
The Philippine Capital Region will hire an additional 5,000 contact tracers

In order to prevent the spread of the more contagious Delta variant of the new coronavirus in the community, the Da Min Council (MMC) decided to hire an additional 5,000 contact tracers for the Capital Region.

Benhur Abalos Jr., Director general of the Great Min Development Agency (MMDA), said: "We must be on the lookout for COVID-19 cases in various regions and should act now if a slight increase is detected. ”

He added: "We can immediately implement the lockdown measures and report the situation. Screening, testing, and isolation will be orderly and on schedule that day, and we must prepare for the worst. ”

The Council also asked the national government to ensure strict entry quarantine measures to prevent the Delta mutation of the new coronavirus from being introduced into the Philippines from abroad.

The Philippine government has previously extended travel restrictions to six countries, including India, until June 30.

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