
Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

author:Xiaoya is on the balcony

Introduction: Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen, absorb dust, clean and fresh air at home, really great!

In our home, not only to keep it clean, but also to place some suitable plants, some potted plants will give off a good smell of light fragrance.

There are some plants that will be green all year round, absorbing dust and dust and smoke in the home, which can purify the air in the home, and some green plants can increase our appetite and can increase the atmosphere of many flowers.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

If you raise flowers at home, you must choose a suitable home-grown potted plant, which must not only be easy to maintain, but also need to be very beautiful, and also need to play a certain role, reduce the smell of oil smoke, and make the indoor air more fresh and comfortable.

It will also make people feel happy, giving people a clean and comfortable feeling. If you don't know what kind of potted green plants to keep, or feel that you are not very good at raising flowers, you can try to raise several kinds of drought-tolerant potted plants.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

And it can also purify the air at home, it is really fantastic, so good to raise, forget to water there is no problem, maintenance is very worry-free, do not worry about their poor growth, how to raise can do good growth.

1. Raise a pot of prickly balls

If you feel overwhelmed by the matter of raising flowers and don't know what plants are better to keep at home, you can choose to raise a pot of prickly prickly balls, because considering keeping them at home, so do not raise prickly prickly balls with a lot of thorns.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

For example, don't raise golden amber, it has too many thorns, avoid, if you want to raise a pot of more personalized prickly prickly balls, you can raise a pot of wild prickly golden amber.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

This kind of prickly prickly prickly is curly, it is not easy to hurt people, and it is also more personal, which is quite interesting.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

If you like flowering prickly balls, you can choose some colorful grasses, crimson jade these prickly balls, when they bloom are too beautiful and amazing, the flowers are big and beautiful, the flower color is very perfect, too good-looking.

Cactus prickly ball can purify indoor air, but also very drought-resistant, very solid skin and easy to raise, anyone can raise it well, pay attention to the potting soil to keep loose and breathable drainage.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

Don't use mud to raise, don't use too cohesive soil to raise, as long as the potting soil is loose and breathable and drained, in addition, don't water too often.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

2. Raise a pot of sansevieria

It is also a lazy plant, and it is also very easy to maintain, the more you don't care about it, the smoother it will grow, and it can continue to grow in places with insufficient light.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

Put in a better light position, it will continue to grow, it does not have high requirements for the growth environment, is not picky about the growth conditions, it is too easy to raise, is afraid of watering too much, so in the maintenance, watering should be less.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

Hupiran does not have high requirements for fertilizer, in the growth period, give a little compound fertilizer or other diluted fertilizer is good, it will grow smoothly, its leaves are very personal, the leaves are very beautiful, and the pattern is very beautiful.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

It is good to raise it with a pot with personality, it can purify the air in the home and make the indoor air fresher.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

3. Raise a pot of cacti

It also has a good purification effect on the air, the purification function is good, can absorb radiation and formaldehyde in the air, absorb harmful gases in the air, and it is very good to raise a pot at home.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

However, when raising cacti, we also try to choose some less thorns to raise to avoid stabbing wounds, such as yellow hairy paws, or some ordinary cacti, as long as you don't touch it, it's okay.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

It is very drought-tolerant, ten days and a half month, and it will be fine without watering it. Cacti also like potting soil with granular soil, do not like too dense soil, watering should not be too much, as long as it is kept indoors, it is necessary to water less.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

Try to let the potting soil dry a little, it is okay to keep it in a full-sun place or a half-sun place, it is very skinny and easy to grow.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

During the growing period, more sun basking will make its leaves thicker and its color will be greener and more beautiful.

These kinds of potted plants are not only easy to raise, but also purify the air, anyone can easily raise them, do you like it? Try keeping a pot at home.

Family flowers, there are 3 kinds worth keeping, evergreen all year round to absorb dust, the air is clean and fresh

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