
"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

author:Xiaoya is on the balcony

Introduction: A kind of flower suitable for winter raising, small plant type, large flowering, rich color and easy to raise, blooming in early spring!

If the balcony at home is not large, or the space for raising flowers is limited, but you especially like flowers and plants, like plants with many flowers, and hope to have flowers to enjoy in winter and spring, you can raise a pot of pansies at home.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

Its plant type is small, but the branches and leaves are very luxuriant, the leaves are small, the flowering is also small, but the flower color is very rich, a small flower, can show several colors, very beautiful and delicate cute and beautiful, raised on the small balcony and small windowsill are good, and it is also more shade-resistant, really easy to raise.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

Winter and spring flowering continuously, pansy also has several cute aliases, called butterfly flower, cat face, butterfly plum, etc., is a biennial herbaceous plant, it likes cold climate, and can tolerate shaded growth environment, can tolerate cold.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

So the temperature is low in winter, you can also raise a pot of pansy, put it on the balcony at home, maybe there is a cold wind outside, heavy snow, but the indoor pansy is still blooming beautiful little tweed, its flower color has several colors, blue, purple red, white, bronze, yellow, etc., as well as a variety of mixed colors, are very beautiful.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

Pansy potted planting tips and methods

1. In terms of soil, it has no particularly strict requirements for potting soil, can tolerate poor growth soil, more suitable for growing in loose soil, fertile, drainage point soil in the soil, too humidity, or poorly drained soil, it is not conducive to its normal growth and development.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

2. In terms of fertilization, because its flowering period is very long, it will bloom almost every day, especially in early spring, there are flowers every day, so it is necessary to constantly supplement fertilizer, you can water some diluted cake fertilizer water, you can also supplement some phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer every month, use less nitrogen fertilizer, so that it flowers are colorful and the number of flowers is larger.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

3, pansy likes cold temperature, so it is afraid of high temperature and humidity, the temperature is too high, or the humidity is too large, and the temperature is most suitable to keep it at about 20 degrees during the day.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

The temperature at night can not be too high, keep it at about 5 degrees, if the temperature exceeds 28 degrees, it should be placed in a well-ventilated place, play a cooling role, if the temperature is too high, poor ventilation, it is easy to cause the plant to dry and wither.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

4. When raising pansy potted plants, pay attention to light, although it can also grow in semi-shade, but the more sufficient the light, the more it blooms, especially in winter and early spring, more sun, more conducive to its flowering. In terms of watering, the potting soil should not be too wet, the potting soil should not be too wet for a long time, it is easy to rot roots, rotten stems, rotten leaves, etc.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

5. In order to make the pansy plant above, the amount of flowers is larger and keeps flowering, so we must prune, pick and top more during its growth period, so that its plant type can be fuller, and if the branches increase, the amount of flowering will also increase. At the same time, it can promote its early flowering, which can generally bloom in early spring at the latest.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

If there are residual flowers, cut or remove the withered flowers as soon as possible, so that the plant can continue to bloom, continue to grow more buds, keep blooming, and grow cyclically.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

Pansy can bloom non-stop in warm places in winter, can be placed on the indoor balcony of the home, its small flowers will continue to bloom, look beautiful, because its flower color is really bright and attractive, although the flowers are not large, but really beautiful, spring can bloom all spring, until the arrival of summer.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

In other words, a pot of pansies can be enjoyed for many months, making the balcony more beautiful and vibrant, making the balcony more beautiful and colorful.

"One flower" is suitable for winter raising, the plant type is small, the amount of flowers is large, the color is super easy to raise, and the flowers bloom in early spring

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