
The life of becoming the sun - the life of Haizi

author:Four pages of Dr

Text/Toilet Director

To understand Haizi's poetry, one cannot but know a little about his life. I don't want to list Haizi's life and creative experiences every year, because these are mentioned in many of his biographies and academic annals, and I just want to write an abbreviated version of "Haizi Story". In this story, there are inevitably many "maybes" and "maybes", just like his fanciful poetry.

In 1989, Haizi was born into an ordinary rural family in Chawan Village, Gaohe Town, Huaining County, Anqing City. His original name was Cha HaiSheng, and he was the eldest son of a tailor in Cha Wan. I specifically said at the beginning that he was born in 1989, because there are many different theories about his birthday.

In the Commentary on Haizi, the Leopard Who Pounced on the Sun, Liao Yuan said, "Haizi was born on February 19, 1964 in chawan described above. This date serves as the most basic personal information and is indicated on his identity card. But according to his father, it was a date dated in the lunar calendar... In this way, if Haizi's date of birth is recorded in the gregorian calendar stipulated in China's household registration file system, it should be April 1, 1964. Bian Jiansong, author of "Haizi Biography: Illusions and Truths," also quoted this statement, adding, "I have also seen Haizi's ID card, which is indeed February 19." In the afterword to the Complete Poems of Haizi, Nishikawa wrote in his afterword to The Complete Poems of Haizi, "Haizi was born on April 2, Aries. Yu Xugang wrote in the "Biography of Haizi", "At noon on the thirteenth day of the third lunar month (March 26 in the Gregorian calendar) in 1964, people had just eaten lunch, and at the home of the tailor in Chajiawan Chazhenquan, Gaohe Town, Huaining County, Anqing, there was a crisp and loud baby cry..." Haizi himself marked the completion time at the end of his long poem "River" postscript "Source and Birds", marking the completion time as "March 13, 1983", March 13, 1983 is the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month, and the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month in 1964 is March 12 Therefore, according to his own words, the birthday should be March 12. Therefore, for Haizi's birthday, we have four versions: March 12, March 26, April 1, and April 2.

However, if we go to Baidu Encyclopedia, we will see that Haizi's birth and death years are March 24, 1964 to March 26, 1989, because at the "China Haizi Poetry Seminar" held on March 26, 2009, Haizi's mother Cao Caiju specifically stated that Haizi's birthday, recorded in the Gregorian calendar, should be March 24, 1964. At this point, the question of Haizi's birthday is no longer a problem, because I am afraid that no one has more say than a mother on her child's birthday.

What kind of place is Chawan where Haizi was born? In the words of the poet Black Potter, "The narrow, slightly undulating country asphalt roads are full of loneliness... On both sides of the village road, tall trees intersect and cast clear shadows. In the irregular wilderness fields, the rice has been harvested, leaving only sparse haystacks, crouching alone under the quiet sky of late autumn..." Like all small villages in the south, Chawan is as usual a place where "men cannot be retained", and for most of the year, villagers leave the village to go out to work, and only return during the Spring Festival. Thus, the village remains a land that "squeezes its men into the distance with its entrenched hunger." ”

Haizi grew up to the age of ten in Chawan, and there was nothing surprising except that when he was four years old, he memorized forty-eight quotations from Chairman Mao in one breath at a meeting of the production brigade. They all go to school on weekdays, and when school is over, they go to help their parents work and earn work points. But his father, Cha Zhenquan, recalled:

Haizi has a strong personality since childhood, lonely, but people are very Sven, never mixed with the children of the village to play crazy... Where there is a book, run to wherever you go, and after reading it, you quickly return it to others, so that it is good to borrow it from others... He was the king of the children, and the children of the village circled around him all day. Because he began to talk about novels when he was in elementary school, he could talk about the Three Kingdoms, The Journey to the West, and many long novels.

After the age of ten, in September 1974, After graduating from Haizi Elementary School (the elementary school was still five years old at the time), he left his hometown to attend junior high school at The High River Middle School in the town. After graduating from junior high school, he went to high school at Gaohe Middle School in September 1977. At that time, high school was still two years old, and the second year of high school had to take the college entrance examination. The country has just resumed the college entrance examination, Gaohe Middle School divided students into two classes of arts and sciences, Haizi originally studied science, the school in order to balance the number of liberal arts students, coupled with the strong teachers of liberal arts classes, it persuaded Haizi to learn liberal arts.

In 1979, Haizi was admitted to the Law Department of Peking University with the first place in the liberal arts department in Anqing area, more than 100 points higher than the undergraduate admission line.

During her first three years at the university, Haizi read voraciously in the libraries of Peking University and the law department. During this period, he dabbled in literature, art, religion, law, psychology, philosophy, etc., including Goethe's Faust, Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and other literary masterpieces, and read a lot of poems by Jiang he, Yang Lian, Gu Cheng, Beidao and others, whose influence ran through his subsequent poetry creations.

In March 1983, senior Year Haiko began to write poetry, and because of poetry, she became acquainted with two of her most important close friends, Nishikawa and Luo Yihe. The earliest recognizable work of Haizi date is "The Source and the Bird", written on March 13, 1983, and later used by him as a postscript to the long poem "The River". In the next two or three months, he wrote poems such as "The Eastern Mountains", "The Song of the Hills", "The Rhythm of the Plateau", and "The Young Mountains", which was the beginning of his dream of rebuilding the epic.

After graduating from university, Haizi was assigned (then the graduation distribution system) to China University of Political Science and Law, where he joined the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of China University of Political Science and Law and served as a trainee editor of the Journal of China University of Political Science and Law. The new campus of the University of Political Science and Law is in Changping, Beijing, where Haizi has lived ever since. This year, he officially adopted the pen name "Haizi". Haizi is a lake with abundant water and grass.

1984 was a very important year for Haizi, when he wrote the long poem "River". At a lecture in November, he met his future first love girlfriend, B, who wrote in "To You": "I believe in all this / I believe that we both fell in love at first sight. ”

The life of becoming the sun - the life of Haizi

On the left is B

Compared with Haizi, B's growth environment is obviously different. Her parents were high-ranking intellectuals, and her brother-in-law, the poet Yan Bei, had begun to found the Selected Poems. Although Haizi is full of hope that "some flowers bloom on a tall tree / some fruits are buried deep in the ground" ("The Bride"), a family like B naturally does not approve of her and Haizi's love affair, which also becomes the foreshadowing of their breakup in the future.

Leaving aside the nascent love, Haizi's creative achievements in 1984 can be described as quite abundant, such as "Asian Copper", "Single-winged Bird", "Al's Sun", "Don't Ask Me What Green Is", "The Village" and the long poem "River" are all produced in this year.

At the beginning of 1985, Haizi and B were in love, and when they returned home from winter vacation, he wrote poems and letters to B with happiness. He felt "the sun is strong / the water waves are gentle ... You are a completely clean block of black earth" ("Living in the Precious World"); "In the writing room / Noon is a clump of eyes drawn / Look at you" ("Noon"), and as if to say to yourself, "You come to the earth / You want to see the sun / Walk the street with your sweetheart " ("Summer Sun").

However, after the start of school in March of that year, the relationship between Haizi and B changed. The specific reason is unknown, perhaps because B's parents could not accept their daughter falling in love with a college teacher from a rural area who had nothing but to write poetry. Since then, the gap between B and Haizi has gradually emerged. Holding on to this feeling of being sentenced to death, Haizi said desperately, "I ask to be extinguished / The light of pig iron, the light and the sunshine of my lover / I ask for rain / I request / Die in the night... Rain is a lifetime of faults/Rain is a joy and sorrow" ("I Ask: Rain"), feeling that "in this moment/forever the only reason to be separated" ("Morning Prayer and Owl").

In late May, Haizi wrote five novels at once, which were later included in the famous "Six Mysterious Stories", namely "Turtle King", "Wooden Boat", "First Love", "Birth" and "Rooster". These works, full of obscure but brilliant symbolism, can still be regarded as a model of short stories when read to this day. By the end of August, Haizi had finished writing the last of the "Six Mystery Tales", "South", the long poem "But Water, Water", and the "Sun Guillotine" in the "Seven Books of the Sun", but he still saw no hope for his feelings for himself and B. A few months later, on Singles' Day, Haizi wrote "I Can't Get You," "I can't get you/ My wife made of river water... Can't get you / but at the same time in the autumn to marry / singing everywhere", painfully and helplessly waiting for the death of love.

In 1986, the most important year of Haizi's life, in addition to continuing to write poetry, he went on a summer vacation trip in June, aiming at Lhasa, thousands of kilometers away. According to Liao Yuan's research, the route of Haizi's trip is roughly "Beijing - Xining - Qinghai Lake - Golmud - Lhasa - Dangjin Pass - North side of Qilian Mountain - Jiayuguan - Ejina - Baotou - Hohhot - Beijing", and the total journey may exceed 5,000 kilometers.

The life of becoming the sun - the life of Haizi

Haizi traveled westward in 1986 on a rough route

The trip added a lot of different scenery to his life, he saw the "jeweled corpse / Twilight water" ("July is not far away - give Qinghai Lake, please extinguish my love"), saw the Village of Tibet "the surrounding earthen wall is full of kind Buddha statues", outside the village "Prayer flags are colorful like my injured hair fluttering in the wind" ("Clouds"), saw the Himalayas like a severed head, "the severed head of the body is still in the world / The highest mountain / Still growing upwards" ("The prayer flag is colorful like my injured hair fluttering in the wind" ("Clouds"), seeing the Himalayas like a severed head, "the severed head is still in the world / The highest mountain / Still growing upwards" ("The mantle is still growing upwards" ("The clouds"). Himalaya"), from which he suddenly developed a feeling that the wind was farther away than the far away" (September). From these sentences, we see that the golden age of Haizi poetry is coming, but, as he writes, this journey to Qinghai Lake really extinguished his love.

After returning to Beijing, Haizi did not receive any news from B. Without a letter, he was left alone waiting for the start of school. In August, he wrote a serenade for Haizi to recall his time with B:

We used to sit quietly on the night before

We have knees like wood

We pricked up our ears

We could hear the water and the poetry of the plains

It's our own plains, the nights and the poetry

Now I'm the only one left

Only I have one knee like wood

Only I had my ears propped up

I was the only one who could hear the water on the plain

Water in poetry

On this rainy night

Write poetry for you

This is our common plain and water

It's our common night and poetry

Who said that about seawater

To go, to look around

We've sat here before

This poem looks very calm at first glance, and when you read it carefully, you feel helpless and sad. The four consecutive "ones" in the second paragraph are like a heavy hammer, pounding Haizi's fragile mind. In September, Haizi met B, and they may have been talking by the river for a long time, and B told Haizi's parents about their opinions and her helplessness. Haizi could not understand this, writing, "I feel enchanted / Little man, since we love each other / Why are we still weeping on the riverbank" ("I feel enchanted"). September 10 is B's birthday, And Haiko doesn't seem to have seen B, he stays up all night, feeling desperate, "Dawn I dream of your birthday", "Dusk I dream of my death" ("Birthday for B"). After suffering for more than a month, finally at the end of October, he said that he was "a poor child who returned home with a lantern at night and burst into tears / Everything died on the way to a town far from home", and then said as if determinedly, "On the last night of October / I will never write about you again".

In later days, Haizi hardly wrote B again, but many of his poems echoed B's shadow.

During the winter vacation of 1987, Haizi did not go home directly. He took the train to Chengdu, went to Jiuzhaigou to play, then came to Daxian (now Dazhou), then took a train to Chongqing Wanxian, and finally returned to Anqing by water. He came to Anqing on January 11, a woman he called ap, holding an umbrella to pick him up.

A boat stopped on a desolate riverbank

That's the city you live in

My coat was dirty and thrown on the riverbank

My mood began to be calm and cheerful

- "Winter Rain"

He followed AP through the streets of Daxian county, and for the first time since his relationship with B ended, he felt good, saying "We are silently leaning together / You are a fairy, a wet stone in winter / Your appearance is an umbrella / You hide in an umbrella like a stone that rejects heaven and earth" ("Winter Rain"). Who AP is we don't know, Bian Jiansong said that she is a financial worker, because in her letter to Haizi, there are sentences such as "going to work every day, dialing the abacus, registering data, taking out a book when idle, reading for a while and being confused, stunned" and so on, Liao Yuan said that AP is not a person but two people of A and P, because in Haizi's later poem "Sun and Wildflowers - Dedicated to AP", there are clearly two female figures, and I agree with the former statement, "Sun and Wildflowers - Dedicated to AP" It was in May 1988 that Haizi "deleted many old poems from 86 years ago", which inevitably has a lot of artistic treatment, and it seems that ap. In terms of personality, this AP may be a little stubborn, but also a little autistic, "hiding in an umbrella like a stone that rejects heaven and earth." The extent to which her relationship with Haizi has developed is unknown, although Haizi said that she was "as calm as a daffodil in the night" and that "black hair was scattered over my breasts", it is difficult to say that this is a real scene, an imagination or even a symbol. But one thing is certain, the feelings of Haizi and AP should far exceed those of ordinary friends.

In the next few days, AP took Haizi to the real Buddha Mountain, and Haizi "extinguished the fire in front of the idol / We leaned together in silence" in "Rain" rewritten according to "Winter Rain", which shows that AP brought him not a passionate carnival, but a calm joy. Back in Anqing, Haizi wrote "Two Villages", he said that "the wind blows in the village / The wind blows in Haizi's village / The wind blows on the wind of the village / There is a fresh and a long time". What is fresh is love, and what is old is still love. A month later, we found his second love object in Haizi's poem, reflecting the northern starlight of the southern constellation, and the S in his mouth—

Who in the beautiful morning

Who is in this poem

Who in the beautiful fire flying

And there are unlimited gifts to me

- "Dedication to Poetry - To S" (1987.2.11)

According to most of Haizi's biographers, S was a cultural worker, most likely working at the Changping Cultural Center, and perhaps helped Haizi publish poetry.

The life of becoming the sun - the life of Haizi

Haizi painting

In May 1987, a rather strange thing happened - the Beijing Writers Association held a meeting in Xishan, and at the meeting, someone listed Haizi with two crimes: "engaging in new romanticism" and "writing long poems." In fact, Haizi was only a fledgling young poet at that time, and due to the instinctive evasion of social organization, he was not and was not qualified to join the Beijing Writers Association, so it was impossible to attend or attend the meeting. For the criticism at the meeting, Haizi could not argue with a hundred mouths, and could only gamble at home to write several articles on "Justification", "Seven Days of God", and "Prince Son of the Sun God", as if to affirm his own claims. The result can be imagined, of course, no one will look at the articles written by the light-hearted Haizi, and he can only devote all his energy to the creation of poetry.

I don't know if it is because of S, this summer vacation in 87, Haizi did not travel far. His ex-girlfriend B graduated in July and is preparing to study in the United States. Haizi broke the poetic promise of "I will never write you again", and when traveling to Beidaihe, he wrote in "Looking North", "Why did I think of you by the sea / Unfortunate and beautiful person My destiny". Subsequently, he completed the "Sun and Land Chapter" in the "Seven Books of the Sun", which seems to be one step closer to his own epic ideal. However, Haizi is confused about his love with S, he longs for love, but wants to reject the sudden marriage, so he is undecided at the crossroads of feelings.

In October, Haizi and S broke up, and according to Nishikawa, perhaps because Haiko didn't want to get married, S left him. In this year, Haizi completed dozens of poems, including the famous "Motherland (or Dream as a Horse)".

In 1988 New Year, Haizi was still living in his hometown in Anqing, he spent five hundred yuan to buy a black-and-white TV for his family, he accepted the whole village's onlookers every day, but he did not keep his house, on a windy night, he missed AP far away in Sichuan, "thinking of her hair fluttering / Cheeks slightly cold / Guarding her mother / Holding her daughter / Sitting in the middle of the basin / Sitting in her home" ("Gale"). At the end of the lunar month, Haizi took her mother to the campus dormitory in Changping for a while, and her mother was surprised to find that Haizi actually had a girlfriend again. This woman is not S, according to Haizi, who works in a television station, and for the sake of narrative convenience, she is referred to as Y by Bian Jiansong in Haizi's biography: Illusion and Truth.

This Y, who was supposed to be Haizi's last girlfriend, may have been a few years older than Haizi, and According to Haizi's mother, who later recalled that when she went to deal with Haizi's aftermath in June 1989, Y, dressed in black, was crying low.

After her mother returned, Haizi took her "Sun and Land" and some other poems to Sichuan. There he met many influential poets, but seemed to be ridiculed. In April, Haizi visits Leshan and takes a photo in front of the Big Buddha. Maybe this trip to Sichuan allowed Haizi to see AP, maybe AP came to see him again, and after returning to Beijing, he said that he was "in a lonely morning in the north / a morning in the north / thinking of a person ... On that small, remote, crowded platform / You shine like a star on my journey."

In May, Haizi began to hallucinate. He extensively edited previous poems and wrote The Sun and Wildflowers – Dedicated to AP. Two female figures appear in the poem, probably AP and Y.

On June 1, Haizi completed another work in the "Seven Books of the Sun", the Sun Poetry Drama. On July 17, he traveled to Tibet again with poets Yiping, Wang Enzhen and others.

The life of becoming the sun - the life of Haizi

Haizi's 1988 roadmap to Tibet

This time, the route was still from Xining, when there was no Qinghai-Tibet Railway, and the railway could only go to Golmud. One rainy night, he took a train through Delhi and wrote the famous "Diary": "Sister, tonight I am in Delhi, the night is shrouded / Sister, I only have the Gobi tonight", saying that Delhi is "a desolate city in the rain". On this night, he temporarily gave up his ambition of "big poem", "Sister, tonight I only have the beautiful Gobi empty / sister, tonight I don't care about human beings, I only think of you". This "sister" may really have someone, or maybe it is just a symbol. Haizi's friend Sun Libo said that this "sister" may be a poet known as H, and Delingha is her hometown. Shortly after Haizi's death, she tore up some of the poems that Haizi had sent her and went to the south, where she is still alone.

Haizi came to Lhasa, stopped for a short time, and then went to Shigatse, and then further into Sakya, the southern county seat of Shigatse. It was a place close to the Himalayas, and Haizi suddenly realized that the meaning of far away was "nothing but distant", that he himself "stood on a barren grassland", "free and poor" ("Far Away"). While passing by a mani pile, Haizi picked up two pieces of painted relief stone Buddha from it and carried them back to Beijing, which is said to still be embedded in his grave.

Back in Beijing, Haizi's mental condition was already very bad. As he worked hard to attend classes, he continued to practice Qigong, and the hallucinations that plagued him became more and more serious. November was the peak of Haizi's work, when he completed his poetic treatise "The Poet I Love— Hölderlin", followed by "The Sun Messiah" and "The Sun You Are the Father's Good Daughter", and the surviving manuscript "Sun Daza" was also written during that time. In addition, it is worth mentioning the poetry drama "Sun Bow" completed in September, which has a stage set full of blood-red space, drawing on the plot of ancient Greek tragedies. Haizi's friend Luo Yihe commented: "In terms of tone, blood red is darker than black, because the task Daobai written in the pressure has the speed of violent galloping. This dangerous speed is also characteristic of the poetry of the Son of the Sun God. ”

Some people also say that "Sun Bow" is the prelude to the end of Haizi's life.

In early 1989, Haizi saw B again. It was snowing on this day, he wrote in "The Long Way" - Fourteen Lines dedicated to the snow of the beginning of '89" that "I stood in the snow on the seventh day of January, or I stood here four years ago/ I stood here, full of dust, more than four years like a day, unchanged.". Four years ago, when Haizi and B met, he still naively felt that his feelings for B had not changed, but B was no longer the B of the past. On January 13, he thought of B again and wrote the "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms" that each of us is familiar with——

From tomorrow onwards, be a happy person

Feed the horses, chop wood, and travel the world

From tomorrow, care for grain and vegetables

I have a house facing the sea and spring blossoms

From tomorrow onwards, communicate with every loved one

Tell them about my happiness

That lightning of happiness told me

I will tell everyone

Give every river and every mountain a warm name

Stranger, I bless you too

May you have a bright future

May you have a lover who will eventually become a dependent

May you be happy on earth

I just want to face the sea and blossom in spring

Now, "facing the sea, spring blossoms" has become a cliché even when used as a commercial, and when we see it, perhaps few people can feel the loneliness and determination contained in it. "Facing the sea" is actually equivalent to turning his back on the world, and Haizi separates himself from the earth through a shadow. It is precisely because he has isolated himself from the world that he will abandon all pain and anxiety and bless the world so peacefully, and he is destined to "face the sea" and accept his destiny.

A few days before Chinese New Year's Eve, Haizi, who returned to Chawan's home for the last time, wrote a prophetic "Tribute poem of the night - dedicated to the daughter of the night", he said, "You come from afar, I go to the far away / The distant journey passes through here / The sky has nothing / Why give me comfort". In the darkness of the night, he saw "rice piled up in a dark barn," which made him feel that "the barn was too dark, too silent, too fruitful/too desolate, and I saw the eyes of Yama in the harvest."

On February 23, perhaps his mother expressed his concern for Haizi's emotional life again, he could not sleep at night, recalling the four women he loved, and writing sentences such as "Four sisters standing on the desolate hill / All the wind blowing at them / All the days are broken for them" ("Four Sisters"). He said, "The four confused sisters I loved/ Like the four poems I wrote by my own hand", perhaps, at this moment, he was still quite nostalgic for the world, but now Haizi was powerless to wrestle with fate, which ran far ahead, dragging him all the way.

In early March, Haizi returned to Beijing and went to talk to Wang Jiaxin. During the conversation, he excitedly announced one of his discoveries: the night did not fall from the sky, but flew up from the wheat field. This is reminiscent of Van Gogh's painting before his death, crows in the wheat field.

The life of becoming the sun - the life of Haizi

Wheat Field with Crows,Vincent Willem van Gogh,1890.07

Wang Jiaxin later said in his article "The Transformer of the Earth: The German 'Poetic' Tradition and Chinese Modern and Contemporary Poets", "(Haizi) He has come to such a realm: the night is comfort, and the harvest is desolate! For he could sing in a divine language— he had created a death that would allow him to die! ”

On March 16, Haizi left Changping for the city and met B, who had been away for a long time. At this time, they have been separated for nearly three years, and they have not been consulted in the past, and those who come cannot be pursued. B told Haizi that she was married in Shenzhen and was ready to go abroad. This was a very heavy blow to Haizi, who was already in a very poor mental state at that time.

The next day, Haizi and the teaching and research department had dinner at the same time, and after getting drunk, they talked a lot about B, and when they woke up, they were very remorseful. Almost no one knows Haizi's whereabouts from March 18 to 21, but at noon on the 21st, Haizi suddenly appeared at the residence of her friend Reigan, discussed with Reedan the most dignified and dignified kind of death, and said that she had left a suicide note in her dormitory.

For the next two or three days, Haizi sorted out almost all of her poems. He sorted them, dated them, and tied them into bundles with plastic rope. On March 24, Haizi went to the city again to find his girlfriend, which may be B or Y, but there is no result. He then returned to his dorm room and wrote several suicide notes in two days. The suicide note claims that he was persecuted to death by Chang Yuan and Sun Ye with supernatural powers, and ordered him to return the fee for the second issue of "October" to Yiping. After writing, he cleaned his room and sorted out the mess of books, periodicals, and picture books so that when Nishikawa walked into his room after his death, he felt that it was "as clean as a grave."

On the morning of March 25, Haizi set out for Shanhaiguan with four books, "Bible", "Walden Lake", "Conrad's Selected Novels", and "The Lone Raft". When she went downstairs, Haizi said to a colleague, "I'm going to go out." Then he left the University of Political Science and Law.

He arrived at Shanhaiguan around noon. From noon on March 25 to noon on March 26, he may have been hanging out at Shanhaiguan.

On the afternoon of March 26, he tore a piece of paper from the wall and wrote his last words:

My name is Cha Haisheng, I am a teacher in the Philosophy Department of China University of Political Science and Law, my suicide has nothing to do with anyone, all my previous suicide notes are invalid, and my poem manuscript is still submitted to Luo Yihe of October.



At 5:30 that day, at a bend in the railway between Shanhaiguan and Longjiaying, the 1205 train was very slow. Haizi let go of the front of the car, burrowed into the wheel behind, and died unusually calmly, not even the glasses were broken. He was "quiet as if asleep, even with a smile on his face." Xichuan and Luo Yihe, who rushed to Shanhaiguan, were grief-stricken. Luo Yihe said sadly, "Haizi died with dignity. Then he began to help Haizi take care of the aftermath and sort out the poems. Unexpectedly, only three months later, Luo Yihe died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage due to overwork.

After that, it can be said that it has nothing to do with Haizi. Due to Luo Yihe's death, the collation of Haizi's poems was all handed over to Nishikawa, and the Complete Compilation of Haizi Poems was published by Shanghai Sanlian Bookstore in 1997. On March 26, 2009, on the twentieth anniversary of Haizi's death, writers published the Complete Poems of Haizi published by Writers Publishing House.

The life of becoming the sun - the life of Haizi

Haizi Tomb

Now, in Chawan in Gaohe Town, Huaining County, Haizi probably won't be as lonely as she was before she was born. There are flowers in front of the tomb of this "early returnee", and every spring, there are people here, reciting the poems he wrote almost with his life. Throughout his life, his efforts to reconstruct the epic are exhilarating, but his strange departure is also a loss.

Now, we can see everywhere around us full of haizi elements such as "facing the sea, spring blossoming" and "dreaming as a horse", and there are many people who are constantly reading and commenting on his poems. Perhaps, this is in line with the prophetic sentences he wrote during his lifetime, in the light of the landscape:

In the spring, all ten sea sons were resurrected

- "Spring, Ten Seas"

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