
Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |

author:VISION Youth Vision

G-O-T-H-E-N-B-U-R-G several letters make up Gothenburg.

We all like to say we hate this place.

But maybe,

The fact that we hate is that we love this place so much.

Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |

RUT IMAGE: The Village Antikt

Just like the character of every harbor city: coming and going, arriving and departing, loading and unloading, Gothenburg also gives people such a sense of nothingness. The port here is one of the largest in Europe, and like the automotive industry and other industries, it provides jobs for Gothenburg's population of almost 1 million. Here, the accents characteristic of the port workers are always pleasant and warm.

In Gothenburg, people are known for their witty humor and close and strong relationships with each other. The wide Göta Älv River divides Gothenburg in half, and on one side of the river you can see the shadow of Denmark. Salty waters, rugged coastlines, gray granite, and seagulls hovering overhead make up the west coast, which is not warm but distinctive. The smell of fresh fish permeates the harbor and fish market, and on Friday nights, prawns are the dinner option for the vast majority of people. Life in Gothenburg is full of relativity, ease and hardship. Cold and gloomy weather, with rain in the wind, the streets can seem very deserted for some of the year, but all of this will suddenly change when you wake up one morning.

Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |
Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |

The crowds that can be seen everywhere are confusing: Where did they come from? People are happy, smiling, dancing, singing in nightclubs, and the neon lights are flashing all night long. Or on a lazy day, take a dip in the sea and take a nap on the damp rocks in the warm sunshine. Such a very different life may be the source of our creativity. In any case, life in Gothenburg is like this, perhaps too comfortable and perfect: ready-made music, ready-made fashion, ready-made art, ready-made books, everything is happening in a step-by-step manner. We know each other, we support each other, and we all belong to an unofficial network. Gothenburg is not the capital, so we have to live our lives on the existing conditions, and this mentality has become the greatest asset of the people of Gothenburg.

Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |

YUKIMI Singer in Little Dragon

Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |
Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |

Gothenburg's south bank is home to straits dating back to the Middle Ages, small cobbled squares, narrow streets, spire-roofed churches and beautiful gardens. On the north shore are tall oil towers and huge harbor cranes. Recently, the port has once again become a place for people to relax, where street artists spray graffiti, where people come to picnic in the sun, walk their dogs along the coastline, exercise on bicycles or simply come here to enjoy the views. It's like a miniature big town, a village version of a metropolis, everything is within reach, and you can go anywhere within 20 minutes.

Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |

HÅKANKeybordist in Little Dragon

Electronic parties on abandoned boats, nightclubs singing jazz live, trendy shopping venues, diverse trends, hot dog stalls that are still open at 3 a.m., star restaurants, a beer in an old tavern, champagne in dimly lit bars, hot kisses on the grass, gay men behind trees, hotels designed according to feng shui principles, private beds and breakfasts, bathing in the lake in the middle of the night, diving close to seals, decaffeinated soy milk lattes, Swedish black coffee, cute wooden huts , mirrored skyscrapers, art school exhibitions, international photography festivals, restless or quiet lifestyles. All of this happened at the same time in Gothenburg.

Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |


text Petra Dokken

editor Maple

photo Cooper & Gorfer


Christine Gustafsson @Sentral design studio

designer Meng

Gothenburg | the sea, the city, the silence |

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