
Polar bears, do you know?

author:Laugh at the smoke and rain in Jiangnan
Polar bears, do you know?

Polar bears are the world's largest terrestrial carnivore, aka white bears. The skin is black, because the hair is transparent, it is usually white in appearance, but there are also yellow and other colors, and the body is huge and fierce. Polar bears have eyesight and hearing comparable to humans, but their sense of smell is extremely sensitive, 7 times that of dogs; The fastest speed when running can reach 60km/h, which is 1.5 times that of the world 100m champion. Due to the rise in global temperatures, the Arctic ice floes are gradually beginning to melt, and the former home of polar bears has been damaged to a certain extent, and it is likely to become extinct in the near future, requiring human protection.

The head of the polar bear is longer than the brown bear and the face is small, the ears are small and round, the neck is slender, the feet are wide, the palms are hairy, the skin is black, you can see the original appearance of the skin from the polar bear's nose, paw pads, lips and black skin around the eyes, black skin helps absorb heat, which is a good way to keep warm. The coat of polar bears is colorless, transparent, hollow tubes, usually white in appearance, but may turn yellowish, brown or gray in summer due to oxidation.

Polar bears, do you know?

Polar bears are such good swimmers that they were once thought to be marine animals. Polar bears spend most of their lives in a "static" state, such as sleeping, resting, or waiting for their prey, with the remaining 29.1% of the time walking or swimming on land or ice, 1.2% of the time attacking prey, and the remaining time basically enjoying the delicacy.

Polar bears Polar bears are legitimate carnivores in the bear family, and 98.5% of their food is meat. They mainly hunt seals, especially ringed seals, as well as bearded, saddle-striped seals, and crested seals. In addition, they also catch walruses, beluga whales, seabirds, fish, small mammals, and sometimes carrion. In summer, they also occasionally eat berries or plant rhizomes. In late spring and summer, they come to the beach to pick up the seaweed that washes up and replenish the minerals and vitamins needed by the body.

Unlike other bears, they don't hide unfinished food and eat it later, or even grow away after enjoying fat, knowing that high-calorie fat is more important to them than meat, because they need to maintain a fat layer for warmth and store energy for food shortages.

Polar bears, do you know?

Polar bears generally have two hunting modes, the most commonly used is the "waiting for the rabbit" method. They find the seal's breathing holes on the ice beforehand and wait there for hours. As soon as the seals emerge, they launch a surprise attack and drag the seal up from the breathing hole with a sharp claw hook. If seals are on shore, they will also hide out of sight of the seals and creep over to launch an onslaught. Another mode is to dive directly under the ice and attack until the seal is close to the shore, which has the advantage of directly cutting off the seal's retreat.

In order not to starve themselves, polar bears often lie next to the ventilation holes of sea seals on the ice surface, or make sneak attacks when seals climb on the ice to rest. The habit of polar bears being "left-handed" is formed during predation. It has a white fur, and the surrounding is white ice and snow, which is convenient for it to hide, but its nose is not white and easy to be found by prey, so when it looks underwater from the ice, it will "smartly" cover its black nose with its right hand, and free its left hand to hunt.

Polar bears, do you know?

Polar bears generally speaking, polar bears are very active in March ~ May every year. In order to forage, he traveled to the ice floe area and lived an amphibious life. In the harsh winter, polar bears are greatly reduced in their outings and can hardly go for a long time without eating, while they find shelter and sleep on the ground. Decreased respiratory rate into local hibernation.

The so-called partial hibernation, on the one hand, means that they are not hibernating animals such as snakes, but seem to sleep or not, once they encounter an emergency, they can immediately wake up and cope with changes. In addition, polar bears simply go without eating or drinking for an extended period of time, not for the entire winter. Scientists have also proposed that polar bears may also have local summer hibernation, that is, during the period when summer ice floes are minimal, polar bears may also be in a local summer hibernation state. According to one of the reports, Canadian polar bear experts once caught several bears with long hair on their paws in Hudson Bay in the fall. Experts speculate that they have little foraging activity in summer, otherwise bears' paws would not be covered with long hair.

Polar bears are polygamous and mate in the spring, from March to May each year, during a period of about 3 days, and male and female polar bears pair up briefly, for the purpose of inheritance rather than permanent union. Male bears not only fight each other for mates, but also show their love to the opposite sex through fierce fights, even in the face of their favorite single women.

Polar bears, do you know?

The gestation period is 195-265 days, usually two per litter, occasionally 1, 3 or 4. The newborn polar bear is about 30 centimeters long and weighs 700 grams, and is unassisted at birth, with its eyes closed, but its whole body is covered with soft hair; At 1-2 months, you can walk; After 3-4 months of birth, the mother bear leaves the cave with her son, allows them to go out to see the world, see the world, and lead them back to the cave for the night; Weaned after 4-5 months of birth and independent after 2-3 years of age, the pups learn to hunt and survive in the harsh environment of the Arctic.

Once grown, they rarely find the same kind of companionship, all day in the wind, snow, between the ice floe and the land, because of its special feeding method and considerable food intake (the stomach of the polar bear can hold 50~70 kg of food), so it is always alone. Female polar bears do not leave their burrows when their babies are young, they stay in the burrows to convert the subcutaneous fat stored in their bodies to produce milk to feed their babies and provide themselves with the nutrients they need. Both males and females are sexually mature at 5-6 years of age. The lifespan is 25-30 years.

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