
"Mars" Jiang Rongfa: The most fighting and joyful in the family class, and Jackie Chan is like a brother

author:Acquaintance entertainment

In the movie "Plan A", Jackie Chan stood for seven days in order to shoot the scene of jumping the bell tower, and did not dare to jump, and finally the shocking jump made him break his neck, and it was not recovered until two years later, and the inside and outside circles were all impressed by his almost "desperate" professionalism. However, in a show many years later, the elder "Mars" of the family class confessed that the jumping action was actually completed by him...

"Mars" Jiang Rongfa: The most fighting and joyful in the family class, and Jackie Chan is like a brother

01 The origin of the name "Mars"

In Jackie Chan's films, there is often a big-mouthed actor, who is witty and humorous, dares to fight, and has hardly been a protagonist, but can often play the role of "finishing touches". He is Jiang Rongfa, an indispensable important martial artist and golden supporting role in the brilliant period of the Chengjia Class!

In 1954, Jiang Rongfa was born in Shanghai, because he was very naughty when he was a child, his mother sent him to the "Oriental Drama School" to temper, mainly to practice Northern School Kung Fu, and went out with the famous martial arts commander Cheng Xiaodongshi.

In 1962, in the film "Drink with Me" directed by the great director Hu Jinquan, 8-year-old Jiang Rongfa and Jackie Chan debuted as child stars at the same time, and it was also from that time that the fates of the two were closely linked.

Four years later, Shao's preparation for the filming of the martial arts film "The Drunken Man", due to the needs of the plot, a group of children's actors were urgently needed, and the "Seven Little Blessings" that had been locked under Zhan Yuan's door were originally locked in, and the two sides did not negotiate properly, so they founded the "Oriental Drama School" founded by Tang Di, which had the wonderful performances of Jiang Rongfa, Cheng Xiaodong, xu Zhongxin and other children.

In the late 1960s, as drama was no longer popular, Jiang Rongfa, like Jackie Chan, began to perform with the school, and at the age of 12, he officially became a dragon and tiger martial artist, which is actually the so-called "stunt actor".

"Mars" Jiang Rongfa: The most fighting and joyful in the family class, and Jackie Chan is like a brother

When he was a teenager, Jiang Rongfa grew tall and rough, and his mouth was extremely large, so he was jokingly called "Martian Freak" by everyone.

At the age of 17, "Dead Running Dragon Set" Jiang Rongfa finally became a formal actor, when making the end credits, the director asked him what stage name he used, because he could not answer it for a while, the director removed the last two words of his nickname "Martian Weirdo", and the name "Mars" came from this!

02 The road to fame

At the beginning of the 70s, with the joining of Bruce Lee, Jiahe Pictures ushered in a brilliant era, Mars with a hard bridge and hard horse of real kung fu, successively participated in Bruce Lee starring in "Jingwumen", "Dragon Fight", "Game of Death" and other films, but because of his appearance is not brilliant enough, he can only play some roles in the dragon set with few scenes.

In the early 1980s, at the invitation of Jackie Chan, Mars officially joined the Chengjia class, which gradually became known to everyone. The two have had a very good personal relationship since childhood, plus Mars has a strong real kung fu, so he has many performance opportunities, and he is basically in Jackie Chan's early films.

In 1982, in Jackie Chan's self-directed and self-acting comedy kung fu film "Dragon Young Master", Mars even got the opportunity to play the role of "Male Number Two", playing the rich family's son "Ah Qin" in the film, and jackie Chan played the "Dragon Young Master" is small, but the two of them fought because they liked a girl at the same time, but they could soon reconcile. At the end of the film, the two join forces to resist the enemy, and the scene and outside the scene show the deep brotherhood.

The following year, in the police film "Plan A", co-starring Jackie Chan, Hong Jinbao and Yuan Biao, Mars played a marine policeman, who was the right-hand man of the captain "Ma Rulong". In addition to being very skilled, he is also a guy who loves to make mistakes.

"Mars" Jiang Rongfa: The most fighting and joyful in the family class, and Jackie Chan is like a brother

Speaking of the most classic scene in the film, there is nothing more than when Mars was temporarily incorporated into the Army Police, he actually stole the fake grenade used by his boss "Hong Tianci" for training, almost causing a catastrophe.

What is more worth mentioning is that when Jackie Chan beat the scene of jumping the bell tower, due to the height of 15 meters, Jackie Chan hesitated for 7 days and could not summon up enough courage to jump, and then also invited the master brother Hong Jinbao to encourage him on the spot, and as a result, Jackie Chan was seriously injured after jumping.

In the case of Jackie Chan's injury, in order to catch up with the progress, the crew let Mars temporarily save the scene and filmed the scene of jumping the bell tower as a stand-in. Due to the success of the jump, Mars received a prize of HK$5,000. You should know that at that time, 5,000 yuan was close to a year's salary for most dragon set actors.

"Mars" Jiang Rongfa: The most fighting and joyful in the family class, and Jackie Chan is like a brother

In 1985's "Police Story", mars played the "big mouth" is also an unconscious guy, when performing the mission, it was discovered by the "little mute" before it began, if it were not for Jackie Chan's bravery and wit, he would not have been able to catch the villain Zhu Tao.

In the days of playing for Jackie Chan, Mars has always been one of the most daring team members to try various dangerous stunts, and he has always been indisputable from the world, so Jackie Chan attaches great importance to him.

In 1986, after Jackie Chan founded the "Weihe Film Company", in order to make this good brother popular, he tailored a police film called "Twisted Miscellaneous Cards" for him, and invited martial arts star Gao Fei and Liu Jialing to help.

Kung Fu fans must have seen this movie, the plot is complex and disorderly, although every actor has performed remarkablely, the box office results are very dismal, ranking only 24th on the charts of the year.

"Mars" Jiang Rongfa: The most fighting and joyful in the family class, and Jackie Chan is like a brother

Receiving many praises from Jackie Chan but failing to succeed, Mars understands his positioning better, so he is at ease as a supporting role and martial artist, and conscientiously shoots every play to contribute to the glory of the Chengjia class.

In 1988, Mars played a police officer under Jackie Chan in "New Police Story", although the role was not much, but his cooperation with Jackie Chan was seamless.

03 Hit the stars are old, the classics still exist

From the mid-1980s to the early 1990s, in the heyday of the family class, Mars participated in many films such as "Double Dragon Society", "Flying Eagle Project", "Major Crime Unit" and so on, but he was the master of the popularity. From martian body, the sadness of the dragon set and supporting characters can be truly reflected.

In 1992, as kung fu films no longer occupied the mainstream market, after Jackie Chan finished filming "Flying Eagle Project", he announced the dissolution of the Chengjia class, and most of the members of the Chengjia class have since disappeared into Jackie Chan's films.

"Mars" Jiang Rongfa: The most fighting and joyful in the family class, and Jackie Chan is like a brother

Unlike other members, Mars has always been Jackie Chan's favorite actor and brother, as long as there is a scene, he will never forget this old partner who has traveled all the way.

From 2007 to 2016, in the case of a downturn in kung fu films, Mars still participated in many movies such as "Sharpshooter and Zhiduo Star", "Streets of Rage", "Giant Wheel" and so on.

In his late works, Mars left the most impressive impression on the clumsy kidnapper in the comedy action film "Baby Home", his red Moshigan head and fat body, the appearance is quite thunderous, and it is still fresh in people's minds.

Born on Mars, who was born in martial arts, he was also unable to resist the baptism of the years, his body was blessed, his movements were stiff, and it was difficult to complete the difficult actions as before. In interviews in previous years, he still firmly believes that he can fight and fall, and as long as there is a movie to shoot, he will spare no effort.

"Mars" Jiang Rongfa: The most fighting and joyful in the family class, and Jackie Chan is like a brother


Nowadays, such as Jackie Chan, Hong Jinbao, Yuan Biao, Jet Li and other important stars of the past are no longer graceful, martial stars have also been dying of old age, with the advent of the era of special effects, want to see fist to flesh kung fu films have become a luxury, fortunately, open the video player, but also to retrieve the lost youth...

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