
It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

author:Beidaihe Peach Factory Film Monk Society
It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X
It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X
It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Edit: Judge

What comes to mind first when you think of female celebrities?

good looks? Tall? Luxury cars? Costumes? Couture? Red carpet? 20w once makeup? 30w meal for a meal? 208w one day salary...

If you see female celebrities offline, most people's first impression is definitely "so thin".

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X
It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

In internal entertainment, in addition to comedy actresses, there are almost no female stars who are not thin. The waist circumference is smaller than the head circumference of others, and the head circumference is smaller than that of others, as long as it is not thin, it will be thinner in death. As a female star who has to undergo 360-degree lens baptism 24 hours a day, in order to be able to shoot it anytime and anywhere, it is like the heavenly immortal in the retouching picture, only to make herself a little thinner than a thin person, and a little thinner.

Today's high-definition lenses have more stringent requirements for the artist's head shape, face shape, and body shape, and even male celebrities who have always cultivated the untrimmed edge as masculine, many people have begun to understand the truth of privately losing more weight and taking pictures for more than a moment.

However, there is a top female star, since she became known, she has never regarded body management as a special thing.

She was the famous "Fat Warm" Kate Winslet.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X
It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Most Chinese audiences know Kate, and it must have started with Titanic.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

This luxury ship sunk in 1912 is well known for its proud luxury and enormity, as well as the tragedy of the first voyage caused by the world-shattering shipwreck caused by the first voyage before departure, and under the lens of James Cameron, this ship carries the love legend of the contemporary "Romeo and Juliet".

At the end of 1997, "Titanic" was officially released worldwide, and it was circulated in China's video hall in the form of pirated videos, and was hand-picked and introduced by the leaders at that time in early 1998.

At that time, Chinese audiences, because of long-term stereotypes and the small number of foreign films that could be seen, had the impression of American film actresses as blonde hair, blue eyes, crispy breasts and bees.

However, in this "Titanic", Kate's red hair, fleshy face and not slender figure, and even a very obvious belly, set off the small plums in the movie that were still thin arms and legs at that time like a brother who was raised by a rich woman.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Such a Hollywood heroine gives Chinese audiences a heavy blow, and the original roundness can also be so beautiful.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

"Titanic" is closely combined with the delicate creation of the classic story prototype and the spectacle type of shipwreck disaster, and it is inevitable to cause a sensation, and Ruth, as the first perspective character of this love tragedy, can be said to be a role that will inevitably make the actors popular.

In fact, at the beginning of the preparation of the film, Kate was not the heroine of Cameron's mind, she wrote a cover letter to Cameron over and over again, and finally, she attached a rose to the letter, saying that she was "the Rose you were looking for", which impressed the director.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Rose of Titanic did become one of Kate Winslet's most iconic characters, officially making her a global hit, and earning her her her first Academy Award and Golden Globe nomination. In the film, Kate shows just the right charm and determination, the righteousness in front of the love scene, the scene of trying to call Jack and whistle on the sea, which can be remembered by the audience for many years.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Coming from an acting family in Berkshire, England, Kate Winslet began acting on stage at an early age and entered the stage and television industry not long after graduating from drama school. In 1994, at just 19 years old, Kate starred in her first film, Peter Jackson's Angel of Sin, which was shortlisted for the Venice Film Festival's main competition and won the Silver Lion.

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Friendly reminder This is a LES movie

Subsequently, she received Ang Lee's "Sense and Sensibility", which was adapted from the original book of the same name by the famous British novelist Jane Austen.

Kate played Marianne in it, paired with actresses such as Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, and Hugh Grant. However, Kate, who was not yet 20 at the time, injected her youthful characteristics into the character traits and showed a very proud charm.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Ang Lee's unique training of inexperienced actors helped Kate, who along with other actors practiced tai chi with the director and read jane Austen-era poetry to cultivate temperament. Ang Lee praised her as "a passionate actor... She's improving a lot, and I've seen her 'blossom'."

Ang Lee was very impressed with Kate's performance, and even Zhang Ziyi, who later commented on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, used "seeing young Kate Winslet in her."

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X
It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

There's an inner flavor

And marianne's role also won Kate's nominations for academy awards and golden globe awards for female supporting actress, counting the later nominations for "Titanic", Kate is already the youngest actress who has been nominated for the academy award twice.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

From 1994 to 1997, Kate was undoubtedly very lucky in the first few years of her career, and the films received were either in the field of art film festivals, or in the Academy Awards, Hollywood and other genre films, and soon became a top star, and her own acting talent did not live up to the fame, and the roles she played were impressive.

The classic character of Ophelia in "Hamlet" can also be unique under her interpretation.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

As an actress, even in the large group of European and American people, Kate is obviously much more spacious than other female silhouettes, and since middle school, some people have mocked her and called her "blubber". After becoming a superstar and surrounded by an aura, the depreciation and controversy over her figure has never stopped.

Kate Winslet, who grew up in this atmosphere, has a very clear understanding of herself, and she is not knocked down by irony or confused by the spotlight.

After Titanic, she rejected two large-scale historical films, Shakespeare Love and Anna and The King, the former earning an actress a college film, and the latter working with Chow Yun-fat, who was a popular figure in Hollywood at the time.

Kate, who is only interested in the performance itself, has taken over a number of independently produced films such as "North African Lover", "Interception Code War", "Quill Pen" and so on.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Do not pursue how much investment and star lineup, only pursue whether they can play a complete three-dimensional character. In The Life of David Gore, Kate plays the viewpoint character investigative journalist Bessie, and although the core of the story is not on her, her delicate and precise reaction shots when watching the video can allow the audience to better empathize with the fate of the core characters in the story.

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For quite some time, Kate avoided big-budget and commercial films, and Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Harry Potter series invited her to star, but both were rejected.

Kate's real career turning point came in 2008, when she starred in two films, The Reader, which tells the story of world war criminals after World War II, and Revolution Road, directed by her then-husband Sam Mendes and re-starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kathy Bates after Titanic.

Kate, who shot these two films, was arguably the thinnest period of her life, with a clear jawline, collarbone, and waist-hip line. And Kate also dedicated one of the two best roles of her career, and "The Reader" won her the academy award after the film trophy.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

"The Reader" tells that after World War II, Hannah, a female guard in a Nazi concentration camp, was imprisoned for not revealing her illiterate identity, and eventually committed suicide in prison.

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The story is wrapped in the unforgettable love experience between Hannah and a teenager Mike who is twenty years younger than himself, and through the intersection of Mike and Hannah at different times in his life, he unveils the personality tragedy of this humble but stubborn and proud woman.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Kate poured a lot of energy into the role of Hannah, not only to pronounce an authentic German accent, but also to show Hannah's age span of forty years.

The audience sees the changes in Hannah's life through Mike's perspective, and when Hannah's beauty is still alive, she will also be attracted by her charm, and when she is dying of old age, she will also be moved by her bad fate.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Kate integrates Hannah's surging emotions into a little subtle eye twitch through her untraceable life performance, and the more silent she is, the more the audience can perceive her inner impact in the face of dignity and freedom from the perspective of knowing the full picture of the event.

In Revolution Road, Kate plays a different kind of idealist than Hannah.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Ai Bo in the story is an American middle-class housewife who is still full of fantasies about life and longs to become an actor and fashion person, and after facing a more realistic husband and moving to Paris, she self-destructively moves to the end of her life.

Kate's interpretation is also just the right restraint and life-like display, so when Aibo finally collapses emotionally, the audience will better understand the theme of the middle-aged dream fragmentation that the film wants to express.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

The only regret of "Revolutionary Road" is that it was not able to punch the little plum back to the youthful beauty when he recalled his youth at the beginning, otherwise it would be more impactful compared with him who has become rich in the main paragraph of this film.

I don't know if it's that the Shadow Queen's Spell is really a bit evil, and Kate after that slowly walks downhill. First of all, her family has suffered several marriage changes, and then her ability to select films in her career has also declined.

After 2008, Kate starred in the mini-series "Fantasy Floating Life", as well as the supporting roles in the movies "Killing" and "Infectious Diseases". After that, the films he took on began to be confusing, not only appearing in works with fairly average evaluations such as "Ferris Wheel" and "Lovers of the Distant Mountains", but even starring in the famous bad film series "Divergents", except for a "Jobs" barely impressive, there was little achievement.

Until this year, HBO's original limited miniseries "East Side Mel" was launched, announcing that "Fat Wen" was killed again.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X
It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

This series can be described as a new generation of global top streams at home and abroad, the huge audience group not only in China to make Tencent's directors frightened of the public decline, but also set the highest record of HBOmax original dramas overseas, the finale live TV and streaming media total viewers reached 4 million, and even once blew up Warner's server.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Mel, the "sloppy female police officer" played by Kate, is both the point of view of the story and the ultimate core of the story. The story tells the unexpected death of the mother of a young girl in the East City, which involves various crises under the comfortable life of the small town.

Kate completely discarded the so-called star image in the show, and the scruffy hoodie, greasy hair, shy belly, and wrinkles that could not be erased together constitute a very real image of a middle-aged woman in the town.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

You can see from her wrinkles how much her poor job and unsettling family have caused her daily life, and Kate's calm and smooth performance at this time has become integrated with her appearance. It doesn't take much complicated adjectives, and it's impossible to analyze the details of her performance in any technical terms, because she has fully transformed into this character, and her crying and laughing, calm and irritable are all from Mel of the East Side.

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The success of "East Side Mel" is not because of how novel or complex his story is, in fact, the story itself is a fairly common suspense play, and it is only because of the overall social atmosphere carried by the story and Kate Winslet's four-and-two performance that makes this series stand out.

In fact, throughout Kate's resume, she has never hesitated to show or destroy her body in front of the camera. Starting from "Nameless Jude" and "Hamlet", including the classic painting scene of "Titanic", to "Love and Cigarettes", "Reader" and other films, she can show her plump carcass for the beauty of the character, and she can also make her body look bad for the character's cruelty.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

The depreciation of her figure that had been accompanied by her since childhood had never made her feel uneasy for a moment, and she was the most beautiful at every moment she confidently showed her body in front of the camera.

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Including during the filming of "East Side Mel", she refused to let the director modify her belly through computer technology and refused to smooth her wrinkles on the poster. She not only enjoys the abundance of her body different from that of the standard actress, but also enjoys every change in her body over the years.

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The various performances of female celebrities in order to maintain their figure on camera, as well as the body anxiety caused by the pursuit of slender posture by the whole society, have deeply affected everyone's self-confidence for a long time. Oversized artists, including Amy Schumer and Jia Ling, constantly create laughter by self-deprecating their figures, and when they compare themselves with slender, tall female artists, they are still more or less reinforcing the impression that only thinness represents beauty.

In fact, there are many examples of figure problems similar to Kate in China's film and television circles, and Gong Li has also been ridiculed for being out of shape. Gong Li, who has always been known for her broad silhouette, with her excellent performance ability and aura, finally suppressed this theory under her.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Actresses such as Yongmei have also said in public that wrinkles are their hard-won "gifts of time", don't be afraid of wrinkles, and don't be afraid of the so-called "getting old", "getting fat" and "getting ugly".

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In the early 1990s, Chen Jialin, the representative of the fourth generation of directors, began filming the TV series "Tang Minghuang" and the movie "Yang Guifei" at the same time. The famous plump beauty Yang Yuhuan in history, the TV version is played by Jiangnan Xiaojia Jasper Lin Fangbing, and the movie version is played by Zhou Jielai, a famous dance artist in China.

In order to complete this role, Lin Fangbing and Zhou Jie have carried out a lot of fattening work, and Lin Fangbing even suffered from irreversible diseases because of extremely rapid fattening and weight loss.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Lin Fangbing

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

In the end, these two versions of Yang Guifei became the most representative film and television image in the hearts of Chinese audiences, and "Yang Yuhuan" also became the most representative role of the two original "thin" beauties.

Taking health as the premise, no matter fat and thin, as long as they are satisfied with their own body shape, there has never been any difference between beauty and ugliness, the ancients still know that "ring fat swallow thin has its own strengths", and modern people why bother to pursue the form that is not suitable for themselves.

Don't be afraid even if you're fat, Kate Winslet hoards with you.

It's 2021, and then diss her fat people are big stupid X

Design/Vision: lvv

The woman at the top of Hollywood

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