
Why do some people menstruate for three days, but some people have seven days? People who have a seven-day period are not easy to grow old, really?

author:Nine factions view the world

Ms. Miao ushered in a special period of "aunt period" today, but she forgot to prepare sanitary napkins around her, suddenly thought of her colleague Xiao Li two days ago menstruation also came to visit, quickly borrowed a sheet from it, want to solve their own urgent needs first, Xiao Li generously gave the remaining sanitary napkins in his office to Ms. Miao, saying that his menstrual period has ended, temporarily can not be used, but also to avoid Ms. Miao during work to buy sanitary napkins.

Ms. Miao is very strange, xiao Li's menstruation ended so quickly? And his own menstrual period is generally about a week, is there a problem with his body, or is there any condition of Xiao Li's body?

How long are normal periods?

Why do some people menstruate for three days, but some people have seven days? People who have a seven-day period are not easy to grow old, really?

For women, menstruation is a long-term companion, in addition to children, the elderly and pregnancy, almost every month menstruation will come to us on time, generally in women around the age of 13 will usher in the "first menstrual period", that is, the first menstrual period, at first menstrual blood volume and menstrual period will not last too long, the menstrual cycle is not too much regularity, but with the maturity of the uterus, menstrual blood volume, menstrual period, menstrual cycle will tend to be stable, within a certain range, many times, The condition of menstruation can also reflect the health of the human uterus.

The time when women's menstrual blood continues to be discharged is also the menstrual period, which normally lasts about 3-7 days, and in this time range, menstruation is basically in a relatively normal state.

Why do some people have three days of menstruation and some people have seven days?

Why do some people menstruate for three days, but some people have seven days? People who have a seven-day period are not easy to grow old, really?

This is mainly related to the difference in women's own physique, due to the different physical conditions of each person, the secretion of estrogen is different, the time of menstruation is naturally different, in general, if the menstrual blood volume is normal, the menstrual cycle is normal, the end of the three days of menstruation and the end of the seven days for the health of the human body, there is no difference, is a normal human phenomenon.

Why do some people menstruate for three days, but some people have seven days? People who have a seven-day period are not easy to grow old, really?

Supplementary knowledge points: menstrual blood volume: generally a menstrual period of total menstrual blood between 20-100ml, yes, the amount of menstrual blood itself also has a relatively large difference, but relatively speaking, menstrual blood volume fluctuations in this range are a normal phenomenon, many people have no specific cognition of this amount, if you compare with drinking water in life, it seems that the total amount is less, worry about whether you have too much menstrual blood, in fact, in general, about 5ml of menstrual blood can be completely soaked into a sanitary napkin, Not as little as you might think.

Menstrual cycle: This cycle is generally about 28 days, and fluctuates between 21-35 days, this fluctuation is not only different for different women's menstrual cycles, the same woman's cycle will also fluctuate, not fixed.

Rumor analysis: People with a seven-day period are less likely to grow old than people with a three-day period, is it true?

This theory suggests that the link between aging and menstruation is mainly related to two factors:

Why do some people menstruate for three days, but some people have seven days? People who have a seven-day period are not easy to grow old, really?

First, the amount of detoxification: people who have a menstrual period of seven days, menstrual blood discharge lasts for a long time, and the menstrual blood discharged will increase correspondingly, which can help the human body to detoxify better and achieve the effect of delaying aging. At first glance, it sounds very reasonable, but this statement is basically completely wrong, regardless of whether the amount of menstrual blood changes due to the prolongation of time, just from the menstrual blood itself, there is no detoxification effect.

Menstrual blood discharged by the human body is not because of the accumulation of toxins in the human body, menstrual blood does not contain toxins in the body, but a mixture of endometrial excisions, vaginal cells, bleeding caused by endometrial shedding, etc. The detoxification of the human body is mainly completed through the liver, kidneys, etc. Menstruation is not one of the ways of detoxification of the human body.

Why do some people menstruate for three days, but some people have seven days? People who have a seven-day period are not easy to grow old, really?

Second, due to the difference in estrogen, it is believed that the stability of estrogen secretion level in people who have a seven-day period is higher than that of people whose menstruation ends in three days, and estrogen is more exuberant and stable, so it is not easy to age.

The analysis of this factor, from the perspective of estrogen, does have a certain impact on women's aging, and the reduction of estrogen in the human body can easily lead to female endocrine disorders, thereby increasing the rate of aging. However, the human body generally secretes estrogen at the end of or after the menstrual period, and if the regularity of the menstrual period is about three days, there is no excessive fluctuation, especially in the direction of shortening the time, the stability of the level of estrogen secretion is also relatively stable, and it will not be a big difference with people who have a seven-day period.

Points to note: The period of seven days is shortened to three days

Why do some people menstruate for three days, but some people have seven days? People who have a seven-day period are not easy to grow old, really?

The regularity of menstruation is emphasized here, if the menstrual period changes from 7 days to 3 days, it may be due to a decrease in estrogen secretion, and it may also lead to endometrial abnormalities, less menstrual blood, and female estrogen will also have an impact on aging.

At the same time, weight loss, anemia, malnutrition and other conditions will also lead to a decrease in the number of menstrual days, the body is in a state of sub-health and even disease, which will naturally accelerate the aging of the human body.

For the three days of menstruation and seven days of menstruation under the normal law, the impact on women themselves is not very large, but if it is due to their own physical condition, the menstrual time is shortened and the amount of menstrual blood is reduced, which is the real culprit that affects health and aging.

【Source: China Medical News】

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