
Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

author:Xiao Liang said that the world 916

From the male artists owned by the Janis office, to the male publicists in the cowherd shop, to the "ordinary men" married by the Japanese actress known as the "wife". Recently, many netizens on domestic social media should complain in their hearts: Do Japanese people have any misunderstandings about appearance?

However, in neon countries where good-looking men are not scarce, "ugly men" are indeed the object of many women's flock, so much so that there has been a trend recently that Japanese men with mediocre looks or even lower than average appearance are more popular.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

The Japanese media once did a small survey on what a man in a woman's heart should look like.

Suzuki Ryu, a scholar specializing in the study of male and female love, believes that the ideal male in the minds of Japanese marriageable women does not need to be handsome to a mess, has a nose and eyes, and the appearance should not be too perfunctory, this appearance can be roughly compared with the appearance of the male star Norogen who married Niigaki in the previous stage.

In terms of height, Japanese women's requirements are even higher, and the net height is almost 165cm. Instead of pursuing the so-called "most cute height difference" caused by the extreme height difference, petite Japanese girls can have a sense of CP with boys when they wear a pair of shoes.

This kind of "ugly man" in our eyes is "ordinary man" in the eyes of Japanese girls, and the emergence of ordinary men has also given birth to a derivative label called "atmosphere handsome man".

The so-called "atmosphere handsome man" is ordinary looking, not confident in himself, but through a lot of efforts, he will create himself as a handsome man, in the past few years, this "topic" has repeatedly become the focus of Japanese fashion media attention.

What makes the Japanese media really excited is to list a ranking list first, an entertainment media invited 500 men and women aged 20-30 to choose their own "artistic world" "atmosphere handsome" list. Here are the results on this leaderboard:

1st place: Tsuyoshi Ayano (132 votes)

2nd place: Kenichi Matsuyama (72 votes)

Third place: Shun Oguri (61 votes)

4th place: Masanori Sugata (58 votes)

5th place: Mirai Moriyama (40 votes)

Tied for fifth place: Shota Matsuda (40 votes)

7th place: Ikematsu (39 votes)

8th place: Tadanobu Asano (36 votes)

9th place: Ryuhei Matsuda (35 votes)

Tied for ninth: Hoshino Genji (35 votes)

In the eyes of many Japanese girls, Ayano Tsuyoshi can be called a representative figure of "handsome guy with an atmosphere", which is twice the vote of the second Matsuyama Ken, which once again proves his sense of existence and influence. The evaluation of the Japanese media is as follows: "Just look at the face, squint the eyes, there is no characteristic flat face, you can see at a glance that he is different from the handsome guys."

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

But the editors first suppressed the sharpness of the pen: "But he can bring a mysterious atmosphere, the nihilistic atmosphere in the expression, and overflow a handsome atmosphere all the time." Ayano was just a real atmospheric handsome guy, and he didn't lose his sexiness from the inside. ”

Kenichi Matsuyama, who is in second place, is called a "complete Japanese earthy boy", "The moment your eyes look at each other, you can feel the evolution of an ordinary boy into an atmospheric boy." ”

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

Can exude the average handsome guy is difficult to release the "atmosphere" of male stars, indeed to many Japanese men to hope, in the media reports, "ordinary men" standards are listed one by one, attracting many men into the seat, because as long as you do not look at the face, there is a chance, have checked whether they can become the object of women's favorite.

· Annual income of 5 million yen (about 320,000 yuan)

· There is a bachelor's degree

· He is about 170cm tall

· Have a formal job

· Not the eldest son in the family

· Clean, common sense, polite

In Japan, the efforts of ordinary men in this regard are far beyond the imagination of many people. Someone has done their own atmosphere boy transformation plan to the extreme.

The eldest brother is Heizune, 39 years old, and lives in Nagoya. Because of his work, Heishou will go to Tokyo once a month, and this short day is the time for him to date like crazy.

In Japanese dating software, the proportion of men and women has always been very different, according to rough statistics, Japanese female users account for only 30% of dating software, 70% are men. Therefore, these software are charged a higher fee for men (6500 yen, basically about 500 yuan), and are free for women. Of course, I don't know if there are women's clothing bigwigs pretending to be girls in order to save money, if there are, then 30% of this bit of people can't seem to keep.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

39-year-old Tieshou Sang: As long as you use a dating app, anyone can have peach blossoms

Although the road to tie hands is not very smooth, he believes that as long as he works the software, there will be no girl who cannot be asked out. So he registered ten social software in one go, and summed up some rules for putting photos. For example, I am not too handsome, but the photo must give people a refreshing feeling, and then there must be a full body photo to show the figure, so that the other party can have a preliminary understanding of themselves.

However, the appearance of the draw still makes people feel... It's hard to put into words. So much so that the variety show directly used "overwhelming disadvantage" to describe his appearance.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

He even looked at how to put photos more attractively.

For example, in the main photo position, you should put a photo with a better atmosphere and some obstruction, and then the picture is slowly returning to the daily life photo, so that people can look at a transition and better accept themselves. This step-by-step approach gradually increases its attraction.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

After getting the profile, Heishou began to study how to make friends efficiently.

Because girls use dating software is free, it is easy to uninstall after playing for two days, so while screening girls, it is mainly to look at users who have logged in for less than 3 days.

And unlike others who only look at faces, he will pay attention to users who have not uploaded photos. Because everyone is looking at the face, and this kind of faceless person is not very popular, but they can basically pass the face value, so matching such a user, the chance of getting the other party's response is higher.

With these rules and skills, the draw reached more than 300 girls.

For example, in the course of an interview, he met a 25-year-old girl who looked like AKB48 member Kawaei Rina, and the two not only met at the East Exit of Shinjuku, but also went to the café to chat for a long time, and finally exchanged contact information, and the girl also expressed that she was very interested in him and hoped to make a date next time.

After this round of dating, Heishou met a girl who looked exactly like Nakajo Caiwei in the evening, and met at Shinjuku South Exit and chatted for three hours in the restaurant.

Because of the success stories "as many as cattle hair", the draw that turned into an "atmosphere boy" also summed up a lot of their own love experience, and opened their own Instagram and YouTube channels, specializing in teaching sharing dating courses, many people who want to quickly get off the list come to buy related courses, in the hope that they can also become another "Wei Xiaobao" in social software.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

Chat on the app, there will generally be multiple options for a tie

Draws seems like a natural love field master, but he was also a well-behaved boy when he was younger. In junior high school, he found that his appearance was not dominant, and his emotional experience was also stumbling, and several girlfriends he had been in a relationship broke up with him because of infidelity. So after reaching adulthood, he began to have a strong sense of resistance to love.

This situation lasted until he was 30 years old, because of a serious illness caused cardiopulmonary arrest, after the rescue began to reflect on his life, and resolutely gave up the current decadence, determined to become a completely different person.

And the first step of this change is to start with the sister.

Although the appearance is still the same as it was then, the situation is very different. I don't know if it is appropriate to describe the draw as "kung fu pays off", but as far as his dating skills are concerned, it can be regarded as achieving the goal through his own efforts.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

There are also many "ugly men" in Japan who have achieved financial freedom through transformation. Last year, the Japanese life Koma Zhuo also successfully appeared on the hot search because of his self-explosion "at the same time being raised by 15 rich women and earning millions of dollars a month", which made people feel that there could be such a set of "rich scriptures" in the original interaction with rich women.

Being raised by a rich woman is actually not a new thing from ancient times to the present, and the reason why the story of Ikoma Takuya's sponsorship can trigger public opinion at home and abroad is because he breaks people's long-standing stereotype of "wrapping":

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

First, his purpose is very clear. At the age of 17, when many people are still only sentimental and study hard, Ikoma Tokuma also keenly perceives that he has a talent that is different from ordinary people in terms of dealing with people and rhetoric, and then decided bluntly that he will not go to work in the future, and he can be at ease to be a "little white face", in domestic parlance, that is, "part-time work is impossible to work"

This alone is better than those stories of "forced to go to the sea" or bitterness or helplessness, and its dedicated professionalism is lamentable.

Second, he not only took the money, but also did not engage in "special services." In the eyes of many people, most of the rich women are full-bodied middle-aged women, and since the object of the adoption has taken the money, it must meet the various requirements of the other party, even if it is too unreasonable and perverted. The plot of most people's brain supplements is basically the same.

However, during the working hours of Ikoma Takuya, there will be no middle-aged women, and she is not a promise to be slaughtered. He will only "prey" on young rich women, and for these customers, companionship is more important.

The rich woman in her 20s once expressed to the media the reason why she has been packing health for four consecutive years: "In fact, this is a problem of input-output ratio. I don't want to be in love, that's too tiring. He is very cheerful and will always support me as long as he buys services, and I don't have to invest in feelings, I only need to spend money to enjoy his intimacy all the time. ”

His day begins like this: get up early to take a very serious shower, then straighten your hair, and if you're not satisfied with your style, wash it off and rearrange it.

In terms of dress, he does not take the formal route very deliberately, in the shooting, he wore a T-shirt printed with the Mona Lisa pattern and a leather coat, and the underwear also chose the Mickey Mouse pattern, which looks three points formal and seven points funny.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

3 hours 160,000 yen fee

After the elaborate dressing, he went to the home of a rich woman who was a regular customer, and as soon as he entered the door, he lay down on the person's body, and said with a little disgust that he was a little tired of walking and needed a temporary rest.

To the surprise of the audience, the rich woman gladly agreed to such a request.

After that, Ikoma Zhuo also began to prepare dinner and accompany the rich woman to dinner. In the process of eating, the carefulness and thoughtfulness in his personality are vividly displayed, he can not only coax the rich woman to be happy, but also detect the rich woman's recent troubles and enlighten, usually a glass of wine under the belly, the rich woman has already spent the flowers and branches.

When the rich woman finished eating, Ikoma Zhuo also had a bit of a "housekeeping" taste in his next work.

Mopping the floor, brushing the dishes, wiping the toilet... These daily chores, Ikoma Zhuo should also inherit.

The floor is repeatedly dragged three times to ensure that it is spotless, the dishes and chopsticks should also be carefully brushed and finally drained, although the toilet is not like the domestic legend to scrub six times and even scoop a cup of water to drink, but basically to ensure that it is very clean. After doing this, the day's companionship is almost over. During the nearly three hours of service, Iikoma Also received a total of 160,000 yen, a discount of 9,300 yuan.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

Takuya Ikoma, who earns nearly 400,000 yen per month

Because he is a regular customer, Ikuma Zhuo is also very generous in price, often "returning coupons" to customers. His "generosity" once again made the rich woman praise, although the guests of the variety show saw this scene, and their mouths were already closed in surprise.

It may be that the reputation is too good, and there are more and more guests who want to find Ikoma Takya, and before the guests can pick him, he first picks up the guests.

According to the interview, Ikoma Zhuo also serves 15 rich women all year round, and divides them into six grades of S, A+, A-, B+, B- and alternate, high-level rich women will get more schedules, low-level rich women are not only difficult to meet him, once they can't afford to be abandoned immediately.

When the reporter asked him how to grade the rich woman, he only said two words quietly, and the answer was quite ironic: look at the face.

This made the guests and many viewers directly unable to hold back, eating a meal to do a housework can receive nearly 10,000 yuan not to mention, paying guests also have to be picked up, the most important thing is that Ikoma Zhuo himself is actually recognized by everyone is not so good-looking.

However, the guests didn't seem to mind.

At the beginning of the epidemic, the rich woman resources in his hands were lost seven at once, which would have bothered him. As a result, he found that the top cowherds in the cowboy shop all relied on good "after-sales service" to maintain customer relations, and then he called the old customer to ask for warmth and asked what opinions he had, and successfully made many rich women "change their minds", and even called him a total of nearly 30,000 yuan before they met.

It can only be said that in the world of rich women, ordinary people really don't understand it. Putting aside the service content and average income, Shengju Zhuo has also been questioned the most by domestic netizens or the problem of appearance, from the aesthetic point of view of Chinese, he is indeed not really good-looking.

Marry a star, eat soft rice, and the counterattack of The Japanese "ugly men"

Like the strange needs of rich women, Japanese women's aesthetics of Japanese men seem to have not been very online. 39 years old, tooth decay, improper facial features, crazy want to contact girls, addicted to dating software... All of the above, randomly pick out two, put on Weibo is the standard of "Puxin man".

From the marriage of Yuwa Aoi and the funny entertainer Ryota Yamazato who is 9 years older than him and has a bad appearance, to the flash marriage between Rimi Ishihara and the "man outside the circle" last year, to the recent marriage of Hoshino Yuan, the representative figure of The New Yuki and the "atmosphere handsome man", the "Ugly Japanese Men" in the eyes of netizens have already secretly married the goddess in people's hearts, leaving behind the fans' surprised emojis and regrets.

Most Japanese emotional bloggers come to the same conclusion: gentleness and thoughtfulness and a sense of humor are common to these people: for example, When asked about the reason for marriage, Aoi Yu once laughed and said: "From the beginning of our relationship, we have taken marriage as the premise, there are several reasons for this idea, when we are together, he often makes me laugh until I can't help myself, the standards for people's touching and unacceptable are the same, the values of money are the same, and we will close the refrigerator immediately after we open it, and most importantly, he is very gentle." ”

And Hoshino Gen, who added the attribute of "atmosphere handsome guy" to the attribute of talent, expressed his appreciation and admiration for Yui Niigaki in one of his own books in 2017, and even put himself in his shoes:

"Acting is a very hard profession, in addition to playing others, at any time in a state of lying, after popularity will be praised, but in the high-pressure mental state of competition, there are too few people who can maintain "ordinary". She has been active in the show business since she was a teenager, and she must have experienced more things than I imagined, and perhaps she did not start like she is today. From that experience, she discovered what true sincerity was in her work, stepped to a realm that ordinary actors could not reach, and obtained "ordinary" by her own strength. Despite the long time together, I have at least one moment a day to praise "this guy is really good." ”

You have to admit that this ability to think differently is not something that any man can have.

The popular trend of "atmosphere boys" continues to increase in Japan. In the search terms associated with "atmosphere boy" in Google Trend search, there are keywords such as "how to cover up their appearance shortcomings" and "cover up ugliness", while how to enhance the sense of cleanliness and their sense of humor and emotional intelligence is the focus of many male searches.

The means of "atmosphere boys" have created a trend that has been emerging since more than a decade ago, and in 2015 alone, in the Japanese entertainment industry alone, there were nearly 1243 news about artists marrying "ordinary men", male celebrities also actively joined this trend, and there were nearly 3200 news of marriages with "average women". Among these "general men", it is estimated that there are many people who are "handsome men" in the eyes of women.

The huge industry of "ugly men" turning into "atmosphere boys" is on the rise in Japan, and the importance of appearance has been declining. There are many kinds of blog posts and posts on major male beauty websites and blogs that are still popular in Japan, so in the future, if your next "wife" suddenly marries a man who is not good-looking, no one should be too surprised.

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