
What does zinc do to the human body? What foods can I eat to supplement zinc?

author:Gegewitch parenting

#2022育儿季 #

Introduction: In the process of children's physical development, many parents have begun to pursue the absorption of trace elements in the body, so we can often hear some health experts say that in addition to supplementing the common six major nutrients, zinc supplementation is also very critical. There are many parents around Xiaobian who often talk about how to supplement their children with zinc.

What does zinc do to the human body? What foods can I eat to supplement zinc?

As a result, we will find that the concept of "zinc" has also become very magical, almost many children's problems can be linked to zinc supplementation, so what is the role of zinc on the human body? What foods do we eat in our daily diet to help with zinc supplementation?

As one of the trace elements of the human body, zinc participates in all aspects of human health, and also affects the transmission of the nervous system and intellectual development. Its main role is as follows:

What does zinc do to the human body? What foods can I eat to supplement zinc?

1. Enhance the body's immunity

The role of zinc in the body's immune function is to promote the growth and activation of lymphocytes, and in the state of lack of zinc in the human body, macrophages in the body will also be affected and reduce their activity. Therefore, zinc has an indispensable positive effect on the function of human immunity, helping to improve the body's immune function and reduce the chance of infection of body diseases.

2. Maintain normal appetite

Zinc deficiency in the body will also affect our taste feelings, resulting in our taste failure, and taste disorders will affect personal appetite, resulting in anorexia, partial eating, and severe cases may also have pica. Therefore, if the child has serious picky eating and partial eating problems, we will also consider whether it is zinc deficiency in the body.

What does zinc do to the human body? What foods can I eat to supplement zinc?

3. Booster of physical development

Zinc is also involved in musculoskeletal development during the child's physical development, and also affects the child's brain nerve development. Therefore, if the child's body zinc deficiency is severe, it may affect the height and intellectual development.

4. Maintain the normal development of vision

Although zinc does not directly affect the development of human vision, a key nutrient in the development of the optic nerve is the absorption and utilization of vitamin A. Zinc plays a very important role in this, and the body's absorption of vitamin A depends on zinc as a "mobilization", transporting vitamin A stored in the organs to the blood, and then maintaining the normal development of human vision.

Under normal circumstances, our daily zinc supplementation only needs to meet the body's intake needs through diet, so what are the foods we usually contact with zinc?

What does zinc do to the human body? What foods can I eat to supplement zinc?


Among all kinds of seafood, the zinc content per 100 grams of oysters is as high as 71.2 mg, which is one of the foods with the highest zinc content, and it is also rich in protein and a variety of vitamins, which is a very good source of human nutrient absorption.


Pecans are different from the walnuts we usually eat, and their nutrient content is a little higher, with a zinc content of 6.42 mg per 100 grams. And pecans are also rich in high-quality plant protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and eating them is also beneficial to brain development.

Mouth mushrooms

The zinc content in the mouth mushroom is 9.04 mg per 100 grams, in addition to zinc, the mouth mushroom is also rich in selenium, calcium, magnesium and other more than ten kinds of mineral elements, and also rich in vitamin D, with anti-cancer, antioxidant function.

What does zinc do to the human body? What foods can I eat to supplement zinc?


Lamb, especially lean lamb, is not only a high-quality source of animal protein, but also contains 6.06 mg of zinc per 100 grams, which can also effectively supplement the necessary iron elements of the human body, and is an ideal daily nourishing food.

Finally, although zinc is important, it accounts for less than 0.01% of personal weight, so the daily diet can basically meet the needs of the body, and under normal circumstances, there is no need to do additional fluid intake. Therefore, in the daily diet, we should also pay more attention not to excessive zinc supplementation, otherwise there will be nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and other adverse reactions, but damage the health of the human body.

What does zinc do to the human body? What foods can I eat to supplement zinc?

Important: Zinc for the human body's immunity, appetite maintenance, children's physical development and vision care have an indispensable role, has an important impact on human health, and the daily diet oysters, pecans, mushrooms, lamb are the ideal food for zinc supplementation, in addition to zinc supplementation can not be blindly excessive, so as not to harm the health.

Today's topic: Dear mothers, when you arrange recipes for your children, will you pay special attention to the combination and supplement of some trace elements? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

What does zinc do to the human body? What foods can I eat to supplement zinc?

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