
Margaret Alibert, a strange woman who went from prostitute to princess and then murderer

author:Quill World oddworld

How did a woman who was abandoned by her parents slowly change from a sex worker to a noble princess, but finally become a husband killer? Hello everyone, I am Qile, a blogger who shares all the strange things in the world for you. The woman mentioned above was named Margaret Alibert. We call her Ritter, a beautiful and unique strange woman. Ritter was born in 1890 to a working-class family in France to a taxi driver and a maid mother. Her younger brother was playing in the street when he was four years old and was killed by a van. Unfortunately, Lite's parents actually attributed the cause of her brother's death to Litt. They felt that if Ritter had taken good care of her brother, her brother would not have died. This pair of parents, who were very speechless, sent Ritter to boarding school. At school, Ritter is constantly tormented by the school nuns and constantly blames her brother's death. Make her want to get out of school as soon as possible. At the age of 15, Ritter escaped from school and was lucky enough to find a job as a servant. Unfortunately, when she was 16, she became pregnant unexpectedly. He was kicked out by the owner of the work at the time. When the parents knew she was unexpectedly pregnant and were reluctant to tell the child who his father was, they threw her out of the house. Never saw Ritter again. Rit was so desperate that she eventually gave her daughter to a farmer.

Margaret Alibert, a strange woman who went from prostitute to princess and then murderer

Forced to make a living, Ritter had to work at a nightclub. It was here that she met the man who had changed her life, Mrs. Nate, the owner of the nightclub. Mrs. Nate discovers that in addition to Ritter's sweet singing voice, her appearance and figure are unforgettable. Mrs. Nate thinks ThatRit can make better use of her own favorable conditions to get more. So Mrs. Nate trained Ritter to be a noble, elegant woman who met the standards of high society. She was also introduced to many high-society gentlemen. Everyone who had seen Lite praised her appearance, and Litt quickly circulated among these gentlemen. Become a tool for the entertainment of the upper class.

Margaret Alibert, a strange woman who went from prostitute to princess and then murderer

In 1917, Ritter met Edward, and the 23-year-old Edward met Ritter through friends, and they were attracted to each other's beauty for about a year, during which Edward expressed his love for Ritter in letters every day, and his words were avant-garde and blushing. This is actually what every couple in love does. But Edward never expected that it was these letters that he would regret for the rest of his life.

After ending her love affair with Edward, Ritter soon found other wealthy gentlemen who provided significant funds for her lavish lifestyle. From Mrs. Nate, Ritter learned how to seduce and please the rich, and was rewarded handsomely. She found her first legal husband, Charles Laurent, in 1919. The marriage lasted only six months, but Ritter received a hefty alimony from the divorce. This made Ritter understand that marriage is also a shortcut. So she asked Mrs. Nate to introduce her to someone of more status.

Margaret Alibert, a strange woman who went from prostitute to princess and then murderer

In 1921, egyptian Prince Ali Carmel appeared in front of Ritter, and Mrs. Nate deliberately repackaged Ritter's identity, hiding Lit's past unbearable experiences. Relying on his own beauty, Prince Ali soon fell in love with Ritter, and it didn't take long. Ritter married the Egyptian prince. The main faith in Egypt is Islam, which stipulates that every woman must wear a headscarf and not show her face, nor can it be worn too revealingly. This was a torture for Lite, who loved freedom and had been living in the West. Moreover, Prince Ali asked Litt to sign a prenuptial agreement before marriage, and no property could be separated after divorce. But when the Egyptian government awarded her the title of princess, she resolutely accepted all this injustice. Obviously, such a marriage would not be happy, and after the marriage Prince Ali continued his daily song, while Ritter could only stay in the house. Such a life was clearly not what Ritter wanted.

Margaret Alibert, a strange woman who went from prostitute to princess and then murderer

On July 9, 1923, Prince Ali and their party were invited to London, during which Ritter left Prince Ali alone and went to a party called "The Merry Widow". It was The party that Lite had been dreaming of for a long time, and he had vented all his depression on this long-lost party. The party was until two o'clock in the morning before returning to the hotel. And all that awaited her at the hotel was endless quarrels. But she wasn't afraid, because she had known since childhood that her life was so unbearable. Suddenly, after three gunshots, the scolding stopped abruptly, and the night returned to silence. With the pistol under her pillow, Lit fired three shots in the head at Prince Ali. When she was arrested, she simply sat quietly at the head of the bed, holding a small box in her hands. Inside the box were all previous letters. The letters also became her life-saving amulet.

In such a murder, The unsustainable Ritter would be sentenced to life imprisonment or death. But Ritter was unusually calm from her arrest to interrogation, and did not show too much personal emotion in the media. Because she knew she was in London, the capital of England. There will be someone who will surely keep her safe. This man was her former lover Edward, who was the future King of England. Ritter kept Edward's love letter to her, which, if made public, would have a great impact on the image of the royal family. Moreover, Lite's identity made the royal family want to hide this experience. So at the September 1923 trial, Ritter ruled without any pleadings. Ritter was acquitted of wrongful homicide in self-defense.

It didn't take long for Ritter to return to Paris, returning to her former comfortable life and spending the rest of her life in peace. She died at the age of 80 and still enjoys the title of Princess of Egypt. Her grandson discovered that the reason she was still living a life of luxury in her later years was provided by five different men.

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