
Family Crash Self-Defense Tutorial

author:Wen Ji Qiwu
Family Crash Self-Defense Tutorial

For a long time, kung fu masters have used many methods to create their own effective grappling fighting skills. Black Belt magazine recently revealed an interesting statement from the U.S. Special Forces: With the right fighting techniques and training procedures, the vast majority of people can master some self-defense counterattack techniques in six months of fighting training.

In reality, it is more effective to flexibly master and use various self-defense counterattack techniques than to learn and use it rigidly. Many defensive coaches regularly explain, demonstrate and practice the defensive and counterattack strategies that should be used in various attacks, and then express and train against self-defense counterattacks from different angles of similar attacks, which is desirable, but it takes several years of training, and sometimes the teaching of some courses may be useless or detrimental to self-confidence improvement. For example, it may be right for a strong man to use the "straight arm and elbow" he has learned against a gangster who is five years old and three thick, but it is unfair and dangerous to ask a weak housewife to use the same method to conquer a rapist who is twice as big as her and is enraged.

  For the self-defense counterattack technique against "ordinary people", if it is to be well applied to practice, the difference factors in body model, gender, strength and other aspects should be removed. The family self-defense tutorials introduced below are selected from the U.S. Marine Corps martial arts and Japanese jiu-jitsu, which do not require special requirements in posture, warm-up exercises, hand conditions, contemplative meditation, internal skills and years of guidance from kung fu masters, etc., but simply and quickly learn and reflexively implement them, without long-term repeated practice, they are suitable for basic, simple and ideal training courses in family self-defense counterattack. It should be noted in particular that when you need to suddenly carry out a self-defense counterattack, the tutorial can quickly launch an effective counterattack against the vulnerable areas of the attacker's body with speed and reasonable force.

  First, the fist side counterattack

  Using the side of the fist to strike eliminates the risk of injury or broken knuckles and wrists with your fists, and even if you fail to knock down your opponent, you can still get a destructive blow. The side of the fist refers to the part where the outer edge of the strong metacarpal bone is clenched upwards: the side with flesh between the apex of the palm and the wrist. When using the fist side counterattack, you should clench the fist with the thumb against the middle finger and index finger, keep the wrist straight and locked firmly, hit it like a clap, move like a whip, contact a moment, the fist is clenched and hit with the side of the fist, and bounce back immediately after hitting. The best targets are: crotch, neck, nose, temples and jaw.

  Hitting with the side of the fist is an easy-to-learn technique that eliminates the danger of injuring or breaking knuckles and wrists with a fist.

  Second, the palm and the counterattack

  As long as one of your hands is free, you can use the palm to fight back, breaking any form of frontal grip, and of course can also be used in many other situations near the attack. By bending the wrist backwards and the back of the hand to form this freehand weapon, the thumb is adducted to the palm, the other four fingers are extended, and a small incoveus is formed in the lower part of the palm. When very close to the attacker, slam his chin with his palm heel, forcing his head to turn backwards, and continue to slash his eyes upwards with his outstretched four fingers.

  If the attacker maintains an arm's length with you and can quickly counterattack with the palm and heel, it should bounce out like a spring, any part of the face can be used as a target, of course, the nose should be the preferred attack point. Using a palm heel counterattack to upset the balance of the attacker's body and easily cause him to suffer another blow. Even if this sudden slap doesn't hit him, at least from the fact that your swift strike will force him to be busy defending himself, so that you have the opportunity to choose to retreat or use other subsequent attacks.

  Third, cup-shaped palm strikes

  The "cup-shaped hand" palm is similar to the "double wind through the ear" in martial arts, the two hands are close together as if holding a cup, some parts are like the water movement of a butterfly swimmer, and the two hands slap the attacker's ears with both hands, and can also be attacked with one hand. After hitting the opponent, you should quickly withdraw your hands backwards. Once hit, the attacker will be in a trance and even break through his eardrums, and the attacker is likely to land like a stone.

  Fourth, the thumb is eye-catching

  Anatomically speaking, the eye is the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the human body, and this terrifying technique can directly tear an attacker's head. Bend two thumbs vigorously and place them on the inside of each eye, with a violent "pulling" motion, deep into the eyes and towards the ears. When experiencing the movements, exercises should be performed on the forehead of your companions, never on their eyes, and you will be very surprised when you observe a violent stimulation of your partner's head. The thumb-punch is an ideal follow-up attack after a cup-shaped palm strike, and it can only be used when faced with a life-and-death choice.

  Fifth, the knuckles fight back

  Knuckle counter-attack is mainly applied to the throat, neck, upper abdomen, crotch or other soft parts of the body. Bend four fingers from the second knuckle, press the clenched fingertip against the upper part of the palm of the hand, and place the adduction of the thumb at the tip of the index finger. The knuckles formed by the bending of the four fingers fight back with a sharp stab. To make the counterattack extremely effective, especially when targeting the attacker's trachea, be sure to use as much force as possible.

  Sixth, frontal kicking

  Frontal kicks require more balance and training than other counter-attack techniques, and they are quite forceful. Lift any leg to waist height, support the leg slightly bent to control the balance, quickly kick (pedal) straight calf forward, do not turn the knee, whether it hits the target or not, should quickly close the leg, to prevent the opponent from grasping the front leg, if you are wearing a shoe with a very hard toe, you can kick out with the tip of the foot, in addition, you can also use the heel or the sole of the foot to quickly pedal. The best targets for counterattack are the tibia and knees, but the crotch should not be ignored either, as the counterattack against the crotch is the most effective but most people will be defensive, and only if the attacker is weak or ignores the defense of the crotch, can they try to attack the crotch.

  Seventh, raise your knees to fight back

  Many self-defense coaches warn that they oppose the use of knees for counterattacks, saying that "attackers or gangsters are often very attentive to the crotch, it is difficult to fight back against the crotch, and a bad attempt will only irritate them even more." The above may be logical in books, but for those who have experienced being attacked on the street, there are situations where a knee-high counterattack (e.g., when the front hug is lifted) is the only practical solution. The implementation of this technique causes particular pain both in the crotch and in the outer thigh area, and the blow to the outside thigh, while not the type of pain caused by the crotch kick, is enough to make you start with an additional blow to make it abandon the action. In some special cases, the knee, as the most powerful joint in the human body, the knee raise counterattack has a strong impact, and in certain cases is the main weapon to counter the crotch of the attacker. When training, you can use a strap to tie a hard protective cup or crotch guard to cover the crotch, and you and your training companions will lift their knees to hit the crotch, knowing that even if there is crotch protection, the taste is not good.

  To carry out a knee-lift counterattack, in order to maintain balance, try to grasp the attacker's collar, bend any knee and slam upwards. If the other person still does not fall after 1-2 attempts, when he is in pain, use your thumb on the eye or use your finger to slam the attacker's nostrils or prick the nose, the attacker will be busy coping, you can start the follow-up attack at will.

  Eighth, the side down kick

  This kick is a short range of powerful side kicks, a technique that can be mastered in very little time. Side-down kicks are more practical than karate kicks, and in many fights, these improper methods often hurt people due to the blind use of speed and the attempt to use traditional kicks in close combat. When using the side down kick, the body should turn slightly to the left to protect the crotch, and then, suddenly lift the right leg and kick the attacker's tibia with the outside of the foot and continue to push downwards until the attacker's foot is stepped on with the heel to complete the whole action. You'll notice the attacker's body tilting suddenly, his jaw exposed, followed by a slap-and-heel counterattack.

Spend a lot of time practicing these eight techniques, and soon you'll find that these self-defense tutorials are more suitable for you, paying close attention to some of the techniques in the tutorial until they become as skilled as driving a car, so that once you are on the street for self-defense, you can form a good reflexive action.