
Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

author:Dr. Tang science chat

Blood is the nutrient fluid that has been flowing in the body, and in addition to being rich in blood cells, there are more nutrients and toxins that urgently need to be excreted. Once the blood stops flowing, it will also mean the end of a person's life.

If the blood is not clean, it will become viscous and unsmooth, resulting in advanced blood diseases, decreased body organ function, and early aging of women, at this time it is redundant to do more external maintenance.

Only by maintaining normal blood concentration can we effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and promote blood circulation.

So, what are the characteristics of people with "clean" blood? In ordinary life, how to make blood clean? Let's find out together.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

The 4 main functions of blood:

1. Transport of substances

The various nutrients absorbed from the digestive tract and the oxygen inhaled by the lungs are transported through the blood to various organs and tissues throughout the body for their use.

Metabolites produced by various tissues throughout the body, such as urea, creatinine and carbon dioxide, also need to be transported through the blood to the excretory organs - kidneys, lungs, skin and intestines and excreted. Drugs that enter the body are also distributed to different parts of the body through the blood.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

2. Buffering function

Because the composition of blood is relatively fixed, it plays an important role in maintaining acid-base balance and the balance of various ions.

3. Maintain the stability of the internal environment

Through extensive communication with all parts of the body, it plays an important role in the balance of water-electrolytes, acid-base balance and constant body temperature in the body, so that the body maintains a suitable and stable physical and chemical environment.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

4. Defense function

The body has the ability to defend against or eliminate nociceptive stimuli, involving many aspects, and the blood reflects the functions of immunity and hemostasis.

For example, white blood cells in the blood can engulf and break down foreign microorganisms and senile, dead tissue cells in the body. Some are immune cells, and antibodies in plasma such as antitoxins and lysins can defend against or destroy bacteria and toxins that invade the body.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

Most people with "clean" blood have the following 6 characteristics

1. Breathe smoothly

Breathing is a feature of human life, and under normal circumstances, the respiratory rate will be relatively smooth. However, when breathing difficulties occur, it is actually associated with a high concentration in the blood.

Due to the high blood concentration, it will affect the normal blood circulation, resulting in the inability of nutrients to be delivered in time, and will also affect the normal respiratory function, which will cause the body to have difficulty breathing.

Therefore, in life, we should also pay attention to the proper maintenance of blood health.

2. Ruddy lips

The state of the lips can directly reflect the health of people, but also make people's external image get extra points, many women will wear lipstick when wearing makeup, which can make the whole person look more imposing.

Women with rosy and full lips indicate that their physical fitness is good, which is also a manifestation of sufficient blood in the body, you may wish to check yourself to see if the color of your lips is rosy.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

3. Dizziness is rare

Clean blood means healthier body, so that dizziness and headaches will not occur frequently. If you wake up in the morning with obvious dizziness and sluggish thinking, it means that there is a problem with the blood in the body.

If the blood contains too much waste and toxins, it will become viscous, so that the brain tissue cannot get nutrients in time, it will become dull, dizziness, headache and other conditions.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

4. Good eyesight

When there is a blood problem, it can also have a certain effect on your eyes. When the blood in our body becomes viscous, the oxygen and blood supply to the brain is insufficient, which can lead to eye fatigue, leading to problems such as blurred eyes and decreased vision.

For many older people, there are usually many people who have this problem that they must be concerned about, and their blood may be too viscous.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

5. Warm hands and feet

The hands and feet are the farthest part from the heart, and the blood flowing continuously can transport toxins and garbage accumulated in the body, providing rich nutrients and nutrients for the body, and also has a good effect on maintaining body temperature and regulating body metabolism.

People with warm hands and feet indicate clean blood, while those with cold hands and feet indicate that the body has insufficient qi and blood and needs timely conditioning.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

6. Ruddy face

For people with relatively good blood circulation rate, the complexion is also relatively good. This is because there are no impurities inside the blood, which can help promote blood circulation and transport nutrients to all parts of the body, which can also cause rosy complexion.

But on the contrary, if your face is relatively ugly, it is actually caused by obstruction of blood circulation, so you must pay attention to proper self-care.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

4 behaviors that hurt blood vessels, see how many you account for!

1. Don't like sports

Don't think that exercise will only bring benefits to muscles and organs, in fact, it is also very good for vascular health in the process of exercise.

If you can continue to exercise, then you can discharge the waste and garbage in the blood vessels in time, and reduce the accumulation of fat, cholesterol and other substances. Keep blood and blood vessels in a healthy state to avoid problems such as arteriosclerosis and hyperlipidemia.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

2. Sedentary for a long time

Prolonged sitting is one of the most common causative factors of venous thrombosis in the legs.

For the adverse harm of sitting for a long time, many people do not understand comprehensively, holding the same posture for a long time will seriously affect blood circulation, once the limbs have poor blood circulation, there will be severe swelling, numbness symptoms.

Therefore, for the sake of blood vessel health, it is recommended that everyone must correct the vice of sitting for a long time as soon as possible.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

3. Eat a greasy diet

Eat as little greasy food as possible, although this type of food can provide energy more directly, but eating more will affect the health of the body.

Regular intake of too oily food can easily cause fat accumulation, and excess fat cannot be metabolized by the body and accumulates in blood vessels. Not only is it easy to deposit on the blood vessel wall, causing blood vessel blockage, but also increases the viscosity of blood and causes blood clots.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

4. Drink a lot of alcohol

Alcohol increases the burden on the liver and affects liver function. The decline of liver function, the body's fat metabolism, sugar metabolism, etc. will be abnormal, which in turn leads to the accumulation of fat in blood vessels, and the problem of blood vessel narrowing. When blood is circulating, it is easy to become blocked in the narrowing of blood vessels.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

Extension: How to keep blood "clean"? Doing well 3 little things is key

1. Stay up less late

Staying up late and not getting enough sleep will affect the body's endocrine metabolism, and the increase of epinephrine and norepinephrine will make the blood vessels spasm, contraction, and promote the increase of blood pressure.

Studies have found that sleeping less than 6-7 hours per night, resulting in an increase in mortality rate comparable to smoking, often staying up late, not only increases the occurrence of sudden death, but also induces insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

2. Keep moving

Proper exercise can reduce weight, stabilize blood lipids, and promote the body's metabolism and blood circulation, and discharge garbage toxins in blood vessels faster, which has a great protective effect on blood vessels.

Patients with three highs and middle-aged and elderly people should exercise gradually to avoid physical damage caused by excessive exercise intensity.

Most people with "clean" blood have 6 characteristics, you may wish to see how many you have

3. Pay attention to adequate water consumption

Many people's vascular lesions are mainly related to the lack of drinking water for a long time, and when the water intake is insufficient, it is easy to cause the body's circulation and metabolism to be hindered, so that the accumulation of garbage toxins is excessive, which may cause adverse reactions.

Therefore, in the process of promoting physical health, we should ensure sufficient drinking water, so as to exert a good health effect and maintain the health of blood vessels.