
"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

author:Uncle Four-Flavor Poison

Text | Windows7

If you want to ask why the family was born? Not only do I not know, but I even have a lot of unclear doubts. The composition of each family structure is different, and even if there will be similarities, when different differences change from quantitative to qualitative, this problem must be refined to specific case-by-case analysis.

Is it a natural association due to blood relations? Or is it the bondage of imperceptible birth in nurturing and exchange of affection? Is it voluntary "bondage" because of love? Or is it a small group alliance chosen because of responsibility? Is it a "battle line" reached to meet the needs of survival? Or is it intentional agglomeration in the search for self-actualization? Too many question sentences, too many possibilities, like the butterfly effect. Different small nodes and nodes lead the whole body, resulting in each family having its own unique particularities.

For example, the family structure in "Fast Family" is a very special example. Even though the reputation of this work is not bad, I still want to talk about some of its grooves and extreme particularities.

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

It is said that the screenplay of the film is based on real people and real events, and directly focuses on a couple and three children adopted by the two. These are five people who are completely unrelated, who are brought together by all kinds of active and passive, becoming and being. Therefore, it is reasonable that the expected plot will happen, which also brings out the context of the whole story. Because these three children who have had different families, different pasts, different growth environments, and different personality thinking havetily been gathered together because of non-self-selected behaviors, the children's reactions are very large. Not only is there no slightest interest in his new parents, but he can even be said to be very resistant.

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

The whole film is about how two adults solve the contradiction with the three children, how to relieve the knots in their young minds, how to reduce the children's defenses, how to reverse the hostility and non-acceptance, and so on. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is telling the story of how to become a family with a heart. This is a game of wit and courage between children and adults, and it is also a "strategy" of adults against children.

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

In the list of actors in "Fast Family", the most eye-catching is Mark Wahlberg. The charismatic male star, who ranked first in the 2017 Forbes Annual Male Star Revenue List, not only played the male lead in the film, but also the only producer of the film. Why would Mark, who focuses on acting, want to be the producer of this film? I think this may be related to his own growth experience, and it also determines that he will have a great interest in family-themed works.

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

Mark Wahlberg's parents divorced when he was young, and he lived with his mother. Unlike his desire for maternal love, his mother was not attached to him. Therefore, neglecting the care and discipline of his parents, he dropped out of school at the age of 14, became a bad teenager, and even committed crimes and experienced prison. The life and experiences that followed made him mature, and he was fortunate to have the opportunity to reshuffle the cards and to achieve what he has now.

He paid special attention to the growth of young people and founded the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation to help these children. Therefore, I think that his bad experience as a teenager is not because he is naughty or likes to rebel. Rather, he wanted to gain his mother's attention and concern through his own out-of-the-ordinary behavior. It is precisely because of his past and the deep desire for family companionship and good family affection in his heart that he chose to be the producer of "Fast Family".

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

Because of the "empathetic" Mark blessing, this directly guarantees the intention of this film. For example, it pays attention to the various psychology of children in the original family and the reorganized family, and also calls attention to the social situation of abandoned children or orphans. The film also shows a lot of warm, tearful warm clips, intending to trigger the soft place of people's hearts, so that adoption is added to the pure beauty and light, easy to grind the skin soft light filter label. It will cause many childless families to have a particularly strong, fantasy-like adoption impulse and desire for the future.

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

So when the whole film ended, the first reaction that popped up in my head was that it was like a long-form drama adoption propaganda film. The intention is to encourage adoption and to make the viewer have a positive urge to adopt. And after showing the audience some small twists and turns that are not painful, draw a "big cake" that can have a harmonious family relationship through adoption, a harmonious parent-child relationship, and a beautiful and bright future.

I think the "warmth" shown in this way is like a "farce". Adoption requires a thoughtful and enduring sense of responsibility, and is not a decision that can be easily made with just one emotion and impulse. Raising a biological child will encounter such and such difficulties that are difficult to solve, and will undergo all kinds of contradictions and conflicts and tests in the growth of children. And adopted children, who have experienced things we don't know, must be psychologically or personally traumatized in one way or another. Therefore, as an adult, it is even more necessary to pay double efforts, time, companionship, understanding and patience. Just like this weakening the difficulty and beautifying the ending of the "propaganda film", it is really likely to mislead the audience who have the intention of adoption, so that they feel that adopting a child is not so difficult, and they feel that exchanging hearts for hearts will definitely be rewarded, as long as they spend time, spend their hearts, spend patience, etc., the children will definitely accept adults and become real good children.

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

If a child gladly accepts a new parent or a new family, he will be so happy, and there is a divine destiny in the lead. But when you have the best expectations, have you prepared for the worst? Adoption is the subjective idea of adults, and the child is chosen, the chosen object, so we are unaware of the idea of the adopted child. And because each child's personality, concepts, and thoughts are different, we simply can't fully know the child's wishes.

Adults are the strong side, and children are the weak side, and the game has always been unequal. It is said that children have human rights from the beginning of the landing, but is it fair for adults to completely ignore children's right to choose in order to achieve their own wishes and needs? I think this is also a drawback of the current adoption system, so it has caused some adoptive families to end up unhappy. I think adoption should be as humane as self-love. To be voluntary, to make choices with each other, is doomed to the solid reliability of the future.

Don't say that the child's three views are undecided, what do you know? In fact, I think this is like being in love, which is determined by the feeling of first contact. If you didn't like it at the time, it was actually difficult to change it later. Even if eighty or ninety percent of the final view is changed, one or twenty percent of the heart is definitely a spontaneous intuitive view, which is the psychological and cognitive law that nature has already predestined when infants and young children transition from the oral and stages to the sexual organ stage.

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme
"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme
"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

Everyone understands that as long as it is a normal human being, it will be hidden and disguised. Most children will actively or passively choose to compromise and accept, but there will really be a paranoid child, he can endure a momentary compromise, but he will not endure a lifetime of reluctance, then all kinds of problems will erupt when the child is independent, or has his own new life choices. It is like an untimed bomb buried under a small tree that looks lush on the outside, in a depth that no one can see.

And it is likely that the child will continue to not accept adults. You think that after a while there will be improvement, but you don't want to backfire, and you still get an unacceptable result. So adults who want to adopt after watching this film, are you ready to not be accepted in the end? Are you ready to pay more and finally have the worst plan to give back? When all the good things imagined are always far away, and I don't know when I can see the so-called acceptance, can I really insist on taking responsibility and continue to selflessly give my heart, time, understanding, patience, etc.?

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

There is also a kind of family, which is almost completely unrelated like in "Thief Family", and is more spontaneously composed only because of mutual support and mutual warmth. This is almost impossible to achieve in a non-ideal reality. This is not cruelty, not inner darkness and coldness, but a reality that must be confronted. And the ending of "Thief Family" was also ruined by the growth of one of the children. When he had the ability and opportunity to express his will, it directly led to the disintegration of this "family" of external power and middle cadres. Movies are cruel, and reality is harder than we think.

"Fast Family" seems to be a simple plot, but it is actually a profound theme

If you sum it up in one sentence, it is idealism, "Fast Family" is a warm and relaxed good film in my heart; in realism, "Fast Family" is a "bubble" film that is divorced from real society.

Adoption is a beautiful act of kindness, but adoption should be careful, and parenting should not be abandoned.