
Garlic to prevent new crown? Celery juice to lower blood pressure? 5 diet health rumors, how many have you heard?

author:Xiaohui talks about healthy eating

I am Xiaohui, a dietary health manager. Today I will share with you 5 rumors about diet and health, I don't know if you have heard it, some of them went viral in major friend circles and platforms last year, and finally were refuted.

Eat garlic raw to prevent the new crown

Although garlic is good, it does not prevent the new crown. Garlic has allicin components, which does have a certain inhibitory effect on pathogenic vitamins, but this is the result of in vitro cell tests. If you usually eat it raw, it is a different matter from the test, and whether this amount is enough to prevent it, it is not known, eating garlic raw will also irritate the stomach mucosa. Of course, garlic is indeed effective, and it can be eaten raw.

Garlic inhalation therapy to prevent new coronary pneumonia"

Another one related to garlic. This big rumor was debunked on relevant platforms last year. At that time, some people said that garlic was mashed into garlic puree, put it on the spoon, put the spoon in the mouth and breathe deeply, suck the garlic taste into the chest, and then swallow it, so that allicin can destroy the new crown virus.

In fact, the allicin content in garlic is limited, even if it is oxidized in the air for 15 minutes will increase, it still has no medicinal effect. Whether it is taken with hot water or contained in the mouth, it cannot enhance its effect.

Garlic to prevent new crown? Celery juice to lower blood pressure? 5 diet health rumors, how many have you heard?

Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is healthy

How much water to drink every day, each person's situation is different, healthy people generally 6-8 cups can be, drinking water needs spleen transport, too much water for poor kidney function or spleen and stomach mobilization function is not good people should be cautious.

Garlic to prevent new crown? Celery juice to lower blood pressure? 5 diet health rumors, how many have you heard?

Eat ginger Sheng at night and eat arsenic

Although it is recommended to eat ginger during the day to replenish yang qi, and it is not suitable to eat ginger to spread yang qi at night, it is not so exaggerated, this is an exaggerated rhetorical device, do not be too superstitious.

Can a glass of celery juice a day lower blood pressure?

Celery is very good, suitable for people with high blood pressure, it itself contains potassium ions, apigenin and other antihypertensive ingredients, can play a role in vascular, potential blood pressure lowering effect. However, the content of antihypertensive substances in celery is not high, and how much celery can be retained after juicing, it is not recommended to be overly superstitious about these statements, and maintain daily intake.

Garlic to prevent new crown? Celery juice to lower blood pressure? 5 diet health rumors, how many have you heard?