
Three-Body Problem: How did Zhizi come to Earth, and what is the cosmic background radiation that caused Wang Miao to collapse?

The plot of the TV series "Three-Body Problem" began with some scientists on the earth committing suicide one after another. The suicide of these scientists was accomplished by an organization of earth "traitors" called Scientific Boundary, using a high-performance computer made by the Trisolarans, Tomoko.

Now they have their eyes on Wang Miao!

01 An illusion created by Tomoko

At first, Zhizi tried to mentally crush Wang Miao by showing a series of continuously beating time numbers on Wang Miao's retina.

But later, the "traitors" of the scientific boundary saw that just using a string of numbers could not scare Wang Miao, so there was Shen Yufei's threat to Wang Miao: Stop your project!

Otherwise, let you see that the whole universe flashes for you!

You know, according to the cognition of the earthlings in the play, the background radiation is presented by the entire universe, if Wang Miao can see that the "master" of the scientific boundary can make the entire cosmic background radiation flicker, it is equivalent to telling Wang Miao that the trisolarans have the same ability as the creator, and their "lord" is omnipotent, so as to let Wang Miao realize the smallness and powerlessness of human beings themselves, and eventually completely collapse mentally, completely give up, and embark on the road to suicide.

The "traitors" really make the background radiation flicker through the illusion created by Tomoko, and this strategy cannot be described as poisonous.

"The Three-Body Problem" says that the Trisolarans will not use conspiracies, but the "traitors" will.

It's true to the old saying: "two devils" are more terrible than "real devils"!

Regarding how the trisolarans made "Chiko", and how "Chiko" created the cosmic background flicker, you can continue to watch the drama or read the original book.

02 How "Tomoko" came to Earth

You know, the outermost layer of the solar system has a layer of heaven! - Solar System Skin Shell.

What is the solar system shell?

Allegedly, Nikolai, known as "the greatest scientist of the 20th century, a god-like man". Tesla once said: "The solar system has a protective shield, and it can be resonated and amplified by rotation to get out of the prison of the solar system and transfer to any point." ”

This protective cover is the skin shell of the solar system.

The doctrine holds that the Oort Cloud and Kuiper, 60-12 billion kilometers from the Sun, carry a huge shell that envelops the entire solar system. There are lenses in this shell, from which all the astronomical sights seen by humans shine on Earth.

Any material that reaches a certain distance after approaching the solar system passes a period of time and is then destroyed, and then a probe launched by the United States in 1972, indeed, as he said, was destroyed after a flight close to the solar system.

The skin shell of the solar system "Tianyi" is estimated to be sewn

Wormholes? Transporter? Or a transshipment channel?

Assuming that the skin shell of the solar system really exists, but no matter can break through the skin shell of the solar system, that is, the inside of the solar system cannot go out, and the outside cannot come in, isn't such a solar system a closed system caught in an endless cycle?

When the sun's energy burns out, isn't the sun finished?

If the solar system is alive, it is estimated that it will not do so, there must be a set of easily found secret passages - perhaps wormholes, through which the solar system can exchange matter and energy with the outside.

If the solar system is compared to a cell living in the intercellular fluid, the sun is the nucleus, the sun's shell is the cell membrane, you know, the cell is through the cell membrane and the outside to communicate substances and information, amino acids, fatty acids, glucose, metal ions have their own transporters and transport channels.

According to structural biologist Yan Ning: the speed of glucose transporter on the cell membrane is 6,000 revolutions per second!

Without such a channel, it is estimated that the cells will hardly live for a few seconds!

The research results of fractal and chaos theory in modern science prove that the universe is holographic, and one of the basic views of holographic theory is "heterogeneous isomorphism", that is, the "self-similarity" of fractal theory, then the macroscopic scale of the solar system and the microscopic scale of cells are similar, may not be a metaphor, but may be a fact!

Based on the existence of wormholes, or transporters or channels, in the skin shell of the solar system, the Trisolarans may have discovered the technology to identify and pass through these channels.

Otherwise, the center of the three-body galaxy is three stars, don't they have a layer of skin on the outside of their galaxy? To enter the solar system, you must first highlight the three-body galaxy!

The three-body galaxy is two light-years away from Earth, and as long as the speed of "Chiko" reaches 90% of the speed of light, it will be more than two Earth years to reach Earth.

03 What is the cosmic background radiation that almost made Wang Miao collapse?

If the solar system is compared to a huge cell that lives in the intercellular fluid of the universe, then background radiation is easy to explain.

The background radiation is the water of the "big ocean" of the intercellular fluid of the universe.

Let's look at how water molecules pass through cell membranes:

The way water molecules pass through the cell membrane is different from other substances, there are two ways for water to pass through the cell membrane, generally through the free diffusion of the lipid bilayer, because there is space in the lipid bilayer, and the water molecules can form an ice-like structure in it through hydrogen bonds, thereby passing through the membrane; If aquaporins are involved, they assist in diffusion.

Aquaporins are proteins located on the cell membrane that form "pores" that control the entry and exit of water in and out of the cell.

When water molecules pass through aquaporin, they will form a single column and enter the curved narrow channel, and the internal dipole force and polarity will help the water molecules rotate to pass through the narrow channel at an appropriate angle, which is why the aquaporin configuration can only allow water molecules to pass.

Everyone combines the knowledge of background radiation, and then think about the characteristics of background radiation: isotropic, this is not like standing in a cell, watching water molecules from all sides of the cell membrane, through diffusion into the cell!

If this analogy is true, then background radiation may also be indispensable for the survival of life on Earth.

If we can further study the background radiation, suppose that we design a project in which two batches of plant seeds that have no difference or are not statistically significant in difference (multidimensional statistics) are cultivated separately in the presence of cosmic background radiation and shielded background radiation (other conditions are the same), and compare whether their growth, development, and results are statistically different, and if there are significant differences, it is also a great scientific discovery.

Why do humans always like to look up at the stars? Is it because we humans ourselves need to be nourished by cosmic background radiation?

Or do we humans really come from outside the solar system, and we look up at the stars to find our way to come?

The path of scientific exploration is never endless, perhaps there are more complex structures inside the solar system, such as undiscovered material, energy, information channels, perhaps we have studied ourselves relatively thoroughly, the study of the solar system and the universe is relatively thorough, maybe it is not death immortality, but life, the universe eternal life!

(This article is written by @First Dewdrop guest author "Horizon")

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