
The one who can open up the class more than working hard is buying a house in the big city

author:The way to wealth

This article is transferred from the WeChat public account Li Jun's fans are a little few

Some time ago, I had a party with high school classmates, a total of 4 people, 3 in Shanghai, and one in the system of third-tier cities. In 10 years, a clear gap appeared, mainly caused by the house.

Students in the third-line system, one suite, the full amount of 1 million to start, now estimated value of 800,000.

Our friends who stayed in Shanghai were all bought by Shanghai. One of the most powerful female classmates, bought the first house in Shanghai in 09, and then bought several more sets, she ridiculed her husband after losing his job and went to the community to work as a security guard, with a total asset of more than 20 million.

The one who can open up the class more than working hard is buying a house in the big city

Houses in Shanghai, piled up into millions, tens of millions of assets, even a wave of 10% small market in the real estate market, is hundreds of thousands, millions of earnings, part-time work to save money for several years.

Three times the wealth of one class, the third-tier friends and the Shanghai friends of the class at least 2.

In essence, there is no essential difference between us and the students in the third-tier system, one hundred thousand, one three or four hundred thousand.

However, with the effect of house + leverage, in a few years, the class of assets will be completely different.

If the third-tier students do not make changes, the gap will become larger and larger in the future. By the time the children arrive, there will be a huge class gap of "someone born in Rome, someone born a mule horse".

There is a word called house slave, and the word itself is a very silly word.

How can buying a house in a first- and second-tier city appreciating in value be a slave to the house, obviously made up by the boring Bai Zuo SB editor?

After buying a house, I put in food once a month, silently waiting for a wave of the property market to come, and a market has been working for several years.

If house prices rise, you can come to a wave of mortgage loans, and the money lent out can be used for other investments (if it can be higher than investment in the property market).

Mock the buyer for being a house slave and himself as an SB.

A very sad and sad fact is that most of the hard-working workers cannot make a fortune, and a large part of the reason is that they are in the wrong direction.

The essence of part-time work is time for money, 30 yuan an hour, 240 yuan for 8 hours, and 360 for 12 hours.

Part-time jobs are similar, nothing more than the difference between 30 and 200, which is the life of most people. Houses in Shanghai still can't be sold.

Working a few more hours a day may sometimes give people a short period of psychological comfort, and then the pain will be long, facing the children's school fees, food, down payment for a house, etc., life is better than death.

Setting aside a few hours a day to work for themselves and accumulate their own means of production is something that most propertied people are doing.

3 million cash holders, and 3 million net worth A8.1 are ostensibly a class of players. The property market has increased by 50%, one is still 3 million, the other has become 8 million, and it is almost no longer a class of players. Similar stories happen all around us every year. The choice between the former and the latter is something that many of us have to think about seriously.

Investing in real estate is a shortcut to copying the work of the seniors.

Brother Jun's great motivation for buying a house is the senior Brother Qiang, more than ten years ago, Brother Qiang's house in Suzhou earned millions, and after that, his mental outlook is completely different from before, arrogant, confident, is now him. When Brother Jun was young, he remembered that he was a very inferior person in his hometown. Brother Jun asked him how to buy a house, raise money, buy a house, take out a loan, and wait quietly, more patient than fishing.

Jack Ma taught us to be a person and start a business, this is too far away, the times are different, and the families we were born into are different to copy.

Copying the homework of the excellent people around you is a very good way, and when you are confused, you can also ask them.

In addition to investing in real estate, getting off orders, starting a business, side business, part-time work, etc., you can copy other people's homework.

Investing in real estate is to plant a tree for yourself in 10 years.

Brother Jun's hometown has a neighbor Uncle Hua, who smashed pots and sold iron in 08, and bought a house in Nanjing for less than 1 million, and now it is nearly 10 million. Uncle Hua is still doing a very ordinary job, and with his income, it is impossible to buy a 10 million house now.

In 08, the apartment that Uncle Hua bought was one of his trees. Water the house every month (pay off the mortgage), and more than a decade has passed, and small trees have become large trees.

Most of us are ordinary people, working part-time all the time, and it is difficult to see the head all our lives.

If you want to live better, you can also plant a tree for yourself. This kind of tree varies from person to person.

In addition to the house, Brother Jun's own tree also has self-media, and he spends several years feeding on self-media. The level of writing, the level of control of self-media, will always improve, and the number of fans will increase. In the past year or two, Brother Jun has made a little money on self-media.

Many people on the Internet continue to be short on the property market, if you look for reasons, you can find countless reasons, you can write a few books of papers, as a person who is bullish on the property market, Junge firmly believes that the essence of investing in real estate in first- and second-tier cities is to "short money (firmly believe that ZF continues to print money)"; In the future, like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, countless young people will go to big cities to seek a living; Another point is that land finance is the most efficient model for ZF tax collection, "plucking the most goose feathers, the least goose crying", and so on.

The changes in ZF property market policy are still fast to turn the book. "beat you to death an unfilial son" in the morning; At noon, "O my dripping, please don't die"; At night, I poured a large tonic medicine, hoping to walk from the ICU to KTV and continue the incense... Sooner or later, house prices in big cities will rise, believe and practice, within 10 years the class crosses one level, and vice versa, falls one.

Brother Jun is not a real estate practitioner, whether you buy a house is your own personal matter, if you continue to bear the property market, you are responsible for the results.

Leverage to buy a house, the most painful thing is debt, every time the owner withdraws/repays the mortgage, it is a blood loss, dead and alive.

However, from an inspirational point of view, debt is also one of the "nine nine eighty-one difficulties" on our life road.

Brother Jun wakes up every day and thinks about the debt he owes millions, although he is used to debt, he is still very afraid in his heart, just like walking a tightrope across the river, a gold owner withdrawing funds is a huge blood loss.

Huge debts will stimulate many potentials in our bodies, such as "spit-drying".

Last year, watching Lao Luo Douyin bring goods, an old man showed his bald head to apologize to the gold owners, and I really didn't dare to imagine that this was the "crazy old Luo" before, and my heart was so uncomfortable. The arrears of 600 million forced Lao Luo into a more powerful Lao Luo.

What is there to pursue "poetry and distant places"? Leaving as many title deeds as possible for his children is what a father should do, and title deeds are "love and responsibility".

Laziness is human nature, and most people like to live flat. Debt is like the earth dog chasing us in the village when we were children, run fast so that we won't be bitten by the earth dog.

People's growth is the process of gradually moving away from their past low cognitive self, and gradually experiencing a life in which "when I was a child, my pillow was full of saliva, and now my pillow is full of tears".


I read books every day, do not output, and think that I have mastered a lot of knowledge;

Bearish the property market, do not buy a house, think that the Shanghai property market is going to collapse;

Work at ease, no side hustle, poor self-righteousness;

SB's own.

Learn from excellent people and practice their ideas, such as buying a house, side hustle, baby-oriented, etc.;

Meet friends on the rivers and lakes and let your socialization open another door.

A life without progress is a corpse waiting to be buried decades later.

Buying a house in a big city is definitely something that is very worthwhile for us ordinary people.

Looking forward to the good news of everyone investing in real estate.

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