
You know the Bermuda Triangle, but maybe you don't know what we're talking about today

author:Xu Sir miscellaneous talk

When it comes to the Bermuda Triangle, everyone must know that it has become a representative of the mysterious zone. The number of missing planes from the wreck is staggering, and people are confused. Why did rescuers never find the wreckage of the dead ship?

You know the Bermuda Triangle, but maybe you don't know what we're talking about today

With the development of science, people today have solved many phenomena that were once considered mysteries, but the Bermuda Triangle remains a mystery that puzzles scientists.

Located in the western North Atlantic, the Bermuda Triangle is a triangular sea area of about 100,000 square kilometers that connects the Atlantic Ocean with South America. Bermuda has nearly 400 islands that form a ring called Bermuda.

It is said that the mysterious disappearance of aircraft, parts, drivers and passengers in the Bermuda Triangle is huge, and rescuers have never found the wreckage of the dead ship, and the bodies of the deceased are nowhere to be found. Therefore, the Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devil's Triangle.

You know the Bermuda Triangle, but maybe you don't know what we're talking about today

Why is the Bermuda Triangle so mysterious? Is there really a devil? People have different views on this. Bermuda's seabed is surveyed, with a very complex topography sandwiched between the continent and the archipelago, with a wide continental framework extending to the bottom of the sea, surrounded by the Puerto Rico Trench, which is nearly 10,000 metres deep, and the Northern American Basin, which is more than 10,000 metres deep. Bermuda bulges in the northern abyssal basin, crisscrossed by the Bermuda currents, these huge whirlpools are hundreds of meters long and more than a kilometre deep, as if they were atmospheric cyclones. In addition, a large number of sargassum grows in the Bermuda Sea, where heat energy accumulates and temperatures are extremely high. When planes and ships encounter these huge whirlpools and extra-long heat, they must be ferocious. Seafloor hydrographers believe that during ancient continental drift, line pits or caves formed on the seafloor crust in the Bermuda area.

In modern times, frequent crustal movements have caused land earthquakes near Bermuda to cause snow domes to collapse. There will be huge cracks in these seabeds, and sea water will rush in. Once ships and planes are involved, they never leave a trace. Another view is infrasonic waves, which are said to produce infrasound waves. When a tsunami occurs on the surface of the sea, infrasound waves travel in the air at a speed slower than sound. However, you can't hear infrasonic waves, but infrasound waves are enough to kill people. When the infrasound frequency is about 6 grams, it can cause fatigue, anxiety and instinctive fear. When the frequency is right, the heart and nervous system are paralyzed. The Bermuda Triangle is the most active area for infrasonic waves. In addition, this view also believes that there is a natural underwater bridge between the Bermuda Sea and the eastern Pacific Ocean, which can generate strong magnetic field forces. Geomagnetic anomalies are associated with the movement of the Sun and Moon. The maximum is in June and December and the minimum from March to November each year, and during the various air accidents, shipwrecks and accidents in Bermuda, it was proposed that in June 1965, a large twin-engine military aircraft suddenly disappeared while flying over Bermuda, killing all the crew. It so happened that an American spacecraft was sailing in space above this place. The ship's camera captured an unknown flying object resembling a flying saucer, with tentacles around the flying saucer. As a result, some scientists believe that the disappearance of planes and ships in Bermuda is linked to extraterrestrial visitors.

You know the Bermuda Triangle, but maybe you don't know what we're talking about today

It is also believed to be caused by the mysterious natural lasers of the Bermuda area. In a clear sky, the sun is a powerful source of radiation, and the ocean and atmosphere are like two giant mirrors. As long as Bermuda's mysterious laser works, the sun's radiation causes temporary fog. If. If the laser power is particularly large, planes and ships will burn to ashes in an instant. Some American scientists and pilots have found that Bermuda's mystery is pure nothingness after studying Bermuda's wreckage information extensively and deeply. They say that as early as the time of Columbus' expedition, it was recorded that these air disasters and shipwrecks were met with hurricanes and tsunamis, no different from ordinary shipwrecks.

Why the Bermuda Triangle is so mysterious remains to be explored by scientists in the future with the advancement of science and technology. For now, the Bermuda Triangle is still mysterious and inscrutable!

You know the Bermuda Triangle, but maybe you don't know what we're talking about today

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