
Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

author:Prolactinian who loves movies

The phrase "Moscow does not believe in tears" has been quoted in many Chinese literary and artistic works. It comes from a Soviet film released in the 1980s, Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

The protagonist of the film, Cassia, is a workshop woman, hard working and skilled. She has two very good friends, Lyuda and Tosia. They all came to Moscow from remote areas, full of hope for Moscow, hoping that Moscow would bring them the life they yearn for.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time
Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

Tosia was low-key, down-to-earth and diligent, and soon found her favorite boyfriend, married and had children, and lived a happy life that they envied their girlfriends.

Katya and Linda are reluctant girls.

Katya wanted to go to college and become a chemistry expert.

Lyuda only wants to have a high-grade marriage. She tried everything she could to make friends with knowledgeable, so-called high-class men. Her method is really good, she got a library library library card, and she has a pass to associate with high-level men [cute] [cute] [cute]

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

They had a chance [smile] [smile]

Katya's distant uncle, a professor living in Moscow, was on a business trip for a month to entrust Katya to help him take care of the house. Liuda instigates Katya to pose as the professor's daughter and throw a party at home, inviting so-called high-level men to be guests.

Lyuda and the hockey player are in love. A photographer took a fancy to Katya, and the photographer's mother was also very attentive to Katya and liked it very much. Seduced by the photographer, Katya became pregnant...

Because of going to the factory to record the video, the photographer Rudikv discovers Katya's true identity, she is just an ordinary female worker in the factory.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time
Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

The photographer and his mother's attitude took a sharp turn. Katya was forced to break up with the photographer and refused their monetary handouts, giving birth to a child.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

While carrying her children alone, she studied hard late at night, and finally succeeded in her studies and became the director of a chemical factory leading 3,000 people.

In the days of celibacy, she did not give up the yearning for a better life, confident and positive, and longed for the love of the opposite sex. Time has quietly polished the faces of the three people, and what has not changed is their inner tenacity and yearning for a better life.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

Tosia and her children live a desirable country life, and she is happy.

Yanda is divorced because of her husband's alcoholism, but she is still serious about life and hope. The Prince of Hockey prepares for the prodigal son to turn back and stop drinking, and Lyuda reunites with him and begins a new life.

Katya meets Gosha, a high-level fitter, on the train. Katya's elegant temperament attracts Gosha's attention. His untrimmed dress did not hide his wisdom and honesty, and the same middle-aged, single situation, they had a faint feeling of pity for each other.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time
Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

Gosha creates an opportunity to get along with Katya's mother and daughter. He went to her house to cook, invited them to a picnic, and skillfully praised himself by borrowing from friends.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

They are of a similar interest, and after the ups and downs of life, they have a tolerant and peaceful state of mind about the ups and downs of life, Katya hides her identity as the director of the factory, and she does not know much about The situation of Gosha, where his home is, where he works, and even his real name is unknown. None of this affects their love for each other, and their love doesn't care about these worldly things, it's true love.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

However, things didn't go so well.

The TV interview once again linked Katya to the photographer who had failed her.

The TV station went to the factory to interview Katya and met the photographer Rudykov again. He recognized her, and this generous, well-behaved woman was the poor factory woman he had abandoned, the pregnant woman.

On the bench where they had broken up sixteen years earlier, he had given her flowers, reminiscing about the past, indicating that his mother had died, that he had married and divorced again, and had not found true love, that he loved Katya and was willing to renew his frontier with her, for the sake of their common child.

How could Katya accept this man! She remembered sixteen years earlier on this bench, telling herself about her pregnancy, only to have him turn around cruelly and resolutely.

She calmly said to him: "The child is an adult and no longer needs to be raised." Kids have nothing to do with you! Sixteen years later she defeated the man who hurt her with confidence and inner strength.

Photographer Rudikov is not content with failure.

He found Katya's house, and it happened that Gosha was having dinner with their mother and daughter. He told Gosha and the child what had happened to him and Katya sixteen years ago. Gosha not only learned about Katya's past, but also learned that the current Katya was not the foreman he imagined, but the director of the factory who led three thousand people.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

Gersha got up and politely left.

Could it be that the love she had just seen was about to flow away again? She cried bitterly in front of her two girlfriends.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

Girlfriend said: Moscow does not believe in tears!

Katya dried her tears and found Gosha [Amu] [Ador] [Ador] with the help of a friend

This Soviet Russian film of the 1980s, now I don't seem to have an old feeling, I still feel smooth and comfortable, and the storyline in it does not seem to be outdated at the moment.

Women's pursuit of a happy lifestyle, confident and independent attitude to life is still what we advocate today.

Finally, they sat around the table, and Katya looked at Gosha affectionately, full of grievance and great satisfaction, and asked, "Do you know how long I have been looking for you?!"

"Eight days," Gersha replied.

"How long have I been looking for you?" Katya repeated affectionately again.

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

What I would say is that the movie is beautiful, and no matter how long it takes, Katya found it. What about you? Still looking for it? [Cute] [Cute] [Cute] [Cute]

Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears, I've been waiting for you for a long time

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