
Caesar's death, Trump's death

author:Aoki in the distance

Today's Trump is known to Americans as Julius Caesar.

I say this because the recent Trump and Caesar are so similar.

Especially the history of Caesar's assassination.

But in fact, Trump is more like Gracchus.

Caesar rising on the corpse of the republic

In 509 BC, the Roman Republic was established, and the state was divided between the Senate, the consuls, and the tribal councils, and the consuls were elected by democratic elections.

All male citizens have the right to vote, whether nobles or commoners.

As an obligation to have the right to vote, in the event of war in the Roman Republic, all citizens were required to respond unconditionally to the conscription of the State and to perform military service for the State.

In the early and early years of the Republic, there was nothing wrong with the system.

But after about 500 years of development, the land annexation situation in the Roman Republic was very serious, and the nobles owned a large amount of land and acquired a large number of slaves in the war.

The Roman commoners, on the other hand, may have only a dozen acres of subsistence land.

Once conscripted by the state for military service, the land of the noble family could be continued to be cultivated by slaves, but the land of the commoner family could only be abandoned.

So the rich got richer, the poor got poorer, and finally a large number of Roman commoners went bankrupt and became beggars.

Moreover, the more loyal they are to the country and the more actively they respond to military service, the faster they will go bankrupt.

This unfair phenomenon and the gap between the rich and the poor have aroused great public resentment.

Around 200 B.C., the Graggia brothers, trying to appease the grievances of the commoners, proposed a plan for the equalization of the land, stipulating that each Roman citizen should not have a certain share of the land, and that the excess should be handed over to the national treasury and distributed uniformly to the citizens of extreme poverty.

This is the famous "Grangu Farmland Law".

Gracchus's ruling philosophy was strongly supported by the Roman plebeians, who won a crushing victory vote, and the commoners joined forces to elevate the nobles' hated Gragu to the throne of the supreme consul.

Caesar's death, Trump's death

Trump is not the first to gain power by inciting populism and emotions, something That Gracchull did 2200 years ago.

But soon, Gracchus was killed by the nobles.

The means were very rough and direct, hiring a dead soldier who did not know who it was, directly rushing into the parliament and stabbing Gragu on the spot.

After the review, this dead man was a "madman", the assassination was a personal act, and had nothing to do with all the nobles, and the direct execution of the assassin was over.

After Gracchus's death, his younger brother took over his brother's political banner, continued to implement the policy of equalization of the land, and was once again elected to the throne by the citizens of Rome.

But soon, Gracchus's brother was also killed by a "madman" who stormed into parliament, in exactly the same way.

It is still a personal act, which has nothing to do with all the nobles.

After the death of the Gragu brothers, no one dared to shake the interests of the nobles anymore.

After more than 170 years of operation, the land annexation situation of the Roman Republic has reached an incomparable point.

At this time, the Roman commoners waited for Caesar.

Caesar was born into the nobility, but represented the interests of the Roman commoners, who intended to gain their support by distributing the land.

Because of Gracchus's experience, Caesar did not dare to touch the interests of the aristocratic class, and he chose another path, that is, external conquest.

Caesar was a wizard of war, invincible and invincible.

For 9 years, Caesar and his Roman army captured the entire gaul region, which is today's France.

In such a large territory, Caesar gave all of his soldiers, and at the same time distributed the wealth looted from the war to them, thus obtaining an army that was almost fanatical to him personally.

The move aroused the vigilance of the Roman Senate, who demanded that Caesar return to Rome to report for duty.

What the Senate wanted to do, Caesar knew.

In 49 BC, Caesar led his legions to the Rubicon River.

According to the rules of the Senate, legions were not allowed to cross the river, and Caesar should go to Rome alone.

After much thought, Caesar ordered his army to cross the river.

When the news of Caesar's army crossing the river reached Rome, the entire Senate was shaken, the powerful Pompey fled Rome, and Caesar entered the city of Rome without bloodshed, and demanded that the Senate members elect him as dictator.

After the capture of Rome, Caesar mobilized a large army to expedition to Pompey's territory, and annihilated 7 of Pompey's legions here in Spain, completely eliminating his main force, killing Pompey on the spot, and the rest surrendered.

In 45 BC, Pompey's two sons sneaked back to Spain, rebelled again, and were defeated again by Caesar, killing his eldest son Rouse on the spot, and the second son Pompey the Younger escaped and went into exile in Sicily.

In 44 BC, Caesar, who had completely eliminated the rebellious forces, declared himself a dictator for life.

In 44 BC, caesar announced his expedition to Parthia to save 9,000 Roman soldiers captured at the Battle of Calais.

But the fortune teller that "only a king can conquer Parthia".

So the consul Antony offered Caesar a wreath of flowers and asked Caesar to claim the throne, but Caesar refused three times on the spot.

The members of the Senate were terrified, believing that Caesar intended to claim the throne and destroy the republic forever.

On March 15, 44 B.C., a group of senators invited Caesar to the Senate to read a love letter.

When Caesar read the love letter, all the more than 60 elders present took out daggers and stabbed Caesar to death.

Caesar's death, Trump's death

Sorry to misplace the picture, it should be the following one.

Caesar's death, Trump's death

Among the murderers of Caesar, even Caesar was raised by Caesar, such as Brutus himself.

Before Caesar's death, Brutus said, "I love Caesar, but I love Rome even more."

Obviously, these senators regarded the Roman republic as the most perfect system in the world, and any act of undermining the republic was destroying the future of Rome.

In order to save Rome from the hands of the "tyrant", Brutus righteously destroyed his relatives.

After stabbing Caesar to death, the nobles of the Senate thought that the matter would be settled, and that only the news of Caesar's death would be made public, and Rome would return to the past.

But what they never expected was that after the news of Caesar's death was announced, the whole city of Rome was enraged.

Enraged civilians set fire to the houses of the elders, knocked them out one by one and executed them.

Caesar's consul Antony and his heir Octavian easily gained the support of the army and led an army to capture the Senate.

Because these armies were made up of civilians, and for so many years, only Caesar gave them land.

Those nobles will only take advantage of the plunder and slowly take away the land in the hands of the commoners.

It would be terrible to go back to the days of aristocratic rule in the Senate.

The plebeians of Rome, who did not subscribe to the republic, missed the days of Caesar.

Many of the more than 60 senators involved in Caesar's murder were killed directly in the city of Rome, and the rest fled in a hurry and returned to the territory to organize army resistance.

In October 42 BC, an army led by Antony and a coalition of senate nobles fought a decisive battle, with more than 30 legions and 50,000 cavalry on both sides, which is known as the "Battle of Philippi".

In the end, Antony and Octavian were victorious, and the people involved in Caesar's murder committed suicide one by one in despair.

The Roman Republic collapsed, the Roman Empire was established, and ruled for about 1500 years.

It was true that Caesar came to power by populism, by inciting the emotions of the common people, but the demise of the Roman Republic was inevitable.

500 years of polarization between rich and poor had brought the foundations of roman rule to the brink of collapse, and Caesar was born.

The so-called system is just a rule for the distribution of benefits, and when the civilians are exploited to the extreme, resistance is bound to be born.

Even if Gracchus was killed and forcefully suppressed for more than a hundred years, Rome would eventually usher in Caesar.

Trump's death

For a long time, the United States absorbed a large number of immigrants, provided a sufficient labor force for capitalists, and transferred a large number of labor jobs to other countries through globalization.

The Bourgeoisie in the United States has made a lot of money, but the standard of living of American citizens is worse than a day.

In this kind of resentment, Trump, who is good at populism and incitement, has come to power.

This is a historical necessity.

Building walls at the border to block illegal immigrants and coercing major capitalists to move factories back to the United States are popular among American civilians.

Trump, who came from a rich background, is an enemy of the bourgeoisie and is bent on increasing the interests of his own civilians.

In the end, the Senate decided to strip Trump of his rights.

In front of Capitol Hill, Trump hesitated, eventually ordering the army to cross that red line.

The entire Senate shook, lawmakers fled Rome in a hurry, Pelosi ran away without even turning off the computer, and Trump's legions occupied Capitol Hill without bloodshed.

But alas, Trump is not Caesar, he does not have Caesar's war capabilities.

Faced with the counterattack of the nobles, Trump instigated it, and surrendered without even fighting.

In the end, the Senate decided to exile Trump.

On January 12, 2021, the US House of Representatives voted to pass the impeachment of Trump, trying to permanently eliminate Trump's political influence and execute Trump in the political field.

Caesar's death, Trump's death

On January 12, 2021, Trump inspected the U.S.-Mexico border wall and looked at the "last glance," which is his most important political legacy.

Caesar's death, Trump's death

Politically, Trump is about to be permanently exiled by the Senate of the United States.

But compared to previous presidents of the United States, Trump has been lucky.

Trump is the 45th president of the United States, but nine of the previous 44 presidents have been assassinated, and four of them died on the spot.

All the killers were ultimately identified as "personal acts" and the cause of the assassination was mental problems.

Trump's last-minute confession left a small life for his flesh.

Those who try to shake the interests of the nobility are doomed to die, not to mention that Trump is not as strong as Caesar, even if he is as strong as Caesar, he still has to die.

But in fact, Trump's talent is far inferior to Caesar's, because Caesar is invincible, and Trump even lost the election battle.

Trump is the person, at best, equivalent to Gragu.

And Gragu, who tried to divide the noble land among the commoners, was stabbed to death on the spot by a "madman" who rushed into the parliament with a knife, which was simply a killing.

About 170 years after Gracchus' death, Caesar appeared, representing the Roman plebeians in the destruction of the Roman Republic.

Modern society has evolved much faster than in ancient times, so this time will be greatly shortened.

As long as the resentment of American civilians is not dispelled, it is useless to exile a Trump.

Gracchus fell and Caesar appeared.

Caesar fell, and Octavian appeared.

If the tendency to concentrate wealth among the nobility could not be stopped, the Senate would perish along with the Republic.

But whoever tried to transfer wealth from the nobles to the commoners was mercilessly killed by the Senate.

It's a dead knot.

Private property and land annexation eventually destroyed the Roman Republic, but no one dared to stop the process.

The policy of using globalization to earn high wealth and continuously transfer jobs out of the United States is the land annexation of the new era.

Trump, who was the first to jump out to block this process, will naturally be ruthlessly crushed by the Senate.

Trump's border wall and anti-globalization policies, like the Gracu Farmland Act 2,200 years ago, are hurting the interests of aristocrats.

If no one dares to represent the commoners in the interests of the nobility, the resentment of the commoners will accumulate more and more, and eventually explode.

Although Gracchus is dead, Caesar will eventually come.

Author: Far Away Aoki (YFqingmu)

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