
Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

author:Moe Knowledge Hall

I don't know if you've seen the movie "Jaws", anyway, I was scared of the blood basin in the movie. But in fact, did you know that sharks actually have docile species, but although they are docile, their physiques are still huge in front of humans.

Today, let's take an inventory of the 10 largest shark species in the world and see which ones you know!

Tenth place, mako shark

The mako shark, also known as the blue-spotted shark, can reach a length of up to 4 meters and weigh up to 570 kilograms.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

What is more characteristic is that this shark swims particularly fast, reaching speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour, which is the feature that has earned this shark the title of "Ocean Swimming Champion".

Ninth, Pacific Sleeper shark

It has an average length of 4.27 meters, with the largest capable of reaching 7 meters. In order to feed, this shark can glide in the water with very small movements, which means that it is very quiet when gliding, which makes the predation success rate of this shark very high. Maybe it's because they have easy access to food that they grow so big.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

This shark prefers to enter deeper oceans, so its range of activity is very wide, basically, from the surface of the ocean to the range of 2 kilometers down, is the depth of the ocean that this shark prefers to enter and exit.

8th place, megachasma pelagios

The megamouth shark is a deep-sea shark, so it is rarely observed by humans. Since the discovery of the shark in 1976, scientists have obtained fewer than 100 specimens of megamouth sharks.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

When they swim in the deep sea, they usually have their mouths open to prey on plankton, crustaceans, and small fish.

Seventh place, great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Great white sharks are known for their size, with larger females reaching 6.1 meters and weighing up to 2268 kilograms.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

Anyone who has seen the movie "Jaws" should know that great white sharks are a top predator and have no natural predators in the ocean. Great white sharks prefer to hunt not only on the surface of the ocean, but also on the seabed. When they reach a certain size, they can even eat seals, sea lions, dolphins, and humans.

6th place, hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran)

The hammerhead shark, also known as the sledgehammerhead shark, can reach an average length of 4.6 meters and is found in tropical oceans around the world. It is a carnivore that is very good at using its protruding head to accurately locate its prey, and its eyes provide it with a wider field of view, allowing it to easily find its prey.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

But this shark is not aggressive towards humans, and there are few cases of harm to humans.

Fifth place, blunt-nosed sixgill shark (Hexanchus griseus)

You may not be familiar with this name, and you may be more familiar with its other name: bull shark. The bull shark is the largest sixgill shark and can reach a length of 7 meters.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

This solitary creature is usually particularly sensitive to light, which means that it is rarely seen in shallow waters during the day.

Despite its size, the shark is not aggressive to humans and usually feeds on fish, invertebrates, and even other sharks.

4th place, tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier)

The average length of tiger sharks is 3.25-4.25 meters, and the average weight is about 635 kilograms, but the larger tiger sharks found by humans have reached a length of 7.3 meters and weighed more than 1000 kilograms.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

Tiger sharks generally forage at night, and the foraging of this shark is very characteristic, this characteristic is: it eats almost everything. The range of prey includes crustaceans, fish, seals, birds, squid, turtles, sea snakes, dolphins, and even other smaller sharks that are able to become its food.

3rd place, Greenland shark (Smallhead sleeping fish)

It is also often called "gray shark" in China, which belongs to large sharks. This shark is one of the longest-lived of all known vertebrates. A gray shark found in recent years, scientists have measured through the "carbon dating method", and found that its age has reached between 272 and 512 years old, which is very surprising.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

And, the Greenland shark is the only shark that can endure the Arctic environment all year round and thrive in the icy environment.

Second place, basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus)

Basking sharks are the second largest fish in the world, after whale sharks, and can reach an adult length of more than 10 meters and weigh about 7 tons.

Although this shark looks fierce and seems to eat other sharks, in fact, this shark is "passively feeding", just like the whales we are very familiar with. Through the gills, you can filter zooplankton and small fish and become your own delicacy.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

What is more shocking is that although this shark is particularly large, it can reach a very amazing speed in a short time when accelerating, and can even jump completely out of the water like a dolphin. You can imagine what it would be like for an animal in 7 tons to jump completely out of the water, and just thinking about it must be a shocking scene.

Currently, the shark is listed as endangered by scientists.

First place, whale shark (Rhincodon typus)

is the largest fish in the ocean, there is no one. The average length can reach about 12 meters, and the largest whale shark found by humans has reached a length of 18.8 meters.

Of the 10 largest shark species, the great white shark is only 7th, reaching 18.8 meters in first place

Like basking sharks, whale sharks are "passive feeders" that swallow everything by opening their mouths, then closing their mouths and spitting out what they can't eat. And most of what is eaten is plankton.

In tropical waters, this shark can often be encountered, although it is very large, but it is a very docile shark, there have been no cases of harm to humans, divers can also swim freely around it.

Well, that's all about sharks today, I don't know if you want to raise a huge shark as your pet? Anyway, my family does not have such a big pool.

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