
Tesla wants to produce the AR-15: April Fool's Day Joke? Or did you watch too much of "Evaporation Secret Order"?

author:Forest deer pick up light

According to the Us media "Babylon Bee", Tesla CEO Musk just moved to Texas, announced that he would produce a new product that the world has been waiting for for a long time - Tesla AR-15 rifle. This electromagnetic gun looks similar to the standard version of the AR-15 rifle, but the Tesla version of the AR-15 is a battery-driven railgun, the rate of fire can reach 3 million rounds per minute, equipped with Bluetooth, fingerprint recognition, thermal tracking ammunition, chain saw bayonet and so on. If a police officer comes to confiscate the weapon, the Tesla electromagnetic gun will automatically network to help you fight the lawsuit. The gun will become standard on Space X, becoming the weapon of choice for fighting aliens.

Tesla wants to produce the AR-15: April Fool's Day Joke? Or did you watch too much of "Evaporation Secret Order"?

Schwarzenegger's electromagnetic gun in The Order of Evaporation

"We really need to rethink the thing of self-defense," Musk said. "This new weapon will be the go-to firearm for our SpaceX astronauts when they face aliens, and it's also a celebration of the Second Amendment." If any federal authorities attempt to confiscate this weapon, it will automatically connect to the Internet and file a lawsuit on your behalf! "

Tesla wants to produce the AR-15: April Fool's Day Joke? Or did you watch too much of "Evaporation Secret Order"?

Electromagnetic gun

The federal government requires Tesla to remove at least the AI-powered "auto-fire" feature from the gun before the rifle goes on sale.

When I first saw this news, I was also shocked to drop my jaw, definitely no calmer than you in front of the screen. In my impression, Musk is a technology maniac, whether it is Space X's Dragon spacecraft and "Starship" prototype SN8, or the plan to colonize Mars, as well as the brain-computer interface representing future technology, the Starlink plan to achieve global networking by launching 12,000 satellites, these bold moves, it looks crazy, but for a genius, if it is ordinary, there is no difference from never living. So, if anyone really wants to build an electromagnetic gun, Musk could definitely be one of them.

Tesla wants to produce the AR-15: April Fool's Day Joke? Or did you watch too much of "Evaporation Secret Order"?

Brain-computer interface

So, after reading this report, I was shocked at the beginning, thinking that Musk was going to engage in crazy science fiction products again, and then I deeply understood this report, only to find that this media called "Babylon Bee" is a spoof satire website similar to Onion News, and is good at using fake news to spit on current events.

Tesla wants to produce the AR-15: April Fool's Day Joke? Or did you watch too much of "Evaporation Secret Order"?

Starship SN8 prototype

This is a fake news that uses celebrities to make pranks, of course, the original intention may not be to smear anyone, but to add some seasoning to life and make netizens have fun. Don't be deceived by the exaggerated content in the report, and when watching the report, be sure to confirm the authenticity of the content.

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