
Israel: Why the "small country" that is struggling to survive has gradually become the public enemy of Arab countries

author:Xiaotian talks about history

Recently, Hamas, an anti-Semitic armed group in the Palestinian area, fired a large number of rockets at Israel, and Israel used the "Iron Dome" system to intercept and also counterattacked Hamas, with a total of hundreds of casualties on both sides, causing a large amount of property damage. This has left the Middle East once again unstable, and people have once again set their sights on Israel, the Jewish state surrounded by the Arab world.

This is a troubled people, who lost their homeland two thousand years ago, and the people are scattered and scattered to all corners of the world. But it is also a resilient nation, even as time passes, they have never given up their religion, and the common bond has united the entire nation and continues to this day. This nation lacks the measure of tolerance and acceptance, and when it migrates to various countries, it is not willing to integrate with the local people, which has led to the hostility of the whole world to this people. But this people also had a tenacious spirit, preferring to kill each other rather than accept the rule of the polytheistic Romans. Today, this people is trying to rebuild its homeland in the Middle East with its own blood, which has aroused the envy of the Arab world. This peculiar nation is the Jews, and this reborn nation is Israel.

Israel: Why the "small country" that is struggling to survive has gradually become the public enemy of Arab countries

The Jews are a people with a long history, and they have a splendid culture and history. The Jewish name first appeared on the Egyptian Victory Stone Stele more than 1300 BC, and today the Jews established a state in the Middle East called Israel. It is said that Israel once had a great ancestor whose name was Jacob. Jacob once competed with the gods in martial arts, and also defeated the gods in the competition. In recognition of Jacob's honor, the gods gave him the name: Israel, the Israelites are all descendants of Jacob, and the name of the nation of Israel is derived from this.

Only a nation with a profound foundation will have its own myths and legends, which is also the root of the profoundness of a national culture. The Jews have a national history of at least three thousand years, with colorful myths and legends, as well as a united Judaism. Above all, the Jewish sense of identity with their own nationality allowed the Jews to maintain the unity that is characteristic of a people, even if they lost their homeland and scattered all over the world, and no matter what kind of blow they faced, they would never be torn apart, so the Jewish people were able to continue to this day.

Israel: Why the "small country" that is struggling to survive has gradually become the public enemy of Arab countries

However, the national character of the Jews was extremely flawed. Although Jews have a strong sense of national identity, this makes them have the disadvantage of exclusivity and lack of tolerance. There is an old saying that goes with the flow, and Jews are reluctant to actively try to integrate with the locals wherever they go. The vigilance and exclusion of the Jews towards the locals make the Jews always care more about the small circle of their own race, which often causes hostility among the locals and causes more ethnic contradictions. In addition, the ingenuity of the Jews, which allowed them to often occupy a large number of social resources, such as the famous Rothschild family, which caused jealousy and dissatisfaction among the locals. In addition, the lack of humanity, selfishness and indifference of the Jews towards other races led to the rise of a trend of thought in European society – anti-Semitism.

Contrary to the usual impression, anti-Semitists were refuted by Nietzsche. In Nietzsche's writings, the anti-Semites are called "rotten swamp creatures in the quagmire, scoundrels who make their own clever and talk big." Although the rhetoric is sharp, it shows Nietzsche's hatred of anti-Semitists. Anti-Semitism has a long history, spanning more than two thousand years. It can even be said that from the day Jews left their homes to send people under the fence, anti-Semitism was already taking root. In the classical era of Assyria, Persia and Rome, anti-Semitism was on the rise. In the Middle Ages, the story of "Judas betraying Jesus" made the Jews regarded the Jews as unclean in society and discriminated against in all walks of life.

Israel: Why the "small country" that is struggling to survive has gradually become the public enemy of Arab countries

In the modern period, religious thought has gradually faded from the depths of people's thoughts. The rise of nationalism, especially ultra-nationalism, made life more difficult for Jews, escalating from exclusion and discrimination to violence and even massacres. During World War II, the German Nazis secretly and illegally genocide Jews in concentration camps by gassing, shooting, or various other bloody methods. According to post-war statistics, as many as 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis. The size of the Jewish population is not large, this number is almost the same as the number of Jews in Israel, and this has become a blood feud that Israelis cannot forget.

Under the persecution of anti-Semitism, a tit-for-tat trend of thought also arose among the Jews, that is, Zionism. This doctrine calls on Jews to rebuild their own state and return to Palestine, God's "promised land" to the Jews, so that they do not have to endure persecution as they drift out. After more than two thousand years, it is of course very difficult to return to the land that was lost, and the Knights of Malta today face the same embarrassing situation. For Israelis to return to their former homeland and to establish a state, they need both historical opportunities and external support. Fortunately, the Israelites won both of these things.

Israel: Why the "small country" that is struggling to survive has gradually become the public enemy of Arab countries

The first thing needed is opportunity. Palestine at that time was still part of the Ottoman Turkish Empire. Because the empire was too vast, the Ottoman Empire lacked effective management of Palestine, and was more of a "laissez-faire" attitude. Later, due to the financial strain of the Ottoman Empire, The Land of Palestine was given to other countries in exchange for revenue. At the same time, the Rothschild family is a famous chaebol magnate, and this family is piled up with gold mountains and silver mountains, and the wealth is invincible. So the Zionists came to the Rothschilds for their support, hoping that they would buy Palestinian land for the scattered Jews and help them rebuild their homes. Baron Rothschild, a Jew, generously donated money to buy 200 square miles of land for his fellow Jews and establish dozens of Jewish villages. In addition, the Jews had a special "Luca system", which was designed to receive donations from jewish elites everywhere and to receive and help the vast number of Jewish compatriots. As a result, Jewish businessmen, politicians, and industry elites around the world continued to support the return to their homeland. 26 years of Zionist activity have led to a large Jewish ghetto in Palestine.

Later, the Jews sought the support of the "strong." After World War I, Palestine fell into British and French hands. In 1917, the Zionists persuaded British Foreign Secretary Belfort to sign the Belfort Declaration, establishing a State of Israel in Palestine as a barrier for Britain to protect its interests in the Suez Canal. However, while supporting the establishment of the Jewish state, Britain also supported the Establishment of the Palestinian State in the region, which in turn hindered the Jews, which left the hidden danger of national contradictions. After World War II, the "Empire that Never Sets" gradually declined, and the United Nations took over the Palestinian areas and imposed a partition resolution on Palestine. But the reluctance of both Jews and Arabs to make concessions deepened Israel's hatred with Arab countries. Subsequently, the Israelis found a second big backer, that is, the "world policeman" united states.

Israel: Why the "small country" that is struggling to survive has gradually become the public enemy of Arab countries

In fact, after the establishment of the State of Israel, contradictions between Israel and neighboring Arab countries occurred frequently. As a result of religious and ethnic conflicts on both sides, anti-Semitic ideologies gradually extended to the Arab world, and this disagreement gradually evolved into a military conflict. Against the backdrop of successive wars in the Middle East, which has destabilized the region, Israel desperately needs a strong backer to help it secure a niche in the midst of Arab encirclement. At the same time, the United States also needs a support point to contain Muslim countries and maintain its oil and traffic safety in the Middle East. As a result, Israel and the United States, driven by their respective interests, became closer and closer, eventually forming a close alliance.

In many middle-east wars, Israel has closely focused on the United States; the Soviet Union and Arab countries have supported Neighboring Countries such as Egypt and Jordan. Palestine seems to have become a great power game zone and a gladiatorial arena between different religions. Five wars in the Middle East have almost reduced Palestinian areas to scorched earth, leaving countless Muslim refugees fleeing their homes to escape war elsewhere, and Israel has imposed on innocent Arabs in Palestine the injustices it has suffered. In addition, because Israel firmly sided with the United States, it has made Russia, Iran and other neighboring powers have been pushed to their own opposites. In the Middle East, Israel can be described as a single shadow, and can only further rely on the United States.

Israel: Why the "small country" that is struggling to survive has gradually become the public enemy of Arab countries

Because the Jews had undergone several massacres and the population was not large, the garrison problem was stretched to manage the vast areas under control. As a result, Israel has resorted to iron-fisted control of its own turf, some of which are inhumane. First, Israel besieged and fed the Arab regions by expelling Arabs and building Jewish settlements. Even more brutal is the fact that the Israeli army once supported ultra-nationalist groups such as the Rapuncher Party in the bloody massacre of refugee camps where Arabs gathered. Although not by one's own hands, this cruel practice was not inferior to the atrocities committed by the Nazis. When the Red Cross arrived at the camp, it was already teeming with corpses. In addition, Israel has instructed right-wingers to loot Arab hospitals, rape and kill nurses, and slaughter hospital patients and doctors, and Israel has gradually transformed from victims to perpetrators. And these outrageous behaviors have also made Israel blamed by the whole world.

The King of Saudi Arabia once said that the Arabs sympathized with the Jews, but this did not mean that the Jews should establish a state on Arab soil. It is not the Arabs who persecute the Jews in history. If the Jews needed land, it should be distributed on German soil where Jews had been slaughtered, not innocent Palestinians. Although this statement is too ideal, it is a pertinent view. Whatever past the Jews have endured and what injustices they have suffered, innocents should not be allowed to pay. Israel used to be the "public enemy of the world", which can be said to be unjust; now it is hostile to the countries of the world, which can be said to be the result of self-inflicted blame. If hatred is not restrained, Israel's future is doomed to be in exchange for guns and power.