
Hidden Wall, a film with very polarized reviews, some say it's very good, some say it's depressed

author:Baby's wonderful film and television sharing
Hidden Wall, a film with very polarized reviews, some say it's very good, some say it's depressed

The film has no character dialogue, no reversed plot, no climax, no special effects, and the only heroine doesn't even have a name. At a time when visual spectacle is the universal pursuit of the film industry, "Hidden Wall" chooses to point extremely and sharply directly to the heart. With a resolute and resolute rebellious posture, a drama composed entirely of inner monologues is presented. It is more like a cinematic poetic and philosophical text than a film.

The story has a calm beginning, and the heroine follows a collector couple to the countryside. After arriving at their destination, the old couple decided to go out for a walk, leaving their dog waiting in the cabin with the heroine. But the old couple never returned, and there was no more news. The woman decided to go out and look for it.

It's a mountainous area off the beaten track and picturesque. On the way, the woman met the dog that had opened the way for her, and was looking down and whimpering in confusion. The woman thought it had hurt herself, patted it on the head and continued to move forward, but suddenly hit a barrier.

Hidden Wall, a film with very polarized reviews, some say it's very good, some say it's depressed

It was an unprecedented experience of horror, her front was unobstructed, without any obstruction, but it was impossible to pass, like an invisible glass curtain wall standing in front of her. In a panic, she touched it with her hand, the hidden wall that could be touched but could not be seen. It was so surprising that she sat on the side of the road thinking about what had happened, but it was doomed to be impossible to get an answer.

With great fear she turned back to the cabin and on the way saw a pair of elderly people living nearby, men fetching water in front of the well, and wives sitting in front of the house. She tried to rush to her aid, but was blocked by a hidden wall. She gradually understood that she was isolated in an enclosed space and might never be able to get out again. And the couple on the other side of the hidden wall are also like wax figures. Only running water flows through. It was another enclosed space.

Fortunately, there was a relatively good supply of groceries in the holiday chalet. The woman began to be attached to the dog. Soon, a cat and a pregnant cow broke into her life. The woman and the three animals became the whole life of this isolated world. She also felt desperate, but after the thought of self-determination flashed, she gave herself a reason to live—to take care of the three animals. It is a reflection of the human condition of our own existence, and the reasons for our lives are often so absurd but also warm. An object of love, a small interest, can be an excuse for sustenance for life.

So she stirred food for cats and dogs every day, mowed grass to feed the cows, and milked the cows regularly. She cleared the land alone, ploughing under the vicious sun with a huge sickle; hunting on sunny days; storing firewood for winter in the spring. After solving her livelihood, she began to construct a spiritual space, rummaging through the paper and pencil in the cabin and began to record her daily life: the hope after sowing, the hardship in the extreme cold, the despair of her situation, the nostalgia for life, and the speculation of such an absurd situation...

In this lonely space, the woman bears multiple identities, she is human, she needs nutritious food, warm shelter and a spirit that can be placed, so she needs to mow the grass and plant the land, hunt animals, and keep a diary. At the same time, in a way, she also plays the role of a god, in the face of a fox by the river when the ice and snow first melt, she will lower the muzzle of the gun, see a white crow abandoned by the group, she will feed with garbage, she can choose which creatures can survive, which must die, life and death, she is the only master. But she was also the humblest of beings, and the snowstorm and extreme loneliness could engulf her at any moment. Her situation became a symbol of the cruel and absurd situation of all mankind. Being trapped in a barbaric land for no reason, trapped in an invisible wall, the imprisonment of the flesh and the loneliness of the spirit, are the predesticament of mankind.

As she wrote in her diary: I pity animals, sympathize with humans, because they have not been asked whether they want to or not, they came to the world, perhaps human beings are even more pitiful. Because they have enough wisdom to resist everything working in a natural way, which makes them fierce and desperate. In fact, people don't have to live like this. There is no more reasonable passion in the world than love. It makes the lives of both the lover and the beloved easier. It is our only way out. Is our only hope for a better life.

After three years of living there, the woman encounters an intruder who is slaughtering her cattle out of nowhere, and she should have been pleasantly surprised to meet another man, but she raises a gun and kills the man. It's an ironic scene. In the search for love and community, we are always hurting each other. Eventually, people will remain alone.

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