
Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

author:Dayu tour guide

Another important component of the Japanese tea ceremony is "flowers". At that time, Murata set up a tea room in his grass an, and always randomly threw one or two flowers and plants into the flower vessel to decorate the tea room. People call it "Camellia". In order to conform to the spirit of the tea ceremony, "Camellia" strives to be simple and simple, and has become the finishing touch to set off the elegance of the tea room. This "camellia" was later carried forward by Senrikyu and evolved into one of the main forms of flower arrangement in Japanese ikebana, "raw flowers". "Raw flowers", as the name suggests, is a flower arrangement technique that expresses the vigorous vitality of flowers, and the style is simple, bright, light, and very civilian, so it is very popular. Japan's ikebana schools such as "Koryu", "Fushi Ryu", and "Enshu Ryu" are all representative schools of "Ikuhana".

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

Japan Tachibana

Ono Meiko (565–625), Han name "Suinaka", was a Japanese diplomat during the Asuka period (592–710). He twice served as the envoy of Prince Shotoku as the "regent", and sent Sui on diplomatic activities, as well as Chinese culture and Buddhism. In 609, after returning to Japan, Ono took refuge in Buddhism, and he studied Buddhism at the Rokkakudo Temple at the top of the Shikumo Mountain in Kyoto, combining the "flower offering in front of the Buddha" learned in China with Japanese traditional culture, and using an upright flower arrangement technique that expresses the upward growth of flowers and plants, that is, "Taichibana" flower shape and other offerings to the Buddha, and formulated the Japanese "altar with flowers" ritual system, thus creating a precedent for Japanese flower arrangement techniques.

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

Japan Flowers by hand

In the middle of Muromachi, "Tachibana" was passed down for hundreds of years, and was finally standardized by Ikebo Monokaku as an independent flower arrangement art, and Rokkakudo founded Japan's first flower arrangement genre "Ikebo". The reason why it was named "Ikebo" is because there is a pool in the courtyard of the hexagonal hall, which was once called "Pondfang" when Prince Shotoku bathed. The "ikebo" stream is the origin of Japanese ikebana, and other genres have evolved from ikebo. And the Ono girl is enshrined as the "ancestor of the pond".

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

Japan Flowers

Ohara Yunshin (1861-1916) learned the art of "ikebo" flower arrangement from an early age, but he found that the center of gravity of ikebo flower arrangement was too high, so he invented a flower arrangement technique that shifted the center of gravity down and felt weight. At that time, Japan opened its doors due to the Meiji Restoration, and a large number of "foreign flowers" poured into Japan. Yunxin no longer satisfied with the rigidity and limitations of traditional techniques, took inspiration from bonsai, used foreign flowers, created the "Shenghua" flower shape that seemed to be full of flowers in the flower vessel, and officially established "Kohara-ryu" in 1912. Kohara is also a representative genre of "input flowers". It is said that the difference between "blooming flowers" and "putting flowers" lies entirely in the flower vessel, and there is no difference in technique. "Flowers" use wide-mouth flower vessels, while "Input Flowers" use thin flower vessels.

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

Japan Invest in flowers

Influenced by Western culture, Kawara Sokaze (1900-1979) also founded "Kusakatsuki Ryu" in 1927, hoping that the works of this school would be as "the kindness of grass and the brightness of the moon". They innovated boldly and created freely, creating a "free flower" fancy that blends elements of Western culture, adds non-plant materials, and is surreal. Although there are thousands of ikebana schools in Japan today, the three mainstream schools are still "Ikebo", "Kohara Ryu" and "Kusatsuki Ryu". No matter how the flower materials are matched and the texture is different, "tachibana", "raw flower" and "free flower" are always the three most important flower types of Japanese ikebana.

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

Japan Freedom flower

In 2008, as an important part of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, traditional flower arrangement was included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage list in mainland China. In fact, the art of flower arrangement in the mainland began to germinate as early as Zhou more than 3,000 years ago. During the Han Dynasty, flower arrangements were already seen in the palace beds, case tables... During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, flower arrangements were already used for flower offerings in Buddhist halls. In order to keep the flowers fresh, people began to try to insert the flowers into the water for farming. In the fifth dynasty of the Sui and Tang dynasties, the art of flower arrangement on the mainland ushered in a period of prosperity. Needless to say, the art of flower arrangement is also popular in the court, literati, and people.

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

Chinese Jinghua originated from the Tang Dynasty and was popular in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, imitating bonsai

From Luo Qiu's "Flower Jiuxi", we can see that flower arrangement has more systematic regulations and technical techniques. The so-called "Jiuxi" refers to the nine procedures of flower arranging. Guo Jiangzhou also invented the "war scenery plate" to fix the flowers, which solved the problem of water conservation of flowers. Spring flowers bloom, partitions as vessels, palace beams, window wall arches, brocade flowers all over the place... This is the "Jindongtian" of Li Yu (reigned 961-975), the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty, like a grand feast of flower arrangement, which can also show the luxury and elegance of the court flower arrangement at that time.

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

China Idea Flower

During the Song Dynasty, science prevailed on the mainland, and under its influence, "idea flowers" appeared. People choose pine, cypress, bamboo, plum, orchid, laurel and other high-quality flowers and trees, with smooth lines and exquisite composition to express the rhythm of nature and vitality of life, and break through the magnificence of Tang with the wind of "clear" beauty and "looseness". It is rational and philosophical and humanistic in floral art. "The custom of Luoyang is mostly good flowers, and in spring, no noble or cheap in the city arranges flowers, although the bearers are also the same. This is Ouyang Xiu's "Luoyang Peony Record", it can be seen that the flower arrangement has been widely spread to the people. At this time, flower arrangement has become an indispensable existence in the life of literati... Song can be described as the most prosperous era of mainland flower arrangement.

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

China Heart elephant flower

"Heart elephant flower", derived from the "literati flower" of the fifth dynasty, was prevalent in the Yuan period. This is an abstract expression technique that uses the symbolic meaning of flower materials and different matching techniques to express the subjective mood and interests of flower arrangers. If "idea flower" is allegorical to flowers, then "heart elephant flower" is based on flowers. People often refer to the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties as the maturity of mainland flower arrangement art, whether it is the "neutral hall flowers" of the early Ming Dynasty, the "writing scenery flowers" of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, or the "modeling flowers" of the Qing Dynasty, all of which reflect the maturity and perfection of the theory of flower arrangement art, the systematic and complete technical system, and have a profound impact on Japan and other Eastern countries. It can be said that it has supported a piece of the art of "oriental flower arrangement". Unfortunately, with the decline of the country at the end of the Qing Dynasty, the art of flower arrangement also declined.

Traditional Chinese flower arrangement and Japanese ikebana

Chinese modeling flowers that value formal beauty and artistic sense

Since the 20th century, Japan has vigorously advocated and promoted the "ikebana" as its national essence to the world, which is in sharp contrast to the current situation of the mainland flower arrangement art almost cut off. Fortunately, Beijing Forestry University, as the inheritor of traditional flower arrangement skills in the mainland, has made great achievements in rescuing, protecting and inheriting this cultural treasure of the motherland, as well as in resource in-depth excavation and research and development after more than ten years of exploration and practice. As a "birthplace" and "axis country" of the art of "oriental flower arrangement", the mainland has become increasingly influential in the world. Yes, "Dao" is Japan's greatest imitation creation, while the Chinese "Dao" may be more broad, deep, macroscopic and abstract!

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