
The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...

Source: Jiaxing Public Security

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...

Discover targets

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...

Catch up

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...

Fight for it


At noon on October 14

On the streets of Changzhou, Jiangsu Province

South Lake police took only 6 hours

Complete the inter-provincial "kill"

The theft suspect was caught

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...

"My supermarket was stolen.

There were more than 900 packs of cigarettes and some alcohol. ”

Early in the morning of October 14

Boss Shao was ready to open for business

The roller shutter door where the gate was found was forcibly pulled open

The tobacco and alcohol counters have obvious traces of being turned over

Boss Shao immediately took stock of the goods

962 packs of cigarettes were found missing

6 bottles of liquor and 1,000 yuan in cash

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...
The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...


Two suspicious people in surveillance

After stealing, he fled by car overnight to Changzhou, Jiangsu Province

The suspect's identity and location were quickly locked

Xinfeng police station police officer Qian Xinhui

Immediately led the team to Changzhou to arrest

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...

Upon arrival at the local area

Qian Xinhui and colleagues

Crouch near a location where the suspect may appear

Neither side expected it

An unexpected chase and escape drama

Coming soon

When the police approached a single apartment

Suddenly I saw two men in front of me

Get out of it

One of them also held a cardboard box in his arms

Second-level reaction

Confirmed the look

It is the person the police are looking for

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...

At this time

The suspect also seemed to feel the aura of the police

Under the heart

Throw down the cardboard box and run

Qian Xinhui and his colleagues pulled their legs and chased them

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...

Cross the crowd over the railing

Qian Xinhui took advantage of the gap between turns in front of him

Slammed a swoop

Subdue the other person to the ground

Pressed firmly under the body

Less than a minute

Both suspects were caught by the police

At this time, the supermarket owner reported the crime

Only the last 6 hours

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...
The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...


The case is under further processing

The cross-provincial hunt takes only 6 hours! The chase drama is staged in the streets...


Reporter: Wu Yuzhe, Wang Peiwen

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