
33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

author:Peaceful clear sky

I once saw an article that wrote: "At present, food can always have thought, or gluttonous and coquettish, observation before eating, thinking during eating, simmering after tasting, eating is nature, chewing quietly, gently aftertaste, extraordinary rhyme." Eating is a kind of happiness, taste is a kind of fun, and transparent ink fragrance feels the spicy and salty sweetness in the text, which is a kind of happiness. Those who can eat get a stomach-warming enjoyment; Those who will eat find a peace of mind. "Savor it, feel deeply! Food has now become a part of our lives, life, go slowly, live slowly, life does not need gorgeous coats, nor sweet words, life needs to eat three meals a day, and live every day plainly. Each of us has our own living habits, in order to meet everyone's different dietary needs, select different dishes every day to share with everyone, and cheer for the wonderful life every day!

Mapo tofu

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: Soybean curd, minced lean meat, spring onions, Pixian bean paste, peppercorns, garlic, salt, chicken essence, starch


1. Cut the tofu into small pieces, chop the lean meat into minced meat, cut the white green onion into pieces, chop the green onion and chop the green leaves, and mince the garlic.

2. Add water to the pot, put the tofu in the heat and cook for a while, remove and set aside.

3. Heat oil in a pot, add peppercorns over low heat and stir-fry slowly, then add green onion and stir-fry until fragrant.

4. Add minced meat and stir-fry until white.

5. Add bean paste and stir-fry well.

6. Add water to cover the minced meat and simmer for a while.

7. Add the tofu to simmer over low heat, let the flavor penetrate into the tofu and put a little salt, because the bean paste is salty.

8. When the soup is almost ready, add chopped green onion and minced garlic, then add starch and potato juice, gently stir-fry evenly, and serve on a plate.

Stir-fried pork belly with double pepper

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: Onion, cooked pork belly, green and red pepper, garlic, salt

Method: 1. Change the ingredients to a knife and set aside.

2. Heat oil and fry garlic slices.

3. Add green and red peppers and onion and stir-fry.

4. Fry until broken, put a little salt and set aside.

5. Heat the oil again, stir-fry the belly, and add some cooking wine.

6. Add an appropriate amount of salt, sugar, light soy sauce and oyster sauce and stir-fry well.

7. Pour the previously fried onion and green and red pepper back into the pot, stir-fry over high heat evenly, and then you can get out of the pan.

Stir-fried chicken gizzard with spicy celery

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Material: gizzard; Celery; Garlic; Ginger; Pixian bean hot sauce; Appropriate amount of cooking wine; Soy sauce;


1. Cut celery into small pieces and blanch water immediately to cool for later use, slice garlic, and shred ginger;

2. Wash the chicken Zhen, boil water in the pot, blanch the chicken Zhen in water, add cooking wine to remove the fishy color when blanching, take out the drizzling water, and cut it into thin slices;

3. Pour oil into a wok, put garlic slices, ginger shreds, Pixian bean paste hot sauce and stir-fry until fragrant;

4. Put chicken Zhen stir-fry, add some soy sauce appropriately, then put celery and stir-fry evenly, and put some salt appropriately according to the taste.

Pork meatballs

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

1. Stir or mince the pork with a meat grinder, add green onion and ginger, cooking wine, Sichuan peppercorn powder, salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, five-spice powder, and stir together

2. Squeeze your hands into balls with water, and the size is as random as you need

3. When there is more oil in the pan, the oil temperature rises, add the meatballs and fry until caramel colored

Red braised trotters

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 500g pork trotters, green onion, ginger, 1 star anise, 10 peppercorns, 2 tablespoons light soy sauce, 1/2 tablespoon dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 tablespoon rock sugar, 1/2 tablespoon sesame oil

Method: 1. Clean the pig's trotters, put water in the pot and put green onions and ginger to boil

2. Put in the trotters and cook for two minutes with the lid open, remove and rinse with cold water and drain

3. Stir-fry sugar color: put a tablespoon of rock sugar crushed and cook over low heat until the rock sugar melts and becomes darker

4. Pour in the blanched trotters and stir-fry until sticky brown

5. Pour in 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, half a tablespoon of dark soy sauce and stir-fry until all the trotters are colored, pour in 1 tablespoon of cooking wine and ginger slices and stir-fry well

6. Put 1 star anise, 10 peppercorns into a tea bag and put them in the pot with the green onion

7. Add enough water to pass the pig's trotters, turn the water to low heat, cover and simmer for two hours

8. Open the lid and turn to high heat to collect the thick juice water, drizzle some sesame oil and stir-fry well before leaving the pot

Stir-fried rice noodles with seafood

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 1 piece of dried rice noodles, 3~5 fresh squid, 10 clams, 1 small carrot, a little celery.

Method: 1. Soak dried rice noodles in warm water until soft.

2: Drain the water, add half a tablespoon of oyster sauce and half a tablespoon of light soy sauce and mix well.

3: Handle the celery and carrots and cut them into shreds.

4. Clean the squid, cut the knife, wash the clams and set aside.

5. Put oil in a pot (a little more), pour in clams and squid and stir-fry together, and put some cooking wine. See the squid white and rolled up, put the squid out. The clams continue in the pan.

6. At this time, the clams have not opened their mouths, pour in the rice noodles, and use chopsticks to constantly stir-fry the rice noodles.

7. Fry until the soup in the pot is basically exhausted, pour in the shredded vegetables and continue to stir-fry until the rice noodles are dry and the clams are open.

8. Put some chicken essence to taste, pour in the squid roll fried in front, stir-fry evenly and then come out of the pan.

Capers belly

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: pork belly, capers, 2 millet peppers, 1 sharp pepper, green onion, ginger and garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, chicken essence, salt and oil.


1: Cut the pork belly into small cubes, cut the millet pepper and sharp pepper into rings, cut the capers into small pieces, and slice the ginger and garlic for later use.

2. Heat the pan with oil, stir-fry the pork belly until the oil comes out, add soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, stir-fry evenly.

3. Then add millet pepper, ginger and garlic, stir-fry, pour in capers and pepper and stir-fry for two minutes, put chicken essence, white sugar, stir-fry evenly to start the pot, sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Beer roast duck

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: duck, beer, 3g salt, 4 pieces of single crystal rock sugar, 15ml dark soy sauce, 600ml beer, ginger, dried chili, soy sauce, garlic

Method 1: Wash and chop the duck into pieces, and smash the whole piece. Bring water to a boil in a pot, put duck pieces and cook for 3 minutes to remove the blood.

2. Remove the supercooled water, drain and set aside.

3. Pour oil into the iron pot and heat it to seventy percent, stir-fry the duck pieces, keep frying the duck pieces in the pot, force out the moisture in the duck meat, see that the duck skin becomes tighter, the duck pieces are relatively reduced, transfer the fried duck pieces to the pressure cooker, the iron pot does not need to be washed.

4. Add ginger cubes, dried chili, pour the whole bottle of beer, then cover the pressure cooker and turn to high heat.

5. After waiting for the gas to sound, turn to medium-low heat for 20 minutes, turn off the heat, and wait for the pressure cooker to deflate naturally.

6. Open the lid of the pressure cooker, move the cooked duck pieces back to the iron pot, pour the old soy sauce and color, put rock sugar and salt to taste. Turn on high heat, cover the pot, and collect the soup.

Stir-fried potato eggplant strips with watercress

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 200g potatoes, 250g eggplant, 3 cloves of garlic, 5-10 dried peppers, 10g light soy sauce, 10g oyster sauce, 2g salt, 10+10g oil

Method 1: Cut the potatoes into thick strips. Cut the eggplant into thick strips and marinate with a pinch of salt.

2. Let the eggplant be slightly dehydrated, not easy to absorb oil.

3. Pour oil into a pan and fry garlic cloves, and fry the potatoes until half-cooked and brown.

4. Be sure to fry until half-cooked, otherwise the potatoes will be half raw, and the eggplant will be soft and rotten.

5. Pour another 10g of oil, add eggplant and fry until soft, add light soy sauce, oyster sauce, dried chili pepper, salt, stir-fry evenly. Sprinkle chopped green onions.

Scrambled eggs with green peppers

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: Green pepper, egg, chopped green onion, chicken essence, salt, oil

Method: 1. Wash the green pepper with clean water, remove the seeds and cut into fine strips. Beat the eggs in a bowl and stir apart with chopsticks.

2. Put oil (40g) in a pot, heat it, pour the egg juice in, stir-fry and pour out. Pour the remaining oil into the pot, heat it and put in the green onion pot.

3. Add shredded green pepper, add refined salt and stir-fry a few times, when you see the green pepper shredded green, put in scrambled eggs, MSG, stir-fry evenly, cook with balsamic vinegar, and you can get out of the pot.

Pan-fried tofu in hot sauce

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: Tofu, ginger, green onion, hot sauce, oil, salt

Method: 1. Mince the green onion and ginger, rinse the tofu with clean water and cut into thick slices;

2. Put cooking oil in a frying pan, and after the oil is hot, put the tofu into the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides;

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, fry the chopped green onion and ginger slices after the oil is hot, add hot sauce, salt, and an appropriate amount of water and boil;

4. Put the fried tofu into the pot and simmer over low heat until it tastes;

5. When the soup is almost dry, turn off the heat.

Chicken thighs with roasted potatoes

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 2 chicken thighs, 2 potatoes, oil and salt, 1 green onion, 2 slices of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 10 Sichuan peppercorns, 1 large ingredient, 1 tablespoon cooking wine, 1 tablespoon braised soy sauce, 1 tablespoon light soy sauce

Method: 1. Clean up the purchased chicken thighs, peel and wash the potatoes.

2. Cut the chicken thighs into pieces with a knife, cut the potatoes into hob pieces, and wash off the starch in clean water so that the potatoes do not oxidize and turn black.

3. Add water to the pot, blanch the chicken nuggets under cold water, boil the water for 4-5 minutes, skim off the foam, and remove the chicken nuggets for use.

4. Heat oil in a pot, add green onion, ginger slices, garlic, peppercorns, stir-fry until fragrant, add chicken pieces and stir-fry evenly.

5. Pour in braised soy sauce, light soy sauce, cooking wine, stir-fry the chicken nuggets to color, add boiling water, or bring the chicken nuggets to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 15 minutes.

6. After the time, add the potato cubes, add an appropriate amount of salt, continue to burn and taste, when there is a little soup left, collect the juice over high heat, turn off the heat, and put it on a plate.

Dry pot octopus

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 500 grams of chilled octopus, 50 grams of garlic cloves, 30 grams of chili pepper, 20 grams of garlic seedlings, 5 grams of shredded ginger.

Seasoning: homemade dry pot sauce, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil, green onion oil, salad oil to taste

Method: 1. Thaw and clean the chilled octopus, first put it into a pot of boiling water to soak water, fish it out and then put it into a 60% hot oil pot to slide the oil, take it out of the pot and set aside.

2. Add a little green onion oil to the pot, first fry the garlic cloves and ginger shreds until fragrant, then add homemade dry pot sauce and fry for 1 minute, then put the two wattle chili pieces and octopus into it to continue stir-frying, add salt, chicken essence and monosodium glutamate, add garlic seedlings and drizzle sesame oil before starting the pot, stir-fry well and put it into the pot, and it is ready.

Thick egg roll with chopped green onion

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Recipe 1: Beat three eggs. Add salt, chopped green onion and sesame seeds and beat into egg liquid.

2. Spread a little oil in the pan and spread a little egg liquid. Slightly solidified and rolled to the side.

3. Brush with a little oil and spread the egg liquid

4. Roll it up to the other side and repeat several times until the egg is finished, sprinkle the ham in between

5. Cool slightly and cut into sections.

Braised saury

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Main saury: 3

Auxiliary green onion: appropriate amount; Light soy sauce: appropriate amount; Garlic: to taste; Ginger: to taste; Cooking wine: to taste; Coriander: to taste

Specific steps

1. Eviscerate the saury, wash it and place it on kitchen paper to absorb the water

2. Heat oil in a pot and add ginger slices

3. When the ginger slices change color and are slightly yellow, fry the saury until it is served

4. Fry on one side and turn to the other until frying

5. After frying on the other side, add cooking wine, ginger slices, appropriate salt

6. Add green onion, coriander, garlic and light soy sauce to taste

7. Remove from the pan and serve on a plate

Broccoli oil tofu

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Steps: 1. Wash and break the broccoli into small florets, and the oil tofu is excessive

2. Chopped green onion, minced ginger, red pepper cubes, oil tofu cut into cornered cubes

3. Put a small amount of salt in the water, blanch the broccoli and remove the cool water

4. Fry the pan with green onion and ginger

5. Add the oily tofu and stir-fry for a little smoke

6. Pour in broccoli, add salt to red pepper cubes, season chicken essence, stir-fry for 1 minute, and drizzle a small amount of spray nasal oil before leaving the pan

Huaiqi honey dates boiled lean broth

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Lean meat; Huaishan tablets; Chinese wolfberry; Dates; spring onions; Ginger;

Step 1: Prepare the materials.

2. Wash the lean meat and cut it into short and thick strips; Boil water in a pot, put lean meat in the water after boiling, and blanch until the lean meat changes color; Remove the lean meat and rinse off the foam with clean water; Peel and slice the ginger, cut the green onion into sections;

3Put lean meat in a soup pot; Add washed Huaishan slices and dates; Add the sliced green onion and ginger; Add enough water (about 800ml); After the medium heat is boiled, turn to low heat for about two and a half hours, put in the goji berries, and continue to boil for half an hour; Add a pinch of salt to season before cooking.

Stir-fried meat with fungus

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: tenderloin, egg, fungus, chili, greens to taste, light soy salt

Method: marinate the tenderloin, egg, fungus, pepper, and greens.

The eggs are scrambled, the meat is stir-fried, and the greens are cut off.

Shallot, chili pot. Pour in the eggs, fungus, meat and greens and stir-fry slightly.

Remove from pan and plate. Bright color and rich in nutrients.

Braised eggplant

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 1 eggplant, 1 green pepper, 1 tomato, 3 cloves of garlic, 2-3 spoons sweet potato starch, 4-5 spoons sugar, a little salt, a little soy sauce, a little chicken essence, a little cooking wine, a little sesame oil, half a bowl of water;


1. Wash and cut the eggplant into cubes and put sweet potato starch to grasp well, cut tomatoes and green peppers into chunks and set aside, minced garlic for later use;

2. Heat oil in a pot and fry the eggplant in oil until golden brown;

3. Seasoning sauce: half a bowl of water, 3 spoons of starch, 1 spoonful of salt, a little sesame oil, a little cooking wine, a little chicken essence, a little dark soy sauce color (the color is not too light dark chocolate), 4-5 spoons of sugar (more sugar will taste better);

4. Leave a little base oil in the pot, add tomatoes and green peppers and stir-fry until fragrant, return the fried eggplant to the pot, put in the seasoning and stir-fry, turn off the heat and add minced garlic to stir-fry evenly out of the pot;

Stir-fried cabbage with double mushrooms

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 150g shiitake mushrooms, 150g white jade mushrooms, 500g Chinese cabbage, oil and salt, 1 green onion, 1 slice ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon oyster sauce, 1 tsp sugar,


1. Prepare the required materials, remove the old leaves of the cabbage, wash it clean, cut off the roots of the shiitake mushrooms, and wash it clean

2. Cut off the roots, wash them, cut the shiitake mushrooms into strips and set aside, cut off the roots of the cabbage, and then cut them into inch segments, chop the green onion, mince the ginger, and slice the garlic

3. Heat oil in a pot, add chopped green onion, minced ginger, garlic slices and stir-fry until fragrant, stir-fry shiitake mushrooms and white jade mushrooms over low heat, stir-fry the mushrooms to fragrant, stir-fry water, simmer for 1-2 minutes, and simmer the mushrooms thoroughly

4. Add the cabbage section over high heat and stir-fry, stir-fry the cabbage until the color turns dark green, add oyster sauce, a little salt, oyster sauce is relatively salty, personal taste is light, salt can not be put, quickly stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat, put it on a plate, a plate of light and delicious dishes is ready

Dongpo eggplant

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

1 eggplant; minced meat 50 g; 1 slice of ginger; 1 clove of garlic; 1 spring onion; 1 tablespoon soy sauce; 1/2 teaspoon salt; 1/4 tsp sugar; homemade chili oil 1 tablespoon; 1/2 tsp corn starch (dry starch); Appropriate amount of cold water; Appropriate amount of edible oil;

Dongpo eggplant recipe 1

Wash the eggplant with clean water and cut off the eggplant stems with a knife

Using a knife, follow the length of the eggplant and cut the eggplant into thick and even eggplant mounds

Take an eggplant pier and use the blade to cut three knives on the cutting surface of the knife, so that the knife cut surface presents 9 small cells to form a network structure

Pour a few cooking oils into the pot and cook until three or four are hot

Add eggplant mounds and fry over low heat

Fry until the flesh of the eggplant on both sides turns green and the appearance is charred yellow, and remove the eggplant with oil control

Heat the oil in the pan, add the minced meat and sauté with a spatula

Stir-fry until the minced meat changes color, chop the green onion, ginger and garlic, and put it in a pot to bring out the aroma

Pour 1 tablespoon of soy sauce into the pan

Add 1/2 teaspoon table salt and 1/4 teaspoon sugar

Put 1 tablespoon of homemade chili oil (the traditional method does not have chili oil, this step is my own participation in the manufacturing process)

Add 1 spoonful of water to the pot, heat it while mixing with a spatula for about 1~2 minutes, until the aroma wafts out

The sautéed minced meat is placed in a cross shape at the bottom of the plate

The fried eggplant is placed on top of the minced meat, and the soup left in the pan when the minced meat was stir-fried is poured onto the plate

Put enough cold water in the pot, prop up the steaming rack, pull a layer of plastic wrap on the plate, and place it on the steaming rack

Cover the pot and steam over high heat for about 10 minutes until the eggplant is cooked

Remove the steamed eggplant, decant the soup from the plate, and pour it into a small bowl

Place the steamed eggplant on another plate and place the minced meat on the outside of the eggplant

Place the soup in a small bowl in a pot over medium heat until the soup boils

1/2 tsp corn starch (dry starch) and cold water to make water starch and pour into a pot

Mix with a spatula in one direction

Make the soup thick and clear and turn off the heat, this is the stir-fried sauce

Use a small spoon to scoop the sautéed potato juice over each eggplant

Sprinkle in spring onions for garnish

Dongpo eggplant recipe 2 (traditional method)

Peel the eggplant and cut into cubes 4 cm thick and 6 cm wide

Cut a large cross knife on the surface of the eggplant cubes, 1/2 deep, then put it in a hot oil pan and fry it thoroughly, and remove it when it is golden brown

Put a little oil in the pot, put in the fat and lean minced meat, stir-fry to change color, then add green onion, ginger, minced winter bamboo shoots and stir-fry together, add salt, soy sauce, sugar, MSG to adjust the taste

Put the minced meat in a bowl in a cross shape, put the fried eggplant cubes knife side down, put the cross minced meat next to it in a square, add a little chicken stock to submerge the eggplant cubes

Steam for 30-35 minutes, buckle into a plate, hook the original juice with water powder, drizzle some oil on the eggplant cubes

Stir-fried peanut sprouts in oyster sauce

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 500g peanut sprouts, 2 tbsp lard (peanut oil), 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp light soy sauce, green onion;

Method 1: Buy back peanut sprouts.

2. Wash the peanut sprouts, remove the root whiskers and peanut skin, blanch and set aside.

3. Heat 2 spoons of lard in a hot pan, pour in peanut sprouts and stir-fry for a while, add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, come in and fry well, change to medium heat and continue to fry for 2-3 minutes, let peanut sprouts absorb the seasoning, add green onion before leaving the pan.

Spicy stir-fried braised beef

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: main ingredient, braised beef; small Chaotian pepper, coarse chili noodles, Sichuan peppercorns, ginger, garlic, spring onions; Cooking wine, Pixian bean paste, you can also add other chili paste, oyster sauce, light soy sauce, white sugar, salt according to taste, chicken essence according to your preference


1. Prepare the main ingredients and ingredients, cut the beef into thick strips. The braised beef is marinated by itself, not too rotten, and it must be fried and returned to the pot later, otherwise it will fall apart and not form.

2. Put the beef in hot oil, fry for about 3 minutes, turn to a simmer and continue to fry slowly until evenly colored, the beef becomes hard, and drain the fried beef with oil.

3. Pour out the oil in the pan and leave a little. Pour in Xiaochaotian pepper, shredded ginger, garlic cloves, Sichuan peppercorns, and Pixian bean cress over low heat and stir-fry. Pour the fried beef strips into the pan, turn the heat from low heat to simmer, add some cooking wine and stir-fry.

4. After that, add oyster sauce, light soy sauce, a small amount of salt, and two spoons of sugar, and stir-fry constantly to make the seasoning taste evenly. Then add cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce, fried dried beef strips will become soft, but after slowly stir-frying, the beef strips will become hard again, at this time you can add a small amount of chicken essence, add green onions, and stir-fry for another minute to start the pot, super tempting.

Korean spicy stir-fried rice cake

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 1 pack of rice cake sticks, half a cabbage or 1 carrot, 2 onions, 1 Korean hot sauce, 1 spoonful of Korean sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, a little sesame

Prepare the onion and carrot shredded and chop the cabbage. Fry the onion in a little oil.

Add shredded carrots, add cabbage, stir-fry, you can put a little light soy sauce.

Take another pot and put frozen rice cakes in the boiling water.

Pour the slightly scalded rice cake into the wok whole

Add two spoonfuls of Korean hot sauce, a spoonful or so of Korean miso sauce, and a spoonful of sugar

Add the pickles in a wok and continue stir-frying.

Leave the heat to medium for a few minutes, stirring halfway through to avoid sticking to the pan

Then turn on high heat to collect the juice, remove from the pan and sprinkle with sesame seeds

Roasted tofu with minced meat

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: tender tofu, minced meat, shallots and garlic, soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, salad oil

Method: Cut the tofu into small cubes, cut the green onion into small pieces, and mince the garlic~

Soy sauce, oyster sauce, cooking wine, sugar, water, sesame oil, mixed together to make a bowl juice~

Boil a pot of boiling water and add a small spoonful of salt to the water. Put the cut tofu in a pot, cook over medium-low heat for 2 minutes, then remove and drain

Heat a wok and add the right amount of salad oil. Heat the pan with cold oil, add minced meat and stir-fry, slowly stir-fry over low heat until the minced meat is spitting out the oil, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

Then put in the blanched tofu, pour in the bowl juice, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium heat and cook until the soup is thick, add the shallots and stir-fry evenly

Tofu with spring onions

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 1 piece of tofu, 4 spring onions, salt, white pepper, Sichuan peppercorns, sesame oil, chicken essence

Preparation 1 small piece of tofu, cut into small cubes, cut the spring onion into thin pieces

Boil water in a pot, put the tofu in, blanch the boiling water, and boil the water as soon as it is boiled

Remove and put in cool water to cool and control the dried tofu

Add salt, white pepper, sesame oil, chicken essence to taste the tofu and sprinkle with minced spring onions

Heat the oil, add the peppercorns and fry until fragrant

Put the green onion and tofu on a plate and spoon the peppercorn oil to pour an appropriate amount on the surface

Potato stew with pork belly

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Recipe 1: Prepare pork belly

2. Potatoes

3. Blanch the pork belly in a pot under water

4. Blanch the pork belly with warm water, rinse and drain

5. Add sugar to the oil in the pan

6. Boil until sugary

7. Stir-fry the pork belly so that each piece of meat is colored.

8. Add green onion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, fragrant leaves, peppercorns, stir-fry well.

9. Add water, boil the water and simmer over low heat.

10. Cut the potatoes into chunks

11. The meat is basically cooked, add the potatoes and stir-fry evenly.

Almonds mixed with bitter melon

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

1. Cut the bitter melon, remove the bowl, wash and cut into thin slices

2. Blanch in boiling water until broken, remove and drain

3. Soak the almonds in warm water

4. Peel off the outer skin and break it into two parts

5. Blanch in boiling water

6. Wash the goji berries and soak the hair

7. Stir sesame oil, salt, MSG and bitter melon well

8. Sprinkle with almonds and goji berries

Beef meal

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

1. Cut the beef into thin slices along the horizontal stripes.

2. Grab well with an appropriate amount of cooking wine, oil, salt, soy sauce, pepper, minced ginger, chicken essence and sweet potato powder.

3. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add star anise, fragrant leaves, angelica, ginger slices, garlic and chili.

4. After boiling, add an appropriate amount of salt, a little oil, put the beef slices into the pot one by one, can not be poured down, otherwise it will become a pot of paste soup.

5. After boiling again, add a little cooking wine, add chopped green onion, a little chicken essence, and turn off the heat.

6. Cook the rice noodles until they can be clipped with chopsticks.

7. Remove and serve in a bowl.

8. Pour the beef broth into the rice noodle bowl.

9. Blanch the greens in a pot of boiling water until they change color.

Stir-fry garlic

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

【Ingredients】300g garlic, 100g black fungus, 1 tsp salt, 1 green pepper, 2 tsp oyster sauce


1. Cut off the roots and then cut the black fungus in water for 2 hours in advance, then wash it, and cut the green pepper into hob pieces

2: Heat oil in a hot pan and pour in green peppers for half a minute

3. Add garlic and black fungus and stir-fry quickly

4. Add oyster sauce, salt and chicken essence and stir-fry over high heat until the garlic is soft and slightly juiced and then turn off the heat

Scallop-roasted vermicelli

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

1. Clean the scallop meat

2. Soak the vermicelli

3. Put the chopped green onion, ginger and garlic into the oil pan and turn over the aroma

4. Add the scallop meat and stir-fry to change color

5. Add all the ingredients with a small amount of water and add the vermicelli

Chilled okra

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: 1 handful of okra, 2 chives, 2 millet spicious, a little steamed fish soy sauce, a little vegetable oil, salt to taste


1. Prepare the required materials. Soak okra in salted water for 5 minutes, then rinse off repeatedly.

2. Remove the handle of okra, prepare a small pot, put in water, drop a few drops of oil, add a small spoonful of salt, bring the water to a boil, put in okra and blanch for about 3 minutes, remove to cool.

3. Cut diagonally into horseshoe shapes with a knife, put on a plate, mince chives, cut millet pepper into rings, sprinkle on top of okra, and drizzle with a little steamed fish soy sauce.

4. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, heat it, pour the hot oil on the minced chili and green onion, mix well and serve.

Small stir-fried beef

33 selected dishes to share, spicy and fragrant, delicious and affordable, homemade taste everyone likes, try it

Ingredients: Beef, dried red pepper, ginger, garlic, green pepper, soy sauce, light soy sauce, pepper, corn starch, Sichuan pepper, cooking wine


1. Cut the beef into thin slices and cut into thin strips, and marinate well with pepper, soy sauce, and a little corn starch (really just a little corn starch).

2. Cut the ginger into strips, mince the garlic, 1 green pepper, cut into rings, and cut the dried red pepper.

3. Heat oil in a wok (oil is a little more delicious than normal stir-frying ~~~~~), low heat, put a little peppercorn, fry fragrantly, put one-third of minced garlic, stir-fry shredded ginger into the pot, stir-fry twice, put the marinated beef into the pot, put a little cooking wine, turn to high heat and stir-fry.

4. The beef changes color and breaks, cut it aside, put dried red pepper pieces in the vacated area, and fry it on low heat for a while, be careful not to fry it.

5. Then continue to pull the beef chop back, add a little light soy sauce, increase the heat again, stir-fry a few green pepper rings and minced garlic together. Feel free to stir-fry a few times. Try salty and salty.

6. A little MSG seasoning, done.