
Acne on the scalp, it still hurts when touched? Doctor: This is mostly related to 4 reasons, and you need to be vigilant

author:Health Shenzhen

There is a kind of pain called washing and combing the hair and suddenly touching a pimple on the head, and then hissing and grinning in pain.

There is a kind of confusion, called acne on the forehead, chin, nose, even if it is okay, why does the scalp also have acne?

Acne on the scalp, it still hurts when touched? Doctor: This is mostly related to 4 reasons, and you need to be vigilant

There is a kind of "Sister Li", called to wash her hair diligently every day, and take care of her conscientiously every time, but the scalp will still have acne?

There is a helplessness that tells me what to do with this little thing that pops up from time to time, inconspicuous but lethal?

What causes scalp acne?

Scalp acne refers to the appearance of pimples and acne on the scalp or hairline. It can be roughly divided into two situations, one is folliculitis, which is a red, swollen pustule of the scalp caused by bacterial infection of hair follicles, especially Staphylococcus aureus, and the balance of the flora is disrupted. The other is clogged pores caused by excessive oil secretion in the scalp.

In general, middle-aged men with strong sebaceous gland secretion and people with a bad scalp environment (frequent oily head, itchy head, inflammation, or seborrheic alopecia, etc.) are more likely to develop acne. Because this part of the population usually has excess oil, it is easier to breed scalp bacteria, which in turn leads to redness, inflammation, and acne. Acne can be a complex skin condition, but it usually occurs due to four processes:

  1. Increased production of sebum or oil
  2. Accumulation of dead skin cells and dirt in hair follicles
  3. Inflammation of the blocked hair follicles
  4. P. acnes increase

Your scalp is full of hair follicles and oil glands. If hair follicles or pores are clogged with dirt and oil, this can lead to acne. Even if you have good hygiene, you can still develop scalp acne, but the buildup of sweat, oil, and dirt due to improper or incomplete washing can lead to clogged pores.

However, you may need to recheck your hair care routine. Many scalp pimples are caused by shampoos, styling gels, and hairsprays, which leave residue on the scalp and clog pores.

Scalp acne caused by hair care products is so common that it has its own medical name: acne beauty.

Hormones can also cause acne. Androgens, especially testosterone, cause your body to produce more oil. The increase in hormones during puberty is often the cause of acne, but adults can also suffer from hormonal acne.

Heredity affects your skin. If your immediate family member has acne, then you are more likely to have acne as well.

Acne on the scalp, it still hurts when touched? Doctor: This is mostly related to 4 reasons, and you need to be vigilant

Types of scalp acne

Acne is usually graded based on severity and type of pimples, which may change your treatment.

Types of acne severity include:

  • slight
  • mild
  • severe

Types of pimples include:

  • Blackheads, called open acne
  • Whitehead, known as closed acne
  • Papules or inflamed lumps
  • Pustules or lumps filled with pus
  • Nodules or cysts, or painful pimples deep in the skin
  • Mixed, which is a combination of different types

Sometimes you get severe acne that affects your scalp, called acne gravel and acne fulminant. These are very rare, though.

Symptoms of scalp acne

Scalp acne may appear throughout the hair or hairline. Common symptoms include:

  • Small bumps on the forehead or back of the neck
  • Tiny lumps that you can feel but can't see
  • The tiny bumps you can see are huddled together
  • Whiteheads on the scalp or hairline
  • Flesh-colored bumps on the scalp or hairline
  • Painful lumps in the scalp
  • There are no deep cysts of the head under the skin

Acne usually doesn't cause itchy scalp, and this symptom can be a sign of other skin problems like psoriasis.

Sometimes acne can affect your mood and self-esteem. It is common for people to feel embarrassed or even frustrated because of acne.

Acne on the scalp, it still hurts when touched? Doctor: This is mostly related to 4 reasons, and you need to be vigilant

Treatment of scalp acne

If your scalp acne is caused by shampoo or other cosmetics, it will go away on its own when you stop using them. It can take up to 6 weeks to see improvement, but the first thing to do is to change your hair habits and products.

Switch to shampoo, conditioner, hairspray, and oil-free products. The label should display the following:

  • Oil-free
  • Non-comedogenic
  • Anti-acne
  • Does not clog pores

Keeping dirt, oil, and sweat on your scalp helps keep pores clean. You may need to wash your hair more often, especially in the following situations:

  • Have oily hair
  • Use a large number of products on hair
  • Sweat a lot during the day
  • There is dirt or grime on the hair

To wash your hair, focus on your scalp. The hair on your head is dead, and while your hair care products can help keep your hair shiny and healthy, it's actually more important to wash away dirt and oil from your scalp.

It's also important to make sure to rinse all excess shampoo and conditioner from your scalp and face thoroughly. Papules on the hairline can be caused by build-up caused by improper rinsing.

Acne on the scalp, it still hurts when touched? Doctor: This is mostly related to 4 reasons, and you need to be vigilant

Product residue can also be transferred to any contact with the hair, which can add to the problem. Make sure to wash everything that touches your head, including:

  • pillowslip
  • hat
  • sunshade
  • turban
  • turban
  • sheets
  • blanket

If your scalp acne is not caused by your product, you may need additional treatments. These may include:

  • Salicylic acid shampoo
  • Sulfur shampoo
  • antibiotic
  • Photodynamic therapy
  • Drainage of complicated cystic scalp acne

In fact, scalp acne occasionally or grow one or two, not much of a deal, as long as the daily conditioning is in place, develop the above good living habits, will not affect the health of the body. However, if the attacks are repeated and the infection area is large, professional measures need to be taken in time to prevent irreversible damage to the hair follicles.

Acne on the scalp, it still hurts when touched? Doctor: This is mostly related to 4 reasons, and you need to be vigilant