
Tube or don't care, why is management so difficult?

author:Dreamers see the world

Man is a complex higher animal, and the social relationship between people is also a huge and complex system.

I think the answer must be to manage, large to the relationship between countries, small to interpersonal relationships, such as teacher-student relationship, workplace relationship, parent-child relationship, etc. are inseparable from management, if you do not care, disputes between countries are constant, students let go of themselves, employees are passive and sabotage, children are willful themselves!

Tube or don't care, why is management so difficult?

So the question is, how to manage it? For example, parent-child relationship, too much management, can not liberate the child's nature, some experts said to respect children, which made me think that there are many helicopter-like parents in life like the Yellow Emperor in ancient China, we have too many details. This type of discipline will indeed show advantages when our children are young, and our children will behave more early. But life is too long, full of variables, growth and in the context of the entire social development, our early wisdom children due to too many rules in the brain and have become accustomed to our control, or under our control to become numb and timid, so in the face of self and social development, some dendrite links in the brain have been broken. Knowledge is not the same as wisdom, and cultivating children's ability is the key! I agree with it, but the difficulty is how to cultivate children's abilities?

Tube or don't care, why is management so difficult?

The same is true of school education, students do not have the internal drive to learn, relying on teachers and parents to pull hard, coerce and inducement to learn knowledge, then even if students learn, after the exam to complete the task, soon abandoned! Some students even have school weariness, so what should I do? Anyway, getting students to fall in love with learning on their own, I think it's harder than climbing to the sky, because games are much more fun than knowledge. Therefore, the dilemma, manage more and cultivate into a learning machine, no matter what, students have to let go of themselves! The final solution is to adopt the golden mean of the ancients, specific methods, and teach according to aptitude!

Tube or don't care, why is management so difficult?

In fact, many problems in life are unsolvable! Carefully taste, whether it is parent-child relationship, workplace relationship, husband and wife relationship, there is no specific effective good way, because these are complex systems, complex systems can not be solved with simple methods! This also reflects the difficulty of management, there are always more solutions than problems, think more and learn, continue to explore and research, things will develop in a good direction.

Tube or don't care, why is management so difficult?