
Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

Rhododendron is a new year flower that everyone likes very much, buy a pot at the New Year, the blossoming is exuberant, the rich and magnificent rhododendron, placed indoors, especially festive, there is a festive atmosphere. Therefore, the azaleas are one of the most popular flowers in the flower shop every year, but how should the azaleas after flowering be maintained in the spring?

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

At this time, the flower viewing period has passed, began to sprout new shoots, some friends will not deal with it, the treatment of rhododendrons to do these points, it can also bloom next year, if not handled well, the raised azaleas may fall leaves, yellow leaves dead warped, the next year have to buy again.

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

First, prune the azaleas in time

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

After the flowering, its residual flowers should be cut off in time, on the one hand, it can maintain the fresh beauty of the rhododendron, do not let it have stumps and leaves, and can also save nutrients. Do not let it grow small seeds, directly prune off, let it grow side buds, its side buds grow more, next year will bloom more, be sure to prune diligently, see the residual flowers to cut off. This pruning lasts until the summer comes, when its branches gradually age, and in the autumn it will differentiate the flower buds and burst into pots in the winter.

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

Second, get more sun

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

Rhododendrons prefer well-lit environments because their leaves are thinner and more exposed to the sun. Giving it more sun exposure when the temperature is not high in the spring will help photosynthesis and help growth. However, we must maintain a good ventilation environment, because the root system of rhododendron is relatively thin, if there is too much watering, poor ventilation, excessive humidity, it is easy to cause rotten leaves, rotten roots, falling leaves, and some will develop a bare piece, which is caused by poor ventilation and excessive watering.

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

If the indoor ventilation is not good, be sure to find a well-ventilated location or blow it with a fan when watering, so that the soil surface is slightly damp, in order to ensure that it is not stuffy roots, not rotten roots. Most friends do not raise cuckoos well, because of improper watering, causing the problem of rotten roots and stuffy roots. And if the humidity on its soil surface is too large, evaporation is prone to a large area of leaves at the bottom, try to keep its soil surface and branches at a certain distance, so that the bottom can also see the light, which is particularly beneficial to its entire plant.

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

It likes humidity to a large environment, you can put a tray at the bottom, add water to maintain two or three centimeters of moisture, let its water slowly evaporate upwards, so that it can increase the air humidity, so that the cuckoo grows more oily green, will not appear leaf tip dry phenomenon.

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

Third, fertilize diligently

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

There are many friends who may not know how to fertilize the cuckoo, and if the cuckoo wants to grow vigorously, fertilization is essential. It flowers in winter consumes a lot of nutrients, at this time we must give it a supplement of flowers more than one, this is a complete fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium or supplementary compound fertilizer, let it restore so much nutrients consumed by flowering, let the plant buffer it, and when it grows branches and leaves, you can give it a fertilizer based on nitrogen fertilizer, flowers more than ten or nitrogen fertilizer.

You can let it grow up the branches and leaves, use it once or twice a month, so that its branches gradually age, this fertilization can continue until the autumn when the long buds, rhododendron its root system is relatively thin, fertilization must be thin fertilizer diligent application, too thick will hurt the root system.

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

If the cuckoo does these three things well, it can be oily and vigorous, and it can also burst the pot by the end of the year.

Cuckoo defeated? In the spring 3 "diligent hurry", new shoots are oily green crowded with pots, and the flowers are doubled

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