
New research by scientists on the impact of the new coronavirus on the heart

author:Metaverse Dream Factory

I have already told this news to almost all the fat people I know, especially alerting myself. This study can be summarized in one sentence, that is, the mechanism of the new coronavirus damage to the heart muscle has been found. The conclusion is that people on a high-fat diet are likely to be more likely to be damaged by the new coronavirus to damage the heart muscle. This is the one conclusion I want you to remember the most. We may say a lot of technical terms later. No matter how much you remember, at least I recommend you remember this conclusion and share it with people around you who eat greasy like me.

New research by scientists on the impact of the new coronavirus on the heart

Braised pork

The study was done by a team at Carolina University in the United States and published on bioRxiv, a professional bioscience platform. Singularity made a detailed Chinese translation explanation of the research. It is worth mentioning that the leading expert in the team is a Chinese named Wenbin Tan, and the members of the team are mostly Chinese.

Before we officially start talking about this research, we have to know something called S protein, also called spike glycoprotein. This is one of the most important concepts about the coronavirus. Understanding this S protein is also very helpful for you to read the new crown literature in the future.

Why can the new crown virus invade the human body so quickly? It's because of this S protein. From the perspective of viral structure, this S protein is a bit like a small Y-shaped branch. It grows on the surface of the coronavirus. Its role, you can understand it this way, our body is originally closed doors, outside the virus can not enter. However, this S protein will reveal a fake ID and deceive our body. So, the virus came in. After coming in, it began to multiply and destroy. Therefore, many researchers say that this S protein is the culprit of the culprit. This is just a general principle, and the actual process is much more complicated.

New research by scientists on the impact of the new coronavirus on the heart

New research by scientists on the impact of the new coronavirus on the heart

Later, researchers used this S protein to make a fake virus. The scientific name is S protein pseudovirus, referred to as Spp virus. Simply put, this is a tool virus specifically used for clinical experiments. It has a structure similar to the real virus, but it cannot replicate itself and is highly controllable. Now many clinical trials use this Spp virus.

This time, the experiment was to let the Spp virus enter the two groups of mice. The first group of mice is on a normal diet. The second group is a high-fat diet.

First, is there a difference between the two groups of mice? Yes. And very obviously. Mice on a high-fat diet were significantly more affected. And this effect is very selective, mainly concentrated in the heart, adipose tissue and kidneys. Compared with mice in the normal diet group, mice in the high-fat diet group had a significant increase in the heart, kidney, aorta and adipose tissue two hours after vaccination with the Spp virus.

But this step is not over, and more troublesome is yet to come. You know, the Spp virus used this time has no replication ability. It stands to reason that after a while, it should be cleared by the body. However, on the high-fat diet mice, after 24 hours, the virus level did not decrease. This shows that the virus is extremely selective about this environment. To put it bluntly, the virus likes this environment too much. Let's look at the normal diet of mice, after 24 hours, the virus in the heart is almost eliminated. You see, does this mean that it is all the scourge of high-fat diet?

New research by scientists on the impact of the new coronavirus on the heart

High-fat diet

And this step is not over, the virus not only likes the heart of mice on a high-fat diet, but also can always rely on it. The researchers found that after 3 weeks of inoculating the virus, the mice on a normal diet were almost completely fine. But the high-fat diet mice's side still doesn't work. After 6 weeks of observation, the high-fat diet mice showed obvious cardiac fibrosis. The so-called cardiac fibrosis is a part of the heart tissue, which loses its original function and becomes a fiber-like structure. This damage is almost irreversible.

Speaking of which, we go back to the previous conclusion. A high-fat diet, to some extent, is one of the accomplices of the new crown damage to the heart muscle. Seeing that the New Year is coming, here is a little reminder, pay attention to your diet. This sentence is mainly used to alert myself.