungus together, add millet pepper, add a spoonful of salt, chicken essence, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, and then put two spoons of balsamic vinegar, add the green onion oil, put in two spoons of small ink sesame oil to steam fragrant, chili oil, add coriander, peanut rice, grab and mix well, let the seasoning stir and melt.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together

Put it on a plate and enjoy it beautifully, this onion fungus is ready, crisp and refreshing, crispy and crispy.

On the long-awaited Chinese New Year's Eve night, Chinese New Year's Eve had a tuantuan meal with his family and poured wine together


Chinese New Year's Eve On this day, I ate a tuantuan meal with my family, poured wine together, I hope that everyone can be as I wish, safe, happy and healthy, I will share it here today, I hope my sharing can bring you gains.