
Movie "Fast Family"

author:Alien minds

#影视杂谈 #

"Fast Family" is an American drama, watching it makes me feel that there is so much beauty in the world! Peter and Ellie adopted Three children, Liz rita and Juan, which were really bad at first, but after constant running-in, they became the most important people in the world to each other. Watching this drama, I really want to say that children are innocent and should not bear these, and should not be bad because of their parents, such as drug use, fights and so on. What a pure creature the child began to come into this world. Why should they be deprived of love for their own reasons? Everyone deserves love and enjoys it, not hate the world for one reason or another. Why did Liz paint the room black? Black represents closed and depressed, and no one has the patience to explore her world, so it can only be like this all the time. I just feel so pathetic that everyone deserves to be loved and given the ability to love! Should not be deprived for so-and-so reasons. Knowing that there are many orphans in the world, why are they orphaned? Knowing that you are a new father and a new mother, I am not very familiar with it, but since you have chosen, please take responsibility. And then the traffickers are really fucking less! Destroying someone fucking is simple. What I want to express doesn't seem very clear, this movie is to make me feel that there should be no prejudice, and the ability to choose to adopt must have the confidence to walk into their world, to be loved, to be loved, to give love can not be missing. Kidnappers are fucking!