
On the 200th anniversary of Baudelaire's birth, why did the collection of poems of "bad customs and bad customs" have a profound impact?

author:Southern Metropolis Daily

On April 9, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of the famous French poet Charles Baudelaire, the "Baudelaire Works" series and "On the Flower of Evil" single-book set were launched by the Commercial Press.

The series includes several of the most important classic works of the life of the famous French poet and critic Charles Baudelaire, as well as the interpretation of Baudelaire and the French translator Guo Hong'an, winner of the "Fu Lei" Translation and Publication Award, on Baudelaire and the book "The Flower of Evil".

On the 200th anniversary of Baudelaire's birth, why did the collection of poems of "bad customs and bad customs" have a profound impact?

"A model for all poets"

Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) was a famous French modernist poet of the 19th century and a pioneer of Symbolist poetry. His work The Flower of Evil was one of the most influential collections of poetry of the 19th century, establishing Baudelaire's literary status. The great French writer Victor Hugo called The Flower of Evil a "new tremor." This collection of poems carries the rhythm and beauty of classical literature, but it points directly to the ugliness of society, and its bold performance and strong language cause an uproar as soon as it is published. This collection of poems, which was criticized at the time as "bad manners" and influenced countless poets in later generations.

In the eyes of many literary and art lovers, even famous literary heroes, Baudelaire is an idol-like existence. Japanese writer Ryunosuke Wasagawa once said that "life is not as good as a line of Baudelaire's poems", and decades later, Mr. Mushin interestingly used this phrase to drop the book bag and composed" "Sometimes life is really not as good as a line of Baudelaire, sometimes Baudelaire is really not as good as a bowl of stew".

In addition, the American poet Eliot called him "a model for all poets"; the English poet Rimbaud considered him to be "the discerning eye, the king of poets" and "the true God"; the Chinese playwright Tian Han said, "If you want to be a Mahayana artist, you must not borrow the evil sword of Botourell (Baudelaire) and cut off the attachment in your heart."

Important critic of the 19th century

Baudelaire was also an important art critic and literary critic of the 19th century. In addition to poetry, he left a large number of prose, book reviews, painting reviews, letters, etc. in his life, which fully demonstrated his unique aesthetic concept and appreciation interest.

"The Melancholy of Paris" is Baudelaire's attempt and refinement of prose poetry, a new literary form that had not yet become an independent literary genre at that time, and is a pioneering work in the literary world. He himself commented on The Melancholy of Paris: "It's still 'The Flower of Evil', but it's more free, delicate and spicy. ”

On the 200th anniversary of Baudelaire's birth, why did the collection of poems of "bad customs and bad customs" have a profound impact?

Charles Baudelaire

Artificial Paradise is Baudelaire's collection of essays, widely acclaimed for its delicate brushstrokes, bold imagination, and profound social significance. As Baudelaire himself said in an 1864 lecture: "The book I am going to write is not purely physiological, but ethical." What I want to prove is that those who seek heaven have received hell, and they are successfully preparing this hell, digging into this hell; this success, if they foresee it, may frighten them. ”

Aesthetic Treasures has long been regarded as an important reference for the study of 19th-century Western art. The book collects the most important art criticisms of Baudelaire's life. Baudelaire, from the poet's point of view, offers unique insights into a variety of artistic fields, including painting, drawing, comics, sculpture, and photography.

The Art of the Romantics contains many of Baudelaire's most important critical essays on the literature, poetry, and music of the time. Baudelaire expounded his views and opinions on poetry, literature, and contemporaries, and made a poignant, blunt critique of some literary scholars.

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