
The baby's stomach is uncomfortable for three days, and the intestinal discomfort is several major manifestations, do parents understand?

author:Honeysuckle parenting

(Text/Silver Flower Parenting)

A friend's baby went to the hospital with serious gastrointestinal problems.

She called me and said:

"Lele didn't sleep well a few days ago, often slept on his stomach, didn't drink much milk, and didn't eat much complementary food.

There are too many things at the end of the year, and I think that it will be fine in a few days, so I don't care.

Unexpectedly, after eating complementary food at night, he began to vomit up and down, and had a little fever, which frightened the family.

After the doctor's examination, he said that it was caused by indigestion and colds, and prescribed some medicines and probiotics. ”

The baby's stomach is uncomfortable for three days, and the intestinal discomfort is several major manifestations, do parents understand?

Seeing the child's sick appearance, the friend is very guilty and blames himself, and the child's stomach is uncomfortable, so he should pay attention to it early.

The intestine is an important digestive and absorption organ of the human body, and now that the weather is dry and cold, people are more likely to get on fire.

The baby's intestine is generally not fully developed until about 6 or 7 years old, which is delicate and more prone to adverse reactions.

Baby's intestinal discomfort, usually through the physical reaction to tell parents "I am not comfortable", parents understand the baby's intestinal discomfort several manifestations, know what to do, the baby can be less sick.

Possible manifestations of intestinal discomfort in your baby

1. Restless sleep

If your baby's stomach is upset, he may be unstable while sleeping.

For example, twisting the body irritably, liking to pout your butt when lying on your stomach, and suddenly waking up during sleep.

The baby's stomach is uncomfortable for three days, and the intestinal discomfort is several major manifestations, do parents understand?

Some babies are obviously very sleepy, but because of intestinal discomfort, there is obvious difficulty falling asleep.

2. Indigestion

There are health signals hidden in the baby's "urine".

When the baby's little belly is hard, the amount of fart increases, and the fart tastes sour and smelly, because of indigestion, the food exists in the intestine, and after bacterial decomposition, it produces odor;

When the baby's succular is smelly and black, and it constantly releases very smelly farts, this indicates that the baby's intestinal digestion burden is too heavy, which is a manifestation of constipation;

The baby's stomach is uncomfortable for three days, and the intestinal discomfort is several major manifestations, do parents understand?

When the baby's stool is the original form of the food eaten, and then diarrhea, it is because the baby's intestinal function is weak, and the food eaten cannot be digested, so it is discharged in the original form of food, which will produce diarrhea;

When it is clear that it is a milky baby, there is always a smelly or sour taste in the mouth, most of them are caused by the food staying in the stomach for too long, the food cannot be digested normally, and the smell returns.

3. Changes in lip color and tongue

Your baby's normal lip color is reddish, and if there is a problem with the intestines, your baby's lips will become redder than usual, especially the lower lip.

Normal tongue moss is also reddish and covered with an even, thin layer of cream.

The baby's stomach is uncomfortable for three days, and the intestinal discomfort is several major manifestations, do parents understand?

If your baby's tongue becomes thick, yellowish or even has strawberry-shaped red spots, it is a sign of food accumulation.

4. Dysphagia

The baby's stomach has problems, and some babies will show loss of appetite, but sometimes they will also react as hyperappetite, manifested as wanting to eat all the time, as if they are not full.

If parents neglect and keep giving the baby food, it is easy to cause the baby to get sick.

How to soothe your baby's gastrointestinal discomfort?

Do a tummy rubbing exercise

Specific operation steps of tummy rubbing:

The first step is to rub the palm warmly, centered on the baby's navel, and caress the palm clockwise in a circle, once in one circle, 6-8 times;

The baby's stomach is uncomfortable for three days, and the intestinal discomfort is several major manifestations, do parents understand?

In the second step, both hands alternately stroke down for 8 beats as a group, do 2-3 sets, and then gently stroke down with both hands at the same time, 8 beats for 1 set, do 2-3 sets at a time;

In the third step, gently grab your baby's calves with both hands and alternate their legs like a bicycle. 8 beats for 1 set, do 1-2 sets at a time;

In the fourth step, grab the baby's right leg left hand, left leg and right hand respectively, help the baby cross touch with one hand and one knee, 8 beats for 1 set, do 1-2 sets at a time;

In the fifth step, gently grasp the baby's legs, press the baby's legs vertically towards the abdomen, 8 beats into 1 set, do 1-2 sets at a time.

This tummy rubbing exercise can effectively relieve intestinal problems such as flatulence, constipation, and indigestion, especially suitable for small babies.

The baby's stomach is uncomfortable for three days, and the intestinal discomfort is several major manifestations, do parents understand?

When the baby has intestinal problems, mothers can also add some probiotics to the baby to adjust.

How to prevent intestinal discomfort in your baby

1. Regular feeding

After the baby is born, it is recommended to breastfeed, which can reduce many intestinal problems.

Breastfed babies, babies within 3 months are fed on demand, and by 4 months, mothers should consciously feed at fixed points, which can be fed regularly at intervals of 3-4 hours.

2. Play with your baby more

When the baby is awake, parents accompany the baby to play more, so that the baby's body and mind are active, the baby's activity is up, and naturally it can promote the baby's gastrointestinal activities.

The baby's stomach is uncomfortable for three days, and the intestinal discomfort is several major manifestations, do parents understand?

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3. Keep your baby's belly warm

The fat layer on the abdomen is very thin, especially prone to cold, and it is necessary to protect the baby's little tummy,

Usually you don't need to wear too many clothes for the baby, just wear the right clothes according to the temperature, and you can wear a small cloth pocket inside the baby when you go out to keep your belly warm.

After the New Year, it is also necessary to avoid other family members giving the baby too much benign food or too many miscellaneous foods.

In short, the baby's intestinal health will have an impact on the baby's health.

For our babies and toddlers, they can't speak and can't express their discomfort very accurately.

When his body feels uncomfortable, it will react through the body, and the mothers and dads carefully observe and improve it in time through massage, stroking, diet adjustment and other methods, which can make the baby's intestines more and make the baby less sick.

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