
Buy a pot of white orchids in August, after 4 steps are done, the orchid fragrance is full of flowers, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September

author:Sister Rong's flower language

The white orchid flowers are white in color, the floral fragrance is refreshing and pleasant, like a faint orchid fragrance, and the flowers are huge, against the background of green leaves, giving people a refreshing and pleasant feeling. White orchids bloom from April to September in the summer and bloom from June to August. In the hot summer, it gives people the feeling of jade bone ice muscle, and the floral fragrance is pleasant, making people feel refreshed in the hot three-volt day. In August we buy a pot of white orchids, as long as the four steps are completed, we can fill the courtyard with orchid fragrance, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September. Which four steps are they?

Buy a pot of white orchids in August, after 4 steps are done, the orchid fragrance is full of flowers, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September

The first step is to use suitable soil for potting

The white orchids we buy are usually simple pots that are used, or root systems wrapped in yellow mud, if it is a root wrapped in yellow mud, it is necessary to remove the yellow mud outside, leaving a small amount of protective soil. Simple potted white orchids, the soil used will be relatively loose, such white orchids, we can bring pots on the soil pots.

Soil advice: Soil for white orchids should be loose, fertile, and well-drained. Because the root system of white orchids belongs to the fleshy roots, if the soil permeability is not good, it will be prone to rotten roots. We can use a mixture of perlite, peat soil and sand.

When potting, you can put these mixed soils into the pots of 1 to 2 centimeters, and then put the potted white orchids, with most of the protective soil in the middle of the pot, buried the soil after watering, placed in a cool and ventilated place, slow seedlings for 5 to 7 days, and then gradually accept the sunlight, until they are raised in sufficient sunlight.

Buy a pot of white orchids in August, after 4 steps are done, the orchid fragrance is full of flowers, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September

The second step is plenty of sunshine

White orchids like plenty of sunlight, if the sunlight is insufficient, it is easy to appear in the case of long growth, and the flowering is reduced, the fragrance of the flowers is not strong, so when we raise white orchids, we need to raise them in sufficient sunlight.

Sunshine advice: The white orchids we bought in August, after potting treatment, after 5 to 7 days of slow seedlings, can gradually receive sunlight exposure, and then raise them to full sunlight. Although the sunshine in August is more intense, as long as the temperature does not exceed 35 degrees, it can still be kept in sufficient sunlight, which is more conducive to the growth and flowering of white orchids.

Buy a pot of white orchids in August, after 4 steps are done, the orchid fragrance is full of flowers, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September

Step 3: The leaves of the white orchids are low and then watered

The root system of the white orchid belongs to the fleshy root, her fat and tender fleshy root has a lot of water, if you water too much, it is easy to rot the root, so watering the white orchid needs to pay attention to some. So how do you water it?

Watering Method: In August we water the white orchids, which can be watered once after the soil is dry. And to water the white orchid, the best water to use is rainwater, if you use tap water, you need to put it for 24 hours to 72 hours, and then use it after the chlorine vapor in the water evaporates, because the white orchid likes slightly acidic water quality, long-term use of alkaline water, easy to cause white wave pot soil compaction, root growth is not good.

Buy a pot of white orchids in August, after 4 steps are done, the orchid fragrance is full of flowers, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September

When the weather is dry, spray water on the leaves of the white orchid and around the pot, which can make the environment of the white orchid more humid and conducive to its growth. However, it is also necessary to do a good job of ventilation to prevent high temperature and high humidity, resulting in diseases and insect pests in white orchids.

When it rains heavily, it is necessary to put the white orchid in a place away from the rain to prevent too much water in the pot, resulting in the rotten roots of the white orchid.

Buy a pot of white orchids in August, after 4 steps are done, the orchid fragrance is full of flowers, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September

The fourth step is to fertilize the flowers to make them more fragrant

Every year in May and June, and in July and August, white orchids are in full bloom. During its vigorous growth period, we can fertilize the white orchid, which can make the white orchid grow stronger and bloom more fragrant. So how to fertilize well?

Fertilization suggestion: Fertilize the white orchid in August, we can apply 2 to 6 grams of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizer every 15 days or so, or decomposed cake fertilizer. When fertilizing, we can dig a small pit at the edge of the pot and bury it, farther away from the roots of the white orchids, to prevent the occurrence of fertilizer damage and burning the roots. After fertilization is good, water again to permeate the fertilizer, so that the fertilizer gradually penetrates, which is conducive to the absorption of white orchids.

In addition, we can also apply thin rotten cake fertilizer water to the white orchid every 5 to 7 days, or dilute the flower More Than 2, which can make the white orchid grow stronger and more flowering. There is also a left every 20 to 30 days, give the white orchid a ferrous sulfate water-soluble fertilizer to prevent the white orchid from appearing iron deficiency yellow leaves.

Buy a pot of white orchids in August, after 4 steps are done, the orchid fragrance is full of flowers, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September

White orchid flowers are pleasant, green leaves and white flowers, the flowering period is in the middle of summer, giving people a refreshing and pleasant feeling, very suitable for planting at home. We buy white orchids, as long as we do the above four steps, we can fill the house with orchid fragrance, and the flowering period lasts until the end of September.

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