
It turns out that calcium supplementation should be supplemented from childhood

author:Refill soy milk that Chen

The body's bone mass will reach a peak at the age of 20-30, after which the bone mass will gradually decline, so it is best to start supplementing from a young age, and even pay attention to calcium supplementation from childhood to ensure the strength of bones.

Long-term calcium deficiency reduces bone density, leading to osteoporosis and increasing the risk of falls.

The first choice for calcium supplementation is, dairy products! Not only because of the high calcium content in milk, but also because dairy products are rich in calcium-promoting absorption factors. In addition, the calcium-phosphorus ratio in milk is very reasonable, which can provide calcium and phosphorus in a balanced manner, and the calcium-phosphorus ratio is an important factor affecting calcium absorption.

Friends who can't drink milk every day, or can't drink milk, can choose soy products with higher calcium content instead, such as tofu, soy milk, Qianzhang, curd bamboo and other soy products. There are also friends who will choose to eat shrimp skin, dried shrimp, and seafood calcium supplementation, seafood is not only high in calcium, but also high in sodium (shrimp skin) and iodine (kelp), you can choose to eat seafood.

So how to eat to better absorb the calcium in food? The absorption rate of calcium depends not only on the level of calcium content, but also on the content of calcium in a single intake of element, after a certain value, the body element calcium content is high, the absorption rate will be reduced. Therefore, do not eat too much of high-calcium foods at one time, even milk with high calcium content should not drink too much at one time, drinking too much will affect the absorption of calcium. We can eat it in divided meals.

While ensuring adequate calcium intake in the diet, we should also pay attention to vitamin D supplementation, which is more conducive to calcium absorption.

It turns out that calcium supplementation should be supplemented from childhood


It turns out that calcium supplementation should be supplemented from childhood

bean curd

It turns out that calcium supplementation should be supplemented from childhood
