
2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

author:Reliable two-dimensional
"I wish you all the second place next year."

Year-end summaries are always the same, and this year we're going to do an interesting stocktaking. In the past 2022, as an industry observer, I have witnessed various wonderful events in the ACG industry in a reliable quadratic dimension, and there are also countless disappointing moments that I want to complain about madly.

At this most suitable time node for the award, the reliable editorial department starts from the five major fields of "animation, games, e-sports, ACG consumption, and virtual humans", and senior authors who have been following the industry for many years vote to select the annual "most disappointed, regretted, and recommended end" projects, "most outrageous" industry-related events and "most classic quotes" awards, collectively known as the "2022 ACG Rotten Tomatoes Award List", and attached the award words written one-on-one by the editorial department.

If we agree, the following represents the personal views of the editors as ACG enthusiasts; If we have a different point of view, then you have seen Tu Yile, and in the new year we will explore the results of next year's selection together.

Tips: The rules of this nomination are that big production, big investment, big production, and big popularity account for at least one, so it is not necessarily a bad thing to be on the list and win an award; In addition, there is no physical award for this award, so I wish you all a happy new year in advance.

2022 winners in the field of "Anime"

Work of the Year: Under One

I used to think that "Under One" was the closest comic work to "telling Chinese stories well" until the latest chapter, "Nathan Island". The author stretches this chapter very long, the appearance force is complicated, the pattern of the story metaphor is too large, read it intermittently, in addition to it seems to be very powerful, it is really confused, I don't know when I can turn the page. At this stage, the update rhythm and market environment of national comics are not suitable for telling such a deep and complex and abrasive story, and the difference in word of mouth in the new season of "Under One" animation has also made the popularity of this top national comic IP worse, and the Internet is full of comments that complain about animation changes and complain about the boredom of comics. All we expect from "Under One" may stop there.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Artwork of the Year: "Three Bodies"

"Award Speech" "Three-Body Problem" animation tells us with practical actions that Chinese animation is bad, it is indeed the director and screenwriter who can't do it, the ready-made top IP book, looking forward to the full attention, the adaptation can be outrageous to this extent, it is really shocking. Waiting for updates every week, not so much to watch animation, but to see what new complaints and memes friends have in the audience, commenting on the second creation of the barrage is far better than the film itself, and the B station wins numbness. But think about it calmly or feel very sad, this animation has so many resources, funds, popularity, audiences that other animations are out of reach, but it has become a joke out of the circle, where is the future of Chinese animation? Can only rely on small-cost word-of-mouth films to break through?

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Work of the Year: "New God List: Yang Jian"

The "award speech" "New God List: Yang Jian" has aggravated the mental internal friction of animated film audiences, and the illogical childish story is not worthy of the top animation production level. The good reputation of the "White Snake Origin" series has raised the audience's expectations for chasing light animation works, but I was really disappointed after watching the movie. The twisted and useless character of the roaring dog, the collapsed combat power system, the entanglement of splitting the mountain and saving the mother, so that the audience has no touched feelings... I sincerely recommend that animation companies with such a top production level, if they can't tell stories, make a beautiful animation with pure showmanship, the plot is simple and crude, why are there so many things you want to express but can't say a single thing? This year, we are all leeks chasing light animation, stubble after stubble, and we can't survive for a few years.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022 work: "Dragon Clan"

The first season of "Award Speech" ended with a Douban score of 6.4, and this animation adapted from the popular novel IP was not well received by fans. The dubbing of the stick reading, the plot of the magic change, the weak male protagonist, the childish Japanese style, the characterization without characteristics, and the deep lines... Some fans commented that "embarrassingly cut out of the three-room living room". Not only that, Tencent Video's IP adaptation animations of top traditional novels such as "Peerless Double Pride" and "Xianxian" this year also failed to restore the story charm of the original novel, and fans of the novel regretted it, and the animation audience did not know what to do. It seems that too wonderful works are still not suitable for animation adaptation at the moment, not that the IP is not good, but that the ability is not worthy.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2023 work: "The Fox Demon Little Red Lady"

"Award Speech", "The First Pure Patriotic Comic" "Fox Demon Little Red Lady" comic seems to be unable to escape the ending of the rotten ending, and in recent years has also entered a complex and long story chapter, and the story of the protagonist group has also begun to enter the stage of abuse of fans, which is worthy of being a comic around the "bitter love tree". Fan evaluations have ranged from the anger of "don't talk about it if you don't understand" to the confusion of "what should I do with my xx character". Compared with the clear logic and sincere feelings of each previous chapter's story, now the author wants to talk about too many things after returning to the main line, and the past and present are intertwined inside and outside the circle, always wrapping himself in, and raising the threshold for viewing. If the final result is that all the staff are BE, then it is better to close the settlement early, don't let the youth of the author himself and the fans become a regret.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2023 work: "Douluo Continent"

"Award Speech" congratulations to "Douluo Continent" for still maintaining the popularity of its top national comics in 2022, all relying on peers. And the animation itself has dragged on for more than half a year to carry out similar fights on the battlefield, making people tired of opening and hanging light pollution, vulgar and boring Long Ao astronomical drama, which does not show the wonderful ups and downs of the battle between the Wuhun Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire in the original novel. Recently, the duration of the animation has begun to shrink again, which has seriously affected the viewing experience. "Douluo Continent", which was about to end, seems to be reluctant to finish, but continuing to drag on will damage the anime's previous good reputation and cause a bad end, and I really feel that it is better to finish early.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Year Incident: AI Alternative Cartoonist

In the second half of this year, the controversy of "AI instead of cartoonists" appeared on Weibo hot search several times, causing anxiety in the comic industry. Comics, which should have relied on creativity to shine in the content industry, have become tool people with the development of the pan-entertainment market, and many comic book creators have also become mechanical adaptors, gradually moving away from the original. Behind the discussion of whether it will be replaced by AI is the anxiety of practitioners, the current status of the industry, and the disappointment of comic readers, which should not have happened to China's webcomic industry, which has been developed for ten years.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Annual event: "My Three-Body Problem" animation broadcast exceeded 100 million

"Award Speech" Because the "Three-Body Problem" animation that began broadcasting in December was too bad, the three-body refugees flocked to the "My Three-Body Problem Chapter Beihai Biography" animation to heal their injuries. The enthusiasm of the audience made this animation, which ended as early as 2020, start another spring, with more than 100 million views and a score of 9.9, becoming a rare successful case of IP linkage in the field of Chinese animation. It can be said that it is very harmful and extremely insulting.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Event of the Year: Deep Sea Not Reviewed/Audited

"Award Speech" In 2022, we saw such a spectacle in the field of animation. Animation does not go online monster review, animation online late monster review, animation PV monster review, animation for poster monster review, animation character screen rotten monster review, animation story rotten monster review. Even for an animation that has been done for N years, before it is put on a poster PV, the audience begins to discuss the review of Chinese animation, and if it is audited, it must be because of the review. I hope that Chinese animators have a bit of backbone, do not do well next effort, don't think about it on the rhythm of having something to do, don't have confidence in yourself to find the back pot man in advance, people have passed the review There are also good works, how come you can't do it? Of course, I sincerely hope that the "Deep Sea" animated film will sell well, continue the light of "The Return of the Great Saint", and don't madly hint to the audience to let the review back the pot without being released.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Quote of the Year: "Goodbye, enchantment"

The "Award Speech" has a demon manga officially shut down a year after the official announcement of its acquisition by bilibili, and U17 has officially become a tear of the times. Although this comic platform has not been used for a long time, and related works rarely have major moves, and the Chinese comic industry has also experienced ups and downs, but when it is really time to say goodbye, it still sets off the memory killing of the comic circle. No one knows whether that era of freedom and chaos is the best era of national comics, but we have no way back, only goodbye youth, goodbye with demon spirit.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Quote of the Year: "Resurrection, my love"

"Award Speech" 2022, no animation is complete without the "Resurrection, my love" barrage. In the plot of Tang San's resurrection dance in "Douluo Continent", this awkward cry dubbing is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, which can be called the most classic quote of this year's domestic animation, and derived series of content such as "Resurrect my mother" and "Die my lover". Although the original dubbing of this sentence has been re-recorded, every episode of every anime on major platforms, even variety shows, movies, games, etc. in the same period, has this meme. I have to say that the embarrassing terrier is really hot.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Quote of the Year: "When everyone goes back and looks in the mirror, the people around them look like this"

The "award speech" accidentally fell into controversy related to the appearance of the characters because of the word-of-mouth "Lion Boy", and the director's remarks "let everyone go back and look in the mirror, the people around them look like this" caused dissatisfaction among the audience, although it was later interpreted as a media out-of-context quote, but this sentence has been widely circulated. The character setting is only a manifestation of the stylization of artistic creation, but I sincerely hope that animation creators who tell Chinese stories will go back and look in the mirror to see what the people around them look like and what kind of life they are living.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022 winners in the "Gaming" field

Work of the Year: "League of Legends Esports Manager"

"Award Speech" is the most disappointing mobile game masterpiece, there are many candidates, "League of Legends Esports Manager" was selected because it won the "Best Mobile Game in China" award when players on various channels received poor reviews. The award is easy, and the game restores the BP and on-the-spot command in the LPL game, but these strategic choices have no effect in the face of the krypton gold gap. The strategy and playability of the game are struck by Football Manager, which is also a simulation gameplay. The IP sports masterpieces "NBA2K" and "EA FIFA" series not only crushed the "League of Legends Esports Manager" in terms of the number of cards and themes, but also outperformed the latter's pure numerical competition in restoring the game operation and lineup challenge these hardcore game fun. It is more like a card value legend with sports IP shells such as "Super Storm" and "Blood CBA", which can only attract IP users to be "brought goods" into the game and shout for experience such as "jail".

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022 work: "City of Cats"

"Award Speech" In the track of the bad one, "Cat City" is the most memorable point of rotten. On the one hand, the game went from 2D to 3D to a full rework and the honesty of facing the player. On the one hand, after waiting for 3 years, players found that the game's upgraded combat gameplay, 3D models, performance animations, number of characters and worldview were mediocre compared to their competitors. If you come with anticipation, you will definitely regret it; As a passerby mentality to open the game, you can also hardly give good reviews. Of course, there are many games that are worse than "City of Cats", but the quality of "City of Cats" represents the lower limit of two-dimensional games, after all, games that are worse than it are not worthy of being evaluated.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2023 work: Blizzard game national service

"Award Speech" In mid-November, NetEase and Blizzard "broke up" due to an agreement dispute, and many Blizzard game national servers such as "World of Warcraft" and "Overwatch" will be suspended on January 24, and the most bitter is Blizzard national server players. National server players and anchors have always been quite critical of Blizzard's attitude, Hearthstone anchor Master Wang said that national server players have never been taken seriously, and many suggestions have been put forward, and the card set before the domestic game is said to be changed. Warcraft players have also encountered problems such as poor game environment and out-of-print mounts backstabs; The new games that Overwatch players and others have come to are actually lackluster version updates.

National server Blizzard players have suffered Blizzard for a long time. Now, on the eve of the outage, players who want to continue have "turned around" to the Asian server. Veteran players who want to stay wait for a reason to end their feelings. From the perspective of the difficulty of the version number and the negotiation cycle of the new agent, it will still take a while to reopen after the closure of the national service. For Blizzard national server games that have been determined to be closed, it is not appropriate to say "recommended to close the service", and "it is long overdue" may be more appropriate to say.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Event of the Year: "Light and Night Love" linkage related events

"Award Speech" "Love of Light and Night" in this year's B game track tulle, because the topics provoked by linkage are also at the top level. First, in August, it was officially announced that Chisley was invited to participate in the "Global Contemporary Art Fair" held by Carrousel du Louvre at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. 2 days later, the official blog of the Louvre Museum in Paris "cracked down on counterfeiting", clarifying that it was not linked to this game, and Carrousel du Louvre (Louvre Brusselle Pavilion) is only a commercial rental place located in the same location as the Louvre, which has nothing to do with the Louvre Museum. The official Weibo of "Love of Light and Night" also replied: "I didn't say that I had an interaction with the Louvre Museum." The exhibition at Carrousel du Louvre has always been written clearly in French. This made many players immediately dumbfounded, Ben was promoting the character to the Louvre, they only hated that they couldn't speak French; Later, after seeing the popular science of the Brusseler Pavilion becoming a gathering place for "mixed artists", his face was livid; Immediately after the competitor "Time Princess", the timely linkage content with the Louvre Museum will return for a limited time, and then wave "added fuel to the fire".

Fortunately, not long after, Aunt Hushang sneaked away with animal material, and after the customer service staff improperly replied to the player, she was domineeringly canceled by "Light and Night Love", and since then, Aunt Hushang has been firmly nailed to the pillar of shame of Byou, and the popularity of this wave of episodes is higher than that of other successful linkages. On the one hand, the company immediately slapped in the face by the competitor for publicizing the bug, and on the other hand, he helped the competitor step on the thunder and "angrily denounced" the partner for misbehaving. Players who were slightly depressed a few months ago, shouted "cool text to relieve hatred" a few months later, which is very informative.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners
2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Quote of the Year: "Sold a small amount of stock last week, which has absolutely nothing to do with my confidence or expectations in the company. ”

The "award speech" has publicly insisted on the long-term value of Xindong many times in 2021, such as "selling bitcoin to buy Xindong", "80% annual salary for heartbeat options", to 2022 "has nothing to do with confidence". From the "resignation greeting money" that reuses talents, and joining the "Shanghai Grabbing Talent Internal Roll", to taking the lead in "exploring the way" for overseas office, admitting that "personnel adjustment, increase or decrease personnel according to business needs".

Huang Yimeng is not the only boss who was punched in the face in 2022, but he is indeed the most frequently punched in the face. According to his words, the bosses of the game industry have changed from 21 years of "spirit" and "singing" to 22 years of "cautious winter". Such changes are not only related to the version number cycle and changes in the consumer environment, but also related to the slow progress of their own product research and development, and the upgrading of industry competition.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022 winners in the field of "Esports"

Event of the Year: League of Legends 2022 World Finals (S12)

"Award Speech" thought that the protagonist was LPL, but it fulfilled the last dance of LCK and Mapo Double C, their story is good, and our ending is very humbling. I thought that traveling around North America would bring back the familiar e-sports feast, but it also brought a new round of doubts about the logistics of the event and the rules of the event. This is indeed not the strongest year for LPL, but after many people have the expectation that "last year's EGD was also 1 to 3", the reality is a basin of cold water. Suffice it to say that the S12 was one of the most disappointing races, and indeed the expectations were great and the disappointment was great.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022: The International 2022 (TI11)

The "award speech" is watched every year, but I didn't expect that this year set the worst record in 9 years. It has been several years in a row, and I regret watching it every year, but I have to brush the "fireworks" meme at almost the same time every year, open the TI8 True Vision documentary, and then go to the veteran Weibo who announced the retirement to shout "another year".

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Event of the Year: "Lights of Ten Thousand Homes" in Esports Hotels

In the e-sports ecosystem in 2022, the only data with an increase is e-sports hotels, from 11,000 in 2021 to 15,000 by the end of 2022. The standards and definitions of e-sports hotels are also varied, ranging from apartment types that are qualified to "change places with one shot", to extensive express hotels + mid-range computers, and flagship styles where Tencent personally tries to bring goods with top streams.

In the "Lights of Ten Thousand Homes", there are small bosses who do not understand the account, there are industry people who cut leeks as franchisees, and there are ordinary people who have transformed into Internet cafes, and they will also give their own operation guidelines and standards for e-sports hotels. It should be admitted that the increase in e-sports hotels is actually overdraft - offline events are suspended, Internet cafes are closed, online users are declining, and event traffic is cooling. Hotels have become dozens of formats of "e-sports +", and thousands of practitioners inside and outside the ecology can land, and the only business that has hope of returning to their costs, is indeed helpless.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Quotes of the Year: "I'm a good man" and "All votes fly"

After the "award speech" goose and duck killing, the KPL and LPL at the end of this year, as well as major e-sports players, were collectively involved in the goose and duck killing, and the moba of five people was not together, and the goose and duck killing of 16 people was opened minute by minute. Live streaming, entertainment and traffic are becoming more and more important to professional players, and whether MOBA is fun or social games is fun is another question of great concern.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022 ACG Consumer Category Winners

Scene of the Year: Universal Studios Beijing

"Award Speech" Affected by the epidemic and other aspects, the North Loop, which opened the park and successfully marketed the first snow of Internet celebrity Megatron and Hogwarts, gradually became unremarkable. The surrounding design is far inferior to Shangdi, the amusement project is single, in addition to the roller coaster is to watch movies, the park atmosphere rendering and facility management also have many flaws, so that many consumers do not have the interest of entering the park many times. The float parade content is also relatively small, and the float parade with "Honor of Kings" at the beginning of the year only lasted for a short time, and Universal Studios Beijing's 2022 feels like it has gradually become similar to other amusement parks in Beijing.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022 Project: Ling Nabel Limited peripherals

"Award Speech" Ling Nabel's surrounding players fell into a strange circle, at the beginning Disney Crown Little Fox was too hot, the good-looking peripherals could not be drawn, and scalpers and pink cows were asking for sky-high prices. Then it was sold online during the closure period, the official flagship store put a volume to pinch the stopwatch to grab, and after grabbing it, the postage was folded several times, and the face was crooked and flawed when received, and the return and exchange had to pay for shipping. Then the official released a large number of popular styles of inventory, which can be bought at any time, causing the price of the second-hand market to plummet, and the buyers who collected dolls at high prices became a big complaint. It can be said that Ling Nabel fans in 2022 are running all the way, begging, really tired in the pit, and tired out of the pit.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2023 Scene: Bubble Mart

"Award Speech" As of the end of 2022, the stock price of Bubble Mart has fallen by nearly ninety percent from its highest point. In the past year, there has been no phenomenon IP in Bubble Mart, and more consumers complain about its scalpers, after-sales worry, lucky bag clearance, product defects, poor store service, etc. Once the first share of the tide play, the scenery of bubble mart has been lost, and the trend toys have also lost the attribute of "tide" and returned to ordinary toy consumer goods. From product collection stores to tide play franchises and back to multi-category sales, Bubble Mart has repeatedly tried to save itself, but there is not much time left for them, and soon the word "tide play" will become the tears of the times.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Annual related events: a large number of Sankeng brands and offline physical stores closed

The "award speech" in the past few years of the stormy three pits (lolita, JK uniform, Hanfu) was cold, and the well-known stores in the circle were closed one after another, and the official announcement of the closure of the store clearance was another beautiful fish. According to statistics, dozens of online Sankeng brands and physical stores across the country have closed their doors one after another this year, including the popular rabbit jisha, ori fea set, sucking cats, etc., which has triggered waves of fan nostalgia on the Internet. The young girls lamented that youth no longer retreats from the pit, and wish the shopkeepers who were previously sought after all the best. But in fact, you treat people as youth, people treat you as leeks, you have earned hundreds of millions in three years, and you don't forget to take another hand before leaving.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022 winners in the field of "virtual humans"

Project of the Year: Tripping Love Resurrection

The emotions accumulated by the "Award Speech" fans who stumbled up at the beginning of the year to bid farewell to the concert were crushed by waves of official operations from October. First of all, the pure virtual person #kzn was launched, and fans thought that the quality of this AI sound library would be very high, but after the release, they found that there was no obvious gap with other AI sound synthesizers, and it could not completely restore the cuteness of Ai-chan. But since the beta of #kzn, the official channel of AIChannel has become a world to cheer for #kzn, and a follow-up live broadcast of #kzn online DJing is also confusing. At the beginning of December, the official account finally released a PV for the anime "Kizuna no Allele", but it can be found from the PV that Tripai is not the protagonist of the work, and the entire anime tells the story of a group of new protagonists who strive to "become Tripai" as a traditional idol animation story. When the original generation of virtual anchors went to real virtual, fans found that the operator was not serious about virtualization.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

2022 Project: Taobao Live Virtual Human

"Award Speech" Many digital 3C manufacturers have connected virtual anchors on Taobao this year for 24-hour live broadcasting, on the one hand, they can promote themselves in the wave of e-commerce live broadcasting, on the other hand, they can also show off that they have entered the camp of the "meta-universe". However, when potential buyers open the live broadcast room hosted by these virtual anchors and look at the rigid and mechanical 3D anchor looping fixed words, they will only feel that they have no good impression of the brand's live broadcast room, which adds to the waste of live broadcast bandwidth resources.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Project 2023: Luo Tianyi

The concept of the "award speech" virtual human metaverse is beautiful, but Luo Tianyi, as the first virtual singer Chinese, has fallen into turmoil, with team changes, operation persuasion, slow content updates, limited out-of-the-loop, higher costs, P main pits, and even the 10th anniversary event also has a sad behavior of not inviting the most well-known P owner ilem but using songs created by others. Seeing that Luo Tianyi has grown up well in the past ten years, loved by fans and P owners, has beautiful clothes and good songs, and has become a proud two-dimensional star, and now he has gradually begun to eat the old book, like a mascot to be consumed when needed, fans have no way to complain, it is really uncomfortable. Lonely exit is not as high-profile goodbye as tripping love.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

Quote of the Year: "Picked up the baby on the way home and brought her foie gras handshake"

When the "award speech" A-SOUL and the person in Jiale terminated the contract, the NetEase Cloud Music private account of the person in Jiale was exposed at the same time. Fans of Jiale and Jiaran were deeply moved by this passage in the NetEase Cloud dynamic of Jiale Zhongren, and later Jiale Zhongren flew solo and started broadcasting on B station real people, Jiaran and A-SOUL survived the storm, and neither side mentioned the "friendship" of the year. Foie gras handhold, like the coffee bought by social animals for colleagues, is only the relationship between work, and when the work does not continue, no matter how delicious the coffee, no matter how delicious the handshake, it is a passing smoke. The reality mapped in the virtual can teach many fans who are new to society a lesson first, which is the biggest significance of the head virtual anchor.

2022 "ACG Rotten Tomatoes" winners

This article was edited by > Reliable Editorial Department of <